Fake science

Are you telling me that a scientific project that cost several billion dollars of tax payer's money to setup and has no tolerance for failure, will not sometimes manipulate and fabricate results and theories to justify their funding?

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and this is why scientists support big government with high taxes

because if the state doesn't put a gun to everyone's head so that they fund even the most meaningless research, the scientists would have no way to con actual hard-working taxpayers out of their money

kinda hard to do that since everything they release is peer-reviewed and the personalities that work in 'high science' care about getting actual results rather than taking the easy way and fabricating shit
I mean, they didn't study for 10 years to fake science

>kinda hard to do that

Not really. All you need to do is rig the detectors at source to shape a noise signal to your liking, concoct a random theory to explain it, and publish it. Its not that hard.

>source: my ass

>kinda hard to do that since everything they release is peer-reviewed


Why are you on this board?
Misclick and saw something shiny?

i'm mostly here for the math

lmao why is /pol/ posting here again?

there it is again!

You think math research isn't paid for by the government?

> talking about the rights of the tax payers
> somehow this isn't /pol/itics

>all political discussion originates from /pol/

>You think math research isn't paid for by the government?
when did i imply that? that's an obviously incorrect idea

>Are you telling me that I'm a bean-counting faggot?
Yeah, your point?

Tell me Veeky Forums, how much of a crank crackpot is this?

Fun fact, the LHC has found jack shit since the Higgs.

> political discussion doesn't belong on the politics board

What you described actually sounds ridiculously difficult.

Expensive and interesting projects like this actually attract a lot of attention and are well reviewed. The sort of stuff your argument applies to is research done in small labs everywhere.

Check the archive, retard.

>American stinker

And you want to be taken seriously?

Also don't reply to these shitty threads, for god sake it just encourages them.

The problem is that the detectors don't just generate a few kilobytes of data that is then directly interpreted in a physical context. It actually generates insane amounts of data, amounts completely impossible to simulate. The data is then distributed to a huge number of scientists, and believe me, not all of them can be in on it. They would definitely notice obvious inconsistencies in the data sets. The problem is that physics is objective and LHC is not the only particle accelerator on the planet. We kind of know from previous experiments what to expect.

I believe that LHCb observed pentaquark states. But yeah, of course not every result can be as striking as the discovery of the Higgs, which happened to be one of the main objectives of the accelerator. Most of it are kind of boring, new upper limits, statistical improvements, which mainly further confirm the results of the standard model and exclude part of the parameter space for other theories. It is nothing that makes the mainstream news, but certainly helpful.

He thinks he has proved calculus wrong and that pi is 4.


Of course he's a crank. You should feel embarrassed for asking.

No. Scientists are extremely autistic. Surely someone will spill the beans.

Fucking stupid. If they have time to fabricate Petabytes of data and then sort through it (they don't) then they deserve my tax dollars

>since the Higgs
Lol yes science just magically happens when Bill Nye and Degrasse tyson have a giant science show orgy and doesn't take any time or effort at all

>sometimes manipulate and fabricate results and theories to justify their funding?
Everyone will lie for survival, to some degree. Some will do it for luxury and to play on their toys: at the expense of others lives.