
Several of you have been debating whether or not we are simulated.

Following Nick Bostrom's trilemma we have:
[A]t least one of the following propositions is true: (1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage; (2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof); (3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation.

Weatherson then refutes Bostrom saying dumb shit like ∀Φ: Cr(Φ | f Φ = x) = x or Cr(Sim | f
Sim = x) = x is false.

Bostrom then wrecks him in his reply and says that Weatherson's argument misinterpreted his, and was largely illogical.

When will you guys accept that we're a simulation?

how do i log out?


These papers probably went over your guys' heads. Too many symbols and logic for Veeky Forums

This is so cute.

Back when feudal monarchies were all the rage, people conceived nature in terms of hierarchies, with the lion being the king of the animals, the oak being the king of the trees, and so forth. Now that we live in the era of computers, some people fantasize about the universe being a big computer. There really is nothing new under the sun.

Your red herrings and strawman fallacies have no power here. And neither did Weatherson's.

Not only did you argue something that was never mentioned, you never rebutted a single claim made in any paper.

meant for

I'm appealing to your common sense. Philosophers of the past who attempted to use simple inductive reasoning to make strong metaphysical claims about the nature of reality have almost always looked foolish in retrospect. Empiricism is the only reliable tool for discerning the properties of existence, because the alternative is to entertain innumerable plausible-sounding theories from induction.

While you are correct that seeking conclusive evidence is extraordinarily difficult, I disagree that we should ignore abstract or philosophical queries--particularly when concrete evidence is virtually impossible.

Besides, the first step to concrete evidence is abstract thought.

Reality is a simulation being played out within the mind of God

Then it's not reality, and God has a fucked up, immensely complicated, and very long dream.

with a little kys

It's real to us, does anything else matter?


Also, assuming God's mind is like our own, the characters aren't actually individually conscious, but are all guided by a single conscious that has its pre-frontal lobe shut down.
Many people may fit that description, yet not all do.

>∀Φ: Cr(Φ | f Φ = x) = x or Cr(Sim | f Sim = x) = x

Could someone explain what this means? Thank you.

It's logic.
Google mathematical symbols, and read the papers to know what the variables mean

I don't go on Veeky Forums ever. I'm dumb as shit. But I work with computers a lot and the simulation hypothesis grabbed me when equating certain things observable in quantum mechanics and nature with computer processes.

Whilst I think "we are literally a hologram" like David Icke says is not correct, I think some aspect, probably a major aspect, of our reality is indeed simulated in some way. The argument about past cultures believing the world is whatever was popular at the time? Well, hierarchies are a simulation, too. Everything humans do is a form of simulation. Art simulates, music simulates, construction simulates. If you know anything about fractals you know that more often than not, in a mathematical system, shit is the same shape all the way down.

inb4 massive btfo by superhuman brainlords

no one is saying it's a big computer. it happens that the computer is something we can visualize to give us an analogy.

>zeno effect
>delayed choice double eraser
>fine tuned constants
>gober's holographic model
>distinction between mental and physical
>values (meaning) vs facts
>causality vs acausality

the lion is clearly the king of the animals though look at him

What's the significance of those?
The lion is in a sense king, it's only predators are humans.

a bear would reck a lion. all other big cats probably would as well.

>all other big cats
>big cats
wew lad
