Hangover cure myths

Give your body a vitamin boost it so desperately needs with a glass of tomato juice - and add a couple of raw eggs for that protein punch. Spice things up with a dash of Worcestershire sauce and a pinch of black pepper. It will get you feeling tip-top - if you can hold it down long enough.

Your cure?

Coffee, tramadol, and a fat burrito.


3-4 tall glasses of cool water, 1 cup of black coffee, 1 ibuprofen tablet, and a plate of hashbrowns.


Why not back up a little and just drink beer and don't go near wine?

throw in a multi-vitamin, some eggs or choline tablets/powder (often sold as soy lecithin) if you haven't got eggs, and some piracetam.

Lots of water, a cup of tea with milk and sugar, a big shit, a shower, and a bacon roll.

Goodbye liver! ¡Adiós hígado!

I like something spicy, like gumbo or andouile sausage and eggs. Also biscuits and gravy are a good cure. Have that with black coffee and a multi vitamin and I'm good.

Prevention is the best medicine. If I know I'll be drinking a lot of whiskey, I drink a glass of water for each one

keep drunkalchol andyou never hangover

Stop recommending people eat poisonous synthetic chemicals that are misleadingly labelled as 'vitamins' on this board, thanks.
You are literally requesting that they ingest biocumulative liver toxins.
Read up, you'll get what I'm saying one day.

Man does not need man made synthetic chemicals to live and I'm not sure how the FDA sold that idea to you when supplements have existed for 50 years/all of human history.

Take care of yourself and think about what you're trying to sell here.

I just mix my whiskey with 3/4 water.

>synthetic ascorbic acid is significantly different from 'natural' ascorbic acid.

I don't take multivitamins because I have a varied and healthy diet. And I am sure most people who don't endlessly eat shit do as well.

But you really need to take your Jane T. Granola pseudo-science somewhere else.

When you're hungover there isn't much, if any, alcohol left in you.

Vitamin c 1000mg
2 aspirin
Big glass of water and then go back to sleep for an hour
You can skip the extra hour of sleep of you do this the night before you go to bed but your drunk so probly not likely

Your anti-science nonsense is literally destroying western civilization

'hangover' is mostly dehydration, unless exacerbated by contaminants like red wine lees

so the obvious solution is to hydrate plenty while drinking and never get dehydrated in the first place

I drink a glass of water for every serving of alcohol and another glass before bed, have never been hungover once

Frequent trips to the toilet though

>get off my mcchicken board, damnit!

this but when it don't work, Bacon egg and cheese on a bagel.

Go be a vegan hypochondriac somewhere else

Hydration + high does of anti-inflmmatory (not Tylenol or aspirin, ibuprofren/advil only)

1-2 quarts of water and 800 mg iburprofen before bed with 600 mg when you wake up in middle of night after 5 hours of sleep or when you first wake up

I'm such an alky that I don't get hangovers anymore.
It used to be pickle juice though

almost forgot the most important part.


Humans survived without vaccines for a long period of humanity too. Id still rather take my vaccine, thank you.

I second this recommendation of choline and piracetam

I always love these types of threads and conversation elsewhere on the internet in real life

>I drank copious amounts of literal poison
>"oh no, I can't put in this tiny medication or vitamin in my body; it might hurt me"

How can a human require a synthetic mockery of a naturally occurring vitamin when the man made version is chemically different, with different effects and different side effects?

I think someone has fooled you guys somewhere along the line.

Are you the type of people to claim energy drinks are bad for you and then turn around and eat a piece of toast that contains the EXACT SAME chemicals?
You do realize you sound asinine denying the literal fact that 4/5 of the mandatory additives are labelled as hazardous to humans by the NFPA.

I'm not injecting opinion into this. They are literally rated 1 for hazards to humans by a chemical hazard rating agency and you are eating them in thousands of percents of the DRV.
You can hate me all you want, but this isn't my work or my assumption. This should be common knowledge and it's clearly labelled on every site that sells these chemicals that they are hazardous to humans.

I am not in on this.
You are just a massive retard that can't take information from the chemical manufacturer instead of wikipedia, which is forced to tell you that the synths are good for you and that you have to eat them or you die.

How the fuck do celiacs even survive when they eat exactly zero wheat or (US tainted) rice?
Stay stupid Veeky Forums. The word "vitamin" was invented because they didn't want to scare you by putting terms like "chemicals and additives" on your food packaging. It's literally marketing and your dumb asses fell head over heels for it.

My master's is in Medical Physics and I've worked as a medical biochemist as well as biophysicist apart from Medical Physicist......You are technically very correct in what you say quite a bit, but also missing some important information in your research..

I'd suggest to read up quite a bit more. I'll leave you with this though; people who live a healthy livestyle have almost zero need or benefit from vitamin/mineral supplements....it is quite different though when you are looking at someone who lives a very extremely healthy lifestyle (e.g. someone who drinks enough to get a hang over)

Proven hangover treatment (not cure):

> Gatorade
> plain saltine crackers

You're welcome.


withdrawal is just lack of hydration and semi-withdrawal from the alcohol.

mixing in something like emergen-c with cut down vodka and slowly eating a greasy ass breakfast will cure it

This usually gets the job done for me

Well one point I can throw in is that alcohol makes a few of these additives, especially the biocumulative one, far more toxic than it normally is so even drinking a beer and eating a slice of bread can be VERY bad for you.

I'm glad you see my opinions aren't involved here, and I do understand that drug and alcohol users can have greater need for some of these things, but supplements are never the answer.
Slowing down on drinking and eating more vegetables is a much better option.

If I'm missing something major here let me know, I have been on this topic for three years day after day after day. I got so sick of niacin flushing and hypertension that I linked it to eating wheat and went from there.
Now I'm half insane over it because I know supplementation will never stop and it will likely be my own cause of death because poverty forces ALL of us to eat these things.

Pre-emptive tl;dr: you're full of shit

>synthetic chemicals
Vitamins all have in common that they're naturally occurring.
Are you the kind of person who thinks lab-synthesized are somehow different from their naturally occurring counterparts?

>NFPA 704 rating of 1 for hazards to humans
You're saying that as if this is somehow supposed to make us coil back in abject horror of what poisons we're involuntarily ingesting.
Had you bothered to read what such a rating translates into, you'd realize that riboflavin is only a mild irritant - acetone is similarly rated.
Consider then that even 3000% of DRV would still be ingesting less than 30 mg per day - unlikely to cause any immediate reaction.

>Notable biocumulative liver toxin
Going by Wikipedia, there is no evidence of Riboflavin toxicity.
Agedefiance (which seems to be what your picture is from) doesn't make any mention of toxicity either.

tomatoes always work for me, I dunno what the reason is but they do

>Now I'm half insane over it

Just drink water before passing out. Wa la, no hangover

Ibuprofen is readily absorbed and poses very little threat to the liver.

Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is what you need to avoid after drinking.


Chemicals killed my dad

good ol fashioned prarie oyster
raw egg in a shot glass and a dash of tabasco

I didn't read your post because every one of them is specifically stated as being a lab produced chemical that is not naturally sourced.

Niacin is naturally sourced because it's easy to get from every plant. That is it.

Go to the chemical manufacturer's website where you can buy the stuff.
They tell the truth.

The government knew you would be curious and this stuff is extremely hard to find info on.
Search terms should always include "NFPA 704."
I told you WAY earlier that Wikipedia does not tell the truth, and every man alive knows that already anyways.

I'm not trying to suck you into a shit flinging fest, this is reality and none of it is opinionated, you can find everything I tell you online with dedication.

>how to become an alcoholic

And also you missed the giant INDUSTRIAL SYNTHESIS section on that wikipedia page obviously, so you weren't really looking into anything, you were just looking to prove someone wrong.
Pic related.

Drink one Liter of water BEFORE going to sleep. If you manage to fuck that up, take Magnesium the next day.
Or a more radical motion: Stop drinking so fucking much.

And I'm capped out this subject is impossible to teach, watch what you're eating and note that I'm trying to help not harm. Later guys.

Why does everybody have a cure for hangover? Just don't get it in the first place. In all my years of drinking I've never gotten one because I drink water while I drink. Sure you piss like a hydrant, but it's worth it.

While I agree, think about it; they've stripped all our food of the vitamins we need, so part of me is a little on board with 'vitamins' if for that only fact.

Licour stores and pharmacies sell this "Anti-Hangover" Shots which basically are a bunch of vitamins, every person I know that has used them say they work beautifully either to prevent the hangover or to cure it. I personally don't use them because I don't know enough about them, I am that kind of guy who's scared of medicines. What I do is drink mineral club soda (topochico or perrier will do) with a sports drink, that will keep you hydrated and will replenish your electrolytes (if you just drink a lot of water you might not get enough of them and that can result in a hang over). Electrolyte Drinks work as well, this methods work both to prevent it and to cure it. Later on you can get the tomato juice or the greasy breakfast but if you're like me and you have a sensitive stomach then start with fruit or a veggie soup with saltine crackers and then get something greasy when you get hungry again.

Jerking off right after waking up, a bottle of Gatorade, and orange chicken. Then jerking off again.

One package KETO//OS® Max of course!

KETO//OS® (Ketone Operating System) is a revolutionary drink mix based on a proprietary ketone energy technology. It delivers advanced macro nutritionals and promotes optimized cellular regeneration, energy and longevity.

Order yours today!

>Go to the chemical manufacturer's website where you can buy the stuff
Going by the MSDS for Sigma-Aldrich's Riboflavin (product PHR1054 to be exact), toxicological information mentions LD50 (oral, rat 10.00 mg/kg)
Otherwise includes no information that would make the substance appear to be significantly toxic.

Hint: no data available means no evidence of toxicity has been found, either because there's been done no research or the research has found none.
Given that this is a well-researched compound, I'm more inclined to believe the latter; that the compound is known to be fairly non-toxic.

>specifically stated as being a lab produced chemical that is not naturally sourced
Please, educate me on how a lab produced chemical differs from its naturally sourced counterpart - this seems to be something you're trying to make into an important point.
In case you need an example, stick with Riboflavin, since that's what's already been discussed.

>you can find everything I tell you online with dedication
In layman's terms:
>I'm full of shit

I heard of one cure called a 'Prairie Oyster". You mix it in an Old Fashioned glass.

>One raw egg
>Dash of Tabasco sauce
>Dash of Worcestershire sauce
>Dash of vodka
>Sprinkle of salt
>Sprinkle of black pepper

Pinch your nose and swallow in one gulp.

>muh all natural
Do you know why we evolved large brains user? To outsmart nature. In a few decades we will unlock the key to biological immortality. So maybe it makes sense if a guy who sits at a cubicle all day takes some vitamin D to supplement based on his lifestyle. His ancestors were working the fields and hunting for the last million years

why does my lower abdomen feel sore and tender after drinking? No symptoms like headache or nausea, but even after light drinking, I'll wake up in the morning and feel like I've done a bunch of crunches, but without the benefit

That's a lot of ibuprofen you pussy. Just drink the water, a Gatorade and eat a banana. Maybe 200mg ibuprofen if it still bugs you after 2 hours in the morning

This with a hearty breakfast and a shower usually gets the job done for me too.

who else can't eat anything when hungover? At least for the next 4-6 hours, nothing but water and gatorade, dry heaving cause there's nothing to come up, and then around lunch time, chug a container of pho broth and be on my merry way

prairie oyster

Pickle brine for me. Gets rid of the scratchy hot pipes throat feel in the morning, is loaded with salt to help with re-hydration - should mention im a beer drinker so I am constantly pissing while drinking - and the brine also helps speed up the cleansing morning shit that always seems to help.

Then is is basically just water and a meal.

That's a lot of ibuprofen. I cut my 800mgs in half and have one in the morning IF I have a hangover, and only once a year or so do I need the whole pill.


nigger, weed is everywhere just take a few hits before you go out and you won't need to drink to excess.

>That's a lot of ibuprofen you pussy.

I am a pussy. I've been shot twice, stabbed once and "blown" up once and will take all the pain from those from a a really bad headache.....i don't give af uck


Drinking water before I fall asleep.

As much water as my body will allow me to drink, a multi-vitamin, a cup of black coffee, some sort of greasy food and some weed.

Drop the weed if I have to go to work right after, but I normally don't drink that heavy on work nights.

Are you in a gang

Water, greasy food and coffee, more water... piss and shit everything out. Ice cold beer in a cool shower, more water, a bit more food, maybe a red eye and an ibuprofen if I'm still feeling gross.

Water, Big Cheese burger, Masturbation, Sleep

i pound quintuple diluted orange gatorade

like a teaspoon of powder to a pint of water

Smoke a joint to get rid of my headache

Drink water to re-hydrate

Sleep to get avoid hangover symptoms

Watered down gatorade is so good. I'm glad they sell it how it is though, I get more out of it.

>Are you in a gang

No, me and by two brothers just love to talk shit light at night at bars to people acting like billy bad asses

>how to fuck up your liver in less than 6 months

I used to date a stripper, and she left a bottle of XR Adderall under my bed. I hate how jittery it makes me, but when I'm zombie mode hungover, I crack one open and pop half the pellets.

>how to fuck up your liver in less than 6 months

not knowing the difference between ibuprofen and acetaminophen

What is it like being a complete fucking retard?

Hey man, nice shitpost. I really appreciate the time and effort that went into this. (+1)

I just drink coffee and try to get on with my day. In college, there was a campus owned store that sold burritos, and occasionally o get one of those and immediately shit everything out.

When I'm drinking heavily I usually go for flat sprite. I use to do Gatorade but flat sprite seems to be more effective for the dehydration bit.

I also highly recommend having a meal before sleeping because it can be hard to put down when you wake up.

Basically I drink a bottle of sprite and have a fatty meal before bed and most aspects of the hangover are gone, besides alcohol ruining my sleep quality. This is after 15 +- 5 drinks over 5 to 10 hours.

>taking a stimulant during a hangover

my hangovers involve overwhelming panic and anxiety/thoughts of being dead in a coffin...last thing I want is a fucking adderall, that would give me a heart attack.

Its all about klonopin/lorazepam and top shelf medical weed(indica), xanax doesn't seem to kick in quick enough, lorazepam kicks in instantly, like 4- 5 minutes sublingually.

Any specific tips for hangover from alcohol and cocaine? I'm getting terrible hangovers from it.

Water and a lot of sleep. If you can cure your hangover with food then it's not a hangover.

have a bloody mary instead, hair of the dog.

Are you the same nigger from the sponge thread talking about how you should never use soap to wash your body and saying that perfumes are designed to destroy your kidneys? You sound an awful lot like that retard.

Stop mixing alcohol and cocaine. You're destroying yourself. Cocaethylene is toxic shit and far worse than alcohol or cocaine alone despite what retards on 420chan babble about.

Holistic kooks literally advocate for being unwashed communists so that's all I imagine them as. Like Richard Stallman only smellier.

>holistic kooks

Heres the quote from what I'm assuming is the same guy

>One piece of life advice I can give you is that dryer sheets and perfumed detergents are designed to damage and shut down your kidneys. I know this only because when you stop using them, you no longer wake up 3-4 times a night with your sides on fire having to piss. I get up one time from sleep a week now to piss versus my old LA's totally awesome detergent 20 trips a week.
It sounds outlandish but try sleeping on water/baking soda washed sheets for a couple nights and enjoy your newfound bliss.

i'm gonna try baking soda washing my sheets next laundry day

I just turned 21, so I went out and got some alcohol for the first time (I never had any friends to buy me drinks). I got a big thing of vodka since it looked like decent bang for buck. It didn't taste good, but it was drinkable with some grapefruit juice. Anyway, I was worried I'd get a hangover the next day, but I ended up waking up and feeling better than I had in ages. Most days my head's kinda in a fog all day but everything was so clear and vivid. What is the hangover I hear about? Is it something that only affects alcoholics? Thank you for reading my blog post.

get some friends and go out for some drinks.

10mg diazepam. Not a myth

Wendy's chili.

I've had a hippie my sister used to date tell me that eating celery every day is a good replacement for deodorant.

The only cure for hangovers is more booze

I interrupt my morning sleep to drink at least a half litre of water over 5 minutes every hour. usually i am okay by noon

what should i order at the bar if i want to slow down my drinking?


>LD50 10mg/kg
Are you naive? A fully grown extremely well fed male rat weighs 1kg.

Bananas, apples and whatever fruit you have.(sugars and fiber)
Then go and take a nice hot shower and in the last minute, switch the water to coldest you can. (Helps with headache a lot)
And drink lots of warm water with lemon juice.(Decreasing stomach acidity)
This is what I do every time and I am OK in less than hour...

I have allergies.
I use soap. I use deodorant. I use dish soap. I use dishwasher soap. I bathe daily. I am always wearing clean clothing. I eat every single thing I talk about every single day.

You are cherry picking so hard it's getting boring.
Faggot I eat kraft macaroni, ramen and frozen pizzas and use gillette deodorant, what the fuck are you trying to mistaking me for? A hippy?

People are fucking terrible about swallowing and smearing every chemical they find on themselves and then defending the companies that made them. I knew I would find McDonald's shills here, but fucking proctor and gamble?

Go buy a mouse for 3-4 bucks and give him a bath with your laundry detergent and he will literally die. I am not joking, try it. And that's the creature that they use to make sure that shit won't kill you.

Rollmops, motherfuckers. Best hangover cure there is. A couple of these babies, a tall glass of water and a short walk through the cold morning air are all you ever need to battle a hangover.

Ive never been hungover. Either I am a god or drinking almost a fifth and following it with a few beers works wonders for preventing one.