Boneless chicken for dinner tonight. How can I make it interesting? I have no idea what to do with it

Boneless chicken for dinner tonight. How can I make it interesting? I have no idea what to do with it.

Try making chicken fajitas.

no tortillas.

Go to this magical place where they give you groceries in exchange for money.
Can't remember the name though.

Listen man I don't want to use tortillas

It's uses thighs traditionally, but you can make some flip chicken adobo easily.

I don't have Adobo and have never had it, is it good? I think the bodega across the street has it.

So? While tortillas are a common side you can eat it with a knife and fork.


boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


I hadn't even considered that, curry could be good.
I can poach the chicken.
Are there any curry recipes you'd recommend?

Poach them with rosemary and lemon slices. Then serve that over a bed of wheat Cheerios. Topped with a mixture of powdered sugar and corn starch

You're thinking of Goya adobo which is a seasoning. Also pretty good though for chicken. This is a Filipino recipe, where you braise chicken in soy sauce and rice vinegar with some onions


Fajitas is just the meat prepared a certain way.

You could put fajitas in a tortilla if you want to, but you don't have to. You could put fajitas in a bun, a folded piece of bread, or you could eat it with a knife and fork.

In other words, you can still make fajitas even if you lack tortillas.

In case you were stupid and though that faijtas required a tortilla that is incorrect. Fajita meat inside a tortilla is called a "taco al carbon".

>I can poach the chicken.
Why would you poach chicken for curry? You cook the chicken in the curry, silly.

Thai basil stirfry.

oh shit that sounds pretty good
it's called "Flip Chicken Adobo"? I need to try that.

I am stupid, still pretty new to cooking.
>Why would you poach chicken for curry? You cook the chicken in the curry, silly.
I don't understand what you're saying.

What do you have that can go with it?

No point in making recommendations for things you don't have.

Nah flip is just slang for Filipino, lol. Searching up chicken adobo will yield plenty of results

I got week old Kraft macaroni and cheese in the fridge.

You should probably have mac and cheese tonight and wait until you get something to go with the chicken.

If you had bacon, you could have had cheese stuffed chicken breast.

I want to try making the Chicken Adobo, but I'm an idiot when it comes to braising.

>If you had bacon, you could have had cheese stuffed chicken breast.
Can I do that without bacon? I'm not really a fan.

The bacon is just used to stop the cheese from melting everywhere when you cook it. If you can think of a substitute then you can use that.

thank you.

Sous Vide chicken breast will change your attitude towards the worst cut of the chicken. It's glorious.

smash the fuck out of it, bread it and fry it
bun pickles and mayo optional

Lately, I've just been using pre-mixed spice blends from the Indian grocery store. They're typically pretty good despite that I don't always follow the instructions 100%.

Sounds like that isn't an option for you, though. I'd just get whatever pre-mixed seasoning blend that looks appealing to you, then do more research next time you're going to cook it.

I made the Chicken Adobo, thanks everybody.

If you're feeling experimental you could fry it up and put a honey glaze of your preference on it and see how that sits on some steamed rice. Soy sauce optional.