Several people have told me that time starts to act like space and space starts to act like time inside a black hole

Several people have told me that time starts to act like space and space starts to act like time inside a black hole

How the fuck does that work?

That's not how things work. Whoever it is needs to shut their fucking mouth.

how does it work then?

We don't know, but space doesn't act like time. Time is never spatial.

Well first OP, admit that "several people" have not told you that, but you actually believed that yourself and posted here to see what we thought

second, space and time are the same object, called spacetime. Spacetime can warp, and warps much greater in a black hole.

Knowing this basic part of relativity, do you now understand why what you posted was absolutely retarded?

It's you versus wikipedia, pbs and the university of chicago. I think you might be full of shit and have no idea what you're talking about

space and time are part of the same fabric. Space-time becomes Time-space, in essence.

just my theory is that a black hole is not a "hole". A hole is 2D and that would make since with our 3D universe. But I think black holes are 3D spheres that are nothing. Think of a black sphere where nothing exists. you can stick a 10 foot poll in a 2foot sphere kinda deal. I assume it is the 4D opening. Thats why our laws of physics dont understand it, because it is not in our universe.

The Idea that time stops and space ends is also a hypothesis. we dont know what happens. but time and matter in our universe get distorted by them.

goddammit i dont have the bloodpressure to handle this fucking shit today

Whats your idea of a black hole?

ok fuck it fine i'm already this mad so why not take it out on you

look guy, let's work it backwards. why is it you believe blackholes exist in the first place?

A black hole isn't a hole, it's a sphere just like it was when it was a neutron star.

The star literally just collapsed into a mathematically infinite point. The point has such strong gravity that it makes the area around it "nothing" (because you can't SEE what's inside it because light-information cannot escape it). Since gravity works the way it does, that area around the point is equal on all sides, which makes the black hole a sphere. The actual singularity is a point. It might be a hole/rip, who the fuck knows.

lemme reword it better:

why is it you believe blackholes are *created* in the first place? as in, what phenomena happens for it's creation, and what phenomena happens to continue it's existence?

I'm asking you this because I know that you do not know the answer. Relativity, however, will give you the answer, as it predicts the existence of blackholes, why they come into existence, and further what would happen under it's influence.

that's why everything you've posted in this thread so far shows you're either a stoner or an 8th grader.

so get the fuck off this board, please

Time and space switch places: While you can normally only go one direction in time (forward), you can now only go one direction in space (towards the singularity). Even if you were to theoretically turn around and head in the other direction, you would still be moving towards the singularity. As for moving in different directions in time, it doesn't matter since you're in a closed system that cannot interact with the outside world anyway. You're also dead and ripped into tiny particles by now.


and go away

no I'm staying :^)
If you think I'm wrong, you're saying that gravity's strength isn't inversely proportionate to distance squared (which also means you're retarded).

Damn, why don't you just search for this on a youtube channel like PBS Space Time?

First of all, light can't escape a blackhole because his gravity is so strong that the escape velocity from close enough is faster than speed of light. That means that even if you're in a light speed with your speed, you can't escape after you reach a certain point, that it's called event horizon.
Event horizon is just the part where we can't observe because there is nothing come from it, since light can't travel through and back. The real thing happens in the singularity, the center of the blackhole. That thing is so dense that it distorts spacetime, like, it switch positions, in a mathematical way.
Like, you could in theory just move by time, but you wouldn't be able to move by space. You're stuck forever watching everything at a high speed, and a person from the outside would watch you pretty slowly falling and doing nothing for seconds, even if you fall in the event horizon years, centuries ago.
But it's just all theorical, since we can't send a live observer to it's inside, and we can't do a naked-singularity like John Titor's machine.

What the FUCK does that have to do with ANYTHING you idiot

ugh you know what, forget it, i deal with too many idiots day to day to come here to deal with more brainlet morons

Sorry I have dyslexia and read your post completely wrong

dude STOP making excuses and just accept you are currently wrong. very wrong. once you do that, go actually learn. stop believing you can "crack the code" or whatever, start learning for real

not really, no, becuase spent two sentences saying something incredibly obvious and then the rest of the post calling me a retard

this is exactly what I was asking about. Why do these other retards waste their time here trying to explain things they don't even slightly understand

but enough about me bitching. space flowing inwards in a time-like manner is pretty weird to me. How does magnetism work in that situation? isnt magnetism just how electricity reacts to relativity?

honestly user, I had more complex questions I wanted to ask but if I asked them from the start I worried I'd get the same kind of retardation that I eneded up getting in the first few post anyway

does that mean there are 3 dimensions of time inside a blackhole?

That is why basically you could "travel through time" inside a blackhole, in the mathematical sense, makes sense.

what happens if you hover outside a black hole and stick a big pole past the event horizon and keep hold of it?

It would be totally destroyed into particles, you would not even have a way to get it back. But hey, now in "human time concept", the particles of the pole are really older than you're outside the blackhole!

could you draw graffiti on the surface of a black hole by using the pole as a huge pencil?

>light can't escape a blackhole because his gravity is so strong that the escape velocity from close enough is faster than speed of light.
Jesus christ, if you actually watched the channel you just mentioned, you would know this isn't correct.

Then why don't you correct what is wrong instead?

>Several people have told me that time starts to act like space and space starts to act like time inside a black hole
So it means you can go back and forth in time and just go forward in space. In this state, speed probably means going through an amount of time in an unity of space.

t. Absolute layman about relativity. Just trying to reverse our concepts and see where I can get.

How could something "move in time" if its destination is now solely in the black hole?