“A book is a suicide postponed.” - Emil Cioran

Anyone else spend four years writing a novel, only to have it rejected by every publisher with an email address? On top of that, your friends - who are supposed to let you down easily - just aren't that interested in it?


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Tell me about your book user

Shut the fuck up you entitled piss streak.
You're the one who chose to waste four years of your life on an ego project instead of doing anything productive.

please tell me

if you worked on your novel for that long in complete solitude you fucked up

good writing involves AT LEAST some editing by someone who isn't you. and no, i don't mean copyediting.

>If you just do this you'll succeed bro

Please don't encourage this hack, for his own sake at least

Post it here or stfu
how would you know?

t. Amazon Self-Publishing Best Buy 2016

because people who are published have editors.

also, people who are published these days also tend to start by getting their masters or dissertation published, which involves a great deal of peer review before the manuscript even reaches a publisher's desk. i say 'these days' but actually this model holds true even for authors going back a hundred, two hundred years. some authors started out as journalists, which means their writing was subject to review, revision, and input from others.

i feel bad for you OP and anyone else who thinks they can hammer and forge a novel in the dark by themselves and believe their work of profound genius will melt the brain of some clerk. and even if they did wow and dazzle like they hope, i feel bad for the fantasy that this is what gets one published. no. whether your book will make a profit for the publisher is what gets you published.

Project more, I have not yet started a book, in the last four years I have actually been working and contributing to society, unlike OP

yes well I'm sure that tomorrow is the day you'll be finally starting that novel

I can't see it as being the only path

Sure why not, not like I give a shit either way, I have other things in my life to feel like my existence is justified

the lady doth protest too much methinks

Whats that, some Game of Thrones line?
Get out of here


Why did you make a thread to immediately abandon it?

>the lady doth protest too much methinks
>Whats that, some Game of Thrones line?

here's your (You)

Two fucking retards, what's happening to this board?

It's Shakespeare you illiterate bumpkin.

Post a page or two, get an honest opinion.

Post your favorite part Writer.

last time i even mentioned the plot in here i got eighty replies of "KEK, lol".

i'm unemployed. it's not like there was something more important i should have been doing.

before i submitted it for publication i approached (counts) eleven people i know in the industry and offered to pay them if they'd edit it. none of them replied.

>Post it here or stfu

you mean post it somewhere else and then post a link to it here, right? how many captchas would i have to enter to post 88,000 words?

i started it last night and went to sleep. usually my threads die with no replies.

>Post a page or two, get an honest opinion.

i serialized it on the Subgenius google groups forum, and the Reverend Ivan Stang liked it. he said he was printing it out to read on the toilet.

having read the replies, i understand now where i went wrong. thanks for setting me straight.

>Reverend Ivan Stang

he's recently gotten into fossil hunting (plaster molds of dinosaur tracks, etc), drone photography and .. Monster Hunter, for some reason.

He was always pretty kooky.

True story: I was at the original X-Day.

I always felt like SubGenius was a really good internet-joke religion that accidentally pre-dated the Internet.

>I always felt like SubGenius was a really good internet-joke religion that accidentally pre-dated the Internet.

it was. it still is. it taught me a great deal about how even people who think they're pretty intelligent can be drawn in by the idea of a millennial cult.

and yes, on x-day morning i was awake and looking up into the sky expectantly.

>I was at the original X-Day.

what was that like?

did you go to any devivals?

>on x-day morning i was awake and looking up into the sky expectantly.

8661 will be here soon enough...

Anectdote: I don't know if you recall a certain orgy/gangbang that was happening in the pool, but that was a friend of mine who recently came to Bimini Island as part of some Atlantis research. Strange times all around.

>what was that like?
It is hard to describe. The line between irony and belief was completely erased. There was a huge fight with padded weapons and some guy in bubble-wrap armor. There was spontaneous orgying. There was camping. It was genuinely weird in a way that is impossible to replicate, a little bit like Burning Man before it was utterly contaminated by the Internet, but with all the emphasis on satire.

I hadn't been to any of the devivials, although I still watch Arise! from time to time, for a window into that era.

how was the information disseminated in those days? obviously usenet later, but bbs's? pamphlets? ivan stang hiding crap in bookstores?

if you are the Reverend Doctor Nothing.. i would like to know how long it takes you to scrape all the 9gag tags off the images you dump on scrub.

I remember reading about X-Day through Revelation X, which was an actual book. Some of my buddies got the address, and we drove over there with almost no information about what to expect. I think there was some info through the local independent bookstore, and physical mail, of course.

I am not. In fact, I never bought a sub-genius card, because I'm not a joiner.

Just found this sick web 1.0 site with some details. Looks very circa 1998
