Would learning the French, German or Spanish language be a better investment Veeky Forumswise?

Would learning the French, German or Spanish language be a better investment Veeky Forumswise?

Prominent german lit is mostly philosophy, so translations should be good enough.
French is worthless

This, pretty much. Even if German has some literature (The Man Without Qualities, Zetels Taum, Magic Mountain, etc)

German and French by an unfathomably enormous margin over Spanish

Jesus Christ people are saying Spanish? "German has some literature?" "German lit is mostly philosophy?" Why are you giving advice on a topic when you know fucking nothing about it?

Spanish gives you Spain + most of Latin America literature

Spanish or french
they way people speak it sounds so sweet

French worthless? Are you for real? There is some great spanish work but god the greatest authors are english or french speaking.
In Search of Lost Time being the greatest novel ever written, it's a shame to lose some of its subtleties in translation... Otherwise the 19th century writers are major (Flaubert, Zola, Maupassant, Hugo) and some earlier novels are revolutionnary too : Rabelais basicaly invented novels with Pantagruel, Diderot shaked story telling with Jacques le fataliste and other of his works, Mme de la Fayette reinvented character description in La Princesse de Clèves... I can go other the details if you ask me but there are just so many french authors than are extremely important literary wise.
If you like theater, the classics Molière, Racine, Corneille and Edmond Rostant, and the modern Eunesco and Jarry can't be missed too
I'll add Dumas, Laclos, Céline, and Giono novelists that are major too

>In Search of Lost Time
that 'novel' is awful and only like 16 people have actually finished it

Spanish is going to be increasingly important in the U.S.
Lots of good literature to draw from already and I suspect there will be a good deal more in the future.

I'm British

Then i think you´d be better off learning french.
Or german.
Unless you want a spanish gf.
Idk i'm not european

French for a Brit, then German, then Italian, then Latin, then Ancient Greek, then Spanish. If you have commitment, move onto Sanskrit and Classical Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic.

Well of course you shouldn't read it for the adventures or twists or you will be strongly disappointed. Proust can digress for 10 pages, spend 20 pages on the way his mother climbs the stairs, or write sentences more than one page long.

Although it is subtle as fuck, the analogies are all so true well found, and it is at the edge of philosophy for it is basically an essay on the human condition.

>Proust can digress for 10 pages, spend 20 pages on the way his mother climbs the stairs, or write sentences more than one page
this is not good writing

well as I said Proust is close to philosophy, and god knows reading philosophy is exhausting and surely less funny than novel but than doesn't make it "not good writing" as you so smartly put using the arguments I had just made



Because girls.

Hispanic Literature have more diversity of good authors. Latin-american literature is very interesting.

If you haven't fallen for the dark enlightenment meme, French is the best of those.

french literature is for pseudo-intellectuals, ignore it

It depends on where you live but probably Spanish. No one cares about French and all Nazis already speak English.

French for literature, German for philsophy, Spanish so you can talk to the help.

>all the spics in this thread shilling their frycook language

Shouldn't you be busy getting the wall built

German is worth it for Weimar classicism alone