So, what's the explanation?

So, what's the explanation?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not many people live in Greenland

Probably a number of factors, some of them may be genetic, others socioeconomic. We don't really know, and this is not helped by how taboo this research is considered in psychology.

If that's accurate it's worse than I thought.

What is this graph trying to convey? Temperature F°?

Stormweenies are completely retarded

Explanation of what? I'm a brainlet, forgive me for not being able to decypher this. At first I thought temperature, but obviously not.

Is it about racemixing?

Tfw brainlet compared to nork

IQ by country.

Oh no wonder considering they didn't bother labeling anything.

temperature is above 100 in northern europe and NA, and below 65 in africa. Definitely temperature.

>People in poor countries with low access to education have a tendency towards lower IQs

Is IQ influenced by epigenetics?
Also, afaik, IQ isn't only related to genetic brain-capacity, but also to the education of the tested people. I've heard the avg IQ of a modern population rises slowly, so the tests (or their examination?) are tweaked from time to time to keep them averaging around 100.

>nobody in Greenland bothered to take the test

Island of lazy but smart obviously.

>Italy highest in Europe

As an Italian I don't find the image reliable.

Shouldn't niggers have a pretty high average iq?
They live in very hostile environments and they need wits to survive.

all the non-retarded ones realize the intelligent course of action is to get the hell out of africa

>taboo research
It's like we're still living in the middle ages!
Another taboo is pic related

>fake science
>on top of fake science
L M F A O desu senpai


mostly white with a pinch of cherokee, and my iq is 168 sb5, and 127/129 cat asvab, far over the curve for an american, surviving i can say

How developed/prosperous a country is, quite obviously. Japs, taiwan, korea and singapore are the highest for this reason. Chinese IQ is taken from Shanghai samples I think, they cheated, so they reflect the most developed of their cities as well, like the other Asian Tigers. Western Europe is understandably high as well, eastern Europe and the balkans lag behind because they were Ottoman slaves or Soviet satellites for a good part of their history, although I'm willing to bet that the USSR's IQ was higher due to the socialist science-heavy education. Africa is a shithole so its IQ is far behind, same for the Middle East due to the Christian/Islam divide. Islamic societies didn't evolve scientifically, culturally and economically along with the West, so now they're left behind significantly.

>extraversion positively related to IQ
How so? Most geniuses are über autists.


North korea?

We all know it's purely genetic. Obviously being born on a privileged background means that you are naturally smarter than everyone else.

Are there any charts of IQ by race? Not by country?

IQ tests are essentially logic puzzles. Logic is a trainable quality and bushmen in Africa have no need to learn it, while children in the US learn "logic" early due to exposure to numbers in early childhood, toys that are often puzzle like and reading and writing.

IQ tests are a joke and are not nearly as predictive as people think. It wasn't until the 70s, with th implementation of standardized testing meant to examine innate talent that people started pushing iQ tests, but recent meta-analysis of those tests have shown their predictive nature is much murkier.

I wish /pol/ would go.

You don't need an education to take an IQ test. Raven's Matrices requires no formal education/language/etc requirements. Nice try brainlet.

Italians invented tons of shit we use all the time.

Ah yes, I remember when we calculated giftedness in my quantum psychology class

Genetics, intellectual environment while growing up and nutrition

>IQ bad
>everyone on Veeky Forums is /pol/ because I say so
All future posts ignored. Have fun with your small IQ brainlet ;)

It must be a combination of two factors:

1. Genetics. Some phenotypes are more disposed to having lower or higher IQ than others.

2. Socio-economic factors. Everyday life in different regions requires differnt intensity in use of abstract reasoning, and in some places education/work ethic is valued more/more accessible than in others.

>but recent meta-analysis of those tests have shown their predictive nature is much murkier.

This is absolutely false unless you cherry-pick data.

IQ tests measure g-factor with very high precision, and g-factor is a very heritable trait. All of this is supported by most unbiased/un-politicized research.

What is g-factor ?
It means all intelligences are connected. So the "it's ok you're not good at math, people have different intelligences" is a lot less true than it's been said.

being fat has the same concordance rate as iq
heritable isn't the same as genetic
being a doctor is heritable

what's the iq of a psychologist that makes IQ tests you reckon. they're probably very good at converting arithmetic to symbols to make a simple task and then mashing a few simple tasks together to make a complicated pattern
they don't require an education, but an education helps, just look at any iq test and tell me how it isn't xor, and, or, rotations etc.

i get that it's a predictor, but it has significant flaws

>being fat has the same concordance rate as iq
>heritable isn't the same as genetic
>being a doctor is heritable

Being heritably fat is easily cured by strict self-discipline in most cases.

Being heritably a doctor can easily be fixed by strong interest in other field of inquiry.

G-factor is very different from these cases. Of course, it varies from non-genetic causes - in one month one's person IQ can vary by as much as 10 points. But it is extremely genetic - not in a way that being a doctor or fat is. Read "Mainstream Science on Intelligence". You can get smarter by desiring to be smarter - but only inasfar as your biology allows it.

However, education does help you raiae your IQ. Again you should youse the minesota one. I suppose we need more papers to conclude correctly.

>So the "it's ok you're not good at math, people have different intelligences" is a lot less true than it's been said
Well, that's pretty obvious to see for non-brainlets. But brainlets seem to actually buy it

What a brainlet graph.

MBTI is also a meme.

Is it still a meme though, if we ignore MBTI and other bullshit tests?

>Well, that's pretty obvious to see for non-brainlets. But brainlets seem to actually buy it

A lot of gifted people who are ruined by poststructuralist/postmodernist/feminist sophistry think that IQ is entirely socially determined/different people have different inelligences since people have no inherent biology. It's not about being a "brainlet" in a lot of cases.

>But user, saying that not every human is equal goes against political correctness! Clearly you are just a racist bigot
I wonder how many of the really influential people actually DO know that most humans are stupid and can be easily manipulated

Like there's ever been a reliable IQ test in North Korea or Somalia.

It's hard to make a conclusion either way but i am very skeptical of the idea that evolution stopped at the brain.

>the non-genetic parts of iq are actually extremely genetic
i was critiquing twin studies and the figure 75% of iq "is genetic"
believe what you will, too many holes all of them can't be filled, murphy's law

>Perceiving people are more gifted than judging

Gotta call bullshit on this one m8.

Of course, creative intuition is absolutely important, but it is worth nothing if it doesn't pass through critical examination. Unless, of course, we talking about the kind of giftedness expressed by artists, but such one is incompatible to giftedness of Einstein or Darwin.

The P/J letters are switched for the introverted types since they describe how the person interacts with the world, not how his mind is working.

Suriname and British Guyana are pretty much 90% black African but magically their IQ is a lot higher than Africa

I suspect this entire map to be fake and the creator not realizing that Suriname and British Guyana aren't Latino countries but black countries.

is right. Relativism can appear in any mind. I do believe that the gifted relativists just lean towards that, knowing that there is some heritability in intelligence though.

the obvious trend is people near the equator are dumber than those near the poles.

warm weather is easier to deal with so intelligence isnt as big of a factor in natural selection.

cold weather is much more difficult to deal with.

> Italy has higher IQ than most of Europe

As an Italian, I can definitely say this chart is flawed

Long story short, the Neanderthals were probably autistic which led to their extermination at the hands of the normie hordes, which means that the whites and Asians that bred with them have higher IQ on average than the blacks that never came in contact with them.

How much more people need to live there so we can get proper stadistics for once?

The probability that you live in Africa?
All jokes aside, many graphs show N/A data for African counties but this one does? Definite bull I will call on this

Poor healthcare, lack of proper nutrition, pollution

Hur dur wikipedia ... and everything's sourced.


What I'm seeing here is evidence that socioeconomic status can have an effect on performance, even though there is clearly a genetic element. Since the Africans are clearly not in the same socioeconomic conditions are the Europeans, I think it's fair to say that comparing the two and saying it's all genetic would be a bit silly.

>I posted it again, mom!

the map is wrong

That is not a iq test

Is intelligence actually genetic?
I know personality and temperament are somewhat hereditary but I never knew intelligence is slightly too

>pinch of cherokee,
*breathes in*
*Gasps for air, then resumes*

Exactly, it is absurd that brainlets are so sure of evolution in every other species, but oh no sir! Not humans! We are special! Evolution just skipped completely over us!


humans are a bottlenecked population and two smart people chosen from any two races will produce a smart offspring, if intelligence is genetic

you would have a point otherwise.

no one is going to ask for the sauce of the OP image???

because I do, pls OP provide me the source of your map

It's probably from that book IQ and the Wealth of

muh IQ

once people start talking about IQ, I know they don't have any of it

>t. enlightened atheist teenager

>t. redpilled undergrad

>richard lynn
why is 95% of the data always coming from this guy, he is provably biased and unreliable, shown to change his sources just to argue a political narrative

The Chinese language and character system is basically a vast mathematical program in and of itself.

You'd have to practice that shit 10 hours everyday for months and years to get proficient in their language.

>Some phenotypes are more disposed to having lower or higher IQ than others.
IQ is already a phenotype in itself just like any other trait you can imagine, if you believe iq is genetic i guess

the phenotype high iq/low iq is not particular to races, unless you define races in terms of iq

phenotype doesn't mean the looks of a person

>IQ is already a phenotype in itself
that's not what phenotype means, moron.

phenotype is ALL of the characters of an organism, not just one.

>A phenotypic trait, or simply trait, is a distinct variant of a phenotypic characteristic of an organism; it may be either inherited or determined environmentally, but typically occurs as a combination of the two.[1] For example, eye color is a character of an organism, while blue, brown and hazel are traits.

you know what i meant, either way my point stands

Do people actually believe the "Chinese are intelligent" meme?

>you know what i meant,
no, I educated you
>either way my point stands
low IQ I see.

who is better at math and science, chinese women or white women

replace phenotype with phenotypic trait
what's wrong with my point?

Black people are fucking stupid. Now clearly there are some smart, respectable ones but, anyone whos met enough of them knows the vast majority of them are retarded. Why do you think cops shoot more black people, even when the police officer is black? Its because animals become very unpredictable when they are cornered. Black people tend to, run, attack, reach into their pockets, not listen to the officers commands when confronted by police. Its not because they are bad people in most cases, they are just too stupid to know better and, basic fight or flight insicts kick in.

>but user, what about the black people who dindu nuffin and still got shot

Yes, there are some and, they are unfortunate statistics. The fact of the matter is, police are used to black people acting like fucking apes so if you corner hundreds of gorillas and 90% of them fight back, the 10% that dont are going to throw you off. You may end up thinking some of the 10% are going to fight back and make a mistake. The black lives matter campaign is everything thats wrong with society.

>what's wrong with my point?
there's no objective measure of subjectivity.
IQ is a flawed metric.

also it's not a binary high/low.

so your point suffers a number of failures equal to the number of points in a line. It's badness approaches infinity.

>there's no objective measure of subjectivity.
>IQ is a flawed metric.
i don't disagree here, but assuming it wasn't flawed why wouldn't i rely on iq itself instead of race to judge what iq someone has, since iq is a trait i can "look at" by giving someone a test
>also it's not a binary high/low.
that's an easy fix, just choose a number - say
dumb race < 125 < smart race

>assuming it wasn't flawed
you hastily made that assumption in your claim. It IS flawed and you pretended it isn't.
>just choose a number
not quite objective enough for science.
there's less utility in making data simpler.

Uh oh, someone on Veeky Forums spoke the truth about race. RIP thread.

I know the answer and the longer I read this thread the less I want to provide it to you :S

How was I like this once??? Veeky Forums is a retards dead end. Leave while
You still can.

Your sister's ass.

You are clearly the retard if you think that there is an answer. That map is entirely made up. Step down off your high horse and kill yourself.

What a well thought out, articulate, considerate, insightful post user. It really wrinkled my think sack.

is that chicken on the left?

Looks like a cat brain maybe?

Dont try to insult me because you got called out on your bullshit. It just makes to look more retarded.

>we don't really know

yeah i'm so fucking confused by this, just what could it be?

cats have more wrinkles iirc

>Dont try to insult me because you got called out on your bullshit. It just makes to look more retarded.

I'm not the user you think I am. I was simply kvetching about your shitty ass post for the hell of it. Also I wanted to post my thinksack to make it spread, it has meme potential.

We have plenty of correlations with IQ.

What are the valuable benefits of IQ at the population level?

When I see successful people, they don't necessarily have to be super smart. Instead, they have to be insightful in some specific way, and also have the ability to position themselves socially. Personally speaking, there's lots of idiots who are more successful than me.

My theory is that IQ and "intelligence" in general doesn't tell us anything about how successful or productive a population will be.

>inb4 you've either failed all stats classes you've taken or haven't taken any.