Can you solve this?




7 is the solution. Top number is always the largest number that is (strictly?) smaller than the bottom left one and divides the bottom right one.

Or, you could argue it's 8 and the bottom left and right numbers are irrelevant. All that matters is that the top numbers increase by increments of 2.

I'm pretty sure the triangles are meant to be independent.

>increments of 2

Also there would be multiple ways of solving if bottom left and right were irrelevant:


I don't see how you get 8.


Another nice solution!

solved in less than 15 seconds

It actually works for all of the triangles. Is it a real anserw?

There's also a polynome of degree 6 that works for them all. There is no "real" answer. There is only an answer by which it was designed, but as long as no new data pops up, you can match all sorts of rules onto it.

define real
as far as I can tell 5 is the solution and uses all the data

it's designed to be solved quick and in your mind

>Dark matter.jpg

Its 8

The top one increases by the divided product of the top and right factors. The left increases by the absolute value difference between the left and right values. The right number's change is irrelevant. The answer is 8.

Never mind, I'm wrong

Ok get this. Its 12.

Divide the right value by the top value and you will get that the top value goes into the right value either 1 or 2 times evenly. If it goes in evenly once, then the left number does not change and it rotates to the top position. If it goes in evenly twice, then you add one to the left value and proceed to move it to the top position.

Since 12/6=2, you add one to 11 and get 12.

It's 7, get good

meh, wp

Why are you tards posting your wrong solutions when the correct one has already been posted

it's obviously 617

>the correct answer

Easy. Clearly the function is


where x is the lower left corner, y is the lower right corner and z is the top corner.

The answer is 6.076923076923078

alway happens.