Can someone redpill me on cognitive behavioral therapy

can someone redpill me on cognitive behavioral therapy

i can't make myself do stuff

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It's not going to fix your shit. But it could enable you to fix your own shit.

t. formally depressed psychology undergrad who underwhen CBT

I can't make myself do stuff either

Not sure what the solution is besides adderall because that worked wonders. I was hoping I could quit and keep my good habits but it didn't workout that way.

adderall doesn't even work 4 me

Consciously repeating thoughts in your mind will rewire your subconscious to do the same, or so cbt purports. I tried and it didn't work for me so I donno.

If you don't earnestly believe said thoughts, you're not affecting any change. This is 3/4 of the CBT battle.

It doesnt work
Basically the therapist says over and over again "lmao maybe your beliefs about stuff are wrong"
And then you go "no im pretty sure theyre true"
Absolutely pointless

Should I try psychoanalysis then?
Your post is pretty much what 2 months of """therapy""" were for me

Works pretty well in conjunction with Descartes and Pascal and there is no point in believing otherwise.

Yeah psychoanalysis is vastly more intelligent and productive

>be an utter failure because you think you're so special and misunderstood
>see a professional who understands that you have garden variety mental illness
>he knows exactly how to treat you
>argue with him over the treatment instead of following his expert advice

Maybe it's pointless for you, but for normal people it is effective.

CBT is pure ideology, not even memeing. Its based on the assumption there is one "rational" way to view the world and that rational view must be of a happy and functional person. They base this on absolutely nothing but bare arbitrary assumption.
Its "success" is based on the subjects ability to declare they are happier which is part of the "therapy" itself since the very declaration of displeasure is treated as irrational.

t. someone who has not looked into the actual reality of the treatment at all and just assumes what is hegemonic practice must be correct.

I cant tell if you are being ironic or not

I'm absolutely sincere, psychoanalysis isn't perfect but it makes CBT rightfully look like the stoneage

Therapy in all its forms is a fucking meme
Just write your mental ramblings on the walls and go neet
Why the fuck would you want to be functional and happy?

>implying normal people need therapy and arent just paying for attetion
Nice le meme

>formally depressed
nice full house digits tho

you deserve to be depressed

And what is psychoanalysis take on the whole thing? As opposed to cbt?


You are right! Depression can only be caused by:
1) Penis envy
2) Castration anxiety


To begin with Psychoanalysis does not assume any authority on rationality in the analyst, nor does it actively promote any particular emotional reaction.
Especially important it does not presume to even make the subject "happy" in the end of treatment.
It is concerned with developing self awareness for the subject through first the uncovering of the origins of trauma in repressed narratives and relations and through that their reconciliation.

Not even wrong (although as a Lacanian the phallus is not literal)

Look at Jordan Peterson's self authoring website. I've been working through it slowly. Not sure if it helps anything, it's basically guided journaling but it's interesting

That makes a lot of sense. So why is psychoanalysis and Freud shit on all the time? Even my psych Prof from uni told the class "Freud is dead!"

>le based /pol/ anti trans guy


>le based progressive diverse trans apologist nu-male french pseuds dick rider cuck

CBT: supported by empirical evidence.

Psychoanalysis: supported by the incoherent rantings of continental philosophers.

Because Behaviourism and Cognitism were easier to sell to the public in that it could fit existing comfortable mainstream ideas of the mind, its methods of treatment were far cheaper and methods more bluntly apparent and superficially it resembles a natural science in its methodology

So... CBT confirmed pseud-positivist marketing fraud?



He's Veeky Forums not /pol/ newfriend

He really isn't, nobody would give a shit or even heard about him if /pol/ didn't latch on to his meme video. Even then they cared more about the people shouting at him than anything he said

>but CBT has proven to be most effective in studies

Studies based on psychometrics it was designed to manipulate. Pavalovian conditioning someone to delcare all is well is not "effective".

Psychology amateur here, psychoanalysis attempts to modify your thinking while CBT largely attempts to modify your behaviors without much attention to the underlying causes. Both are flawed, since psychonanalysis doesn't offer any solutions while CBT offers solutions without much attention to the problem. CBT is only effective on people who are already 95% normal. Anyone with even slight problems will have terrific struggle.
|Kill Yourself My man

I deleted my post to word it better, but if you had read it all the way through, you would've seen that I think it's ineffective too

Except its still the opposite, Psychoanalysis does offer a treatment, its aimed towards an end as it treats the subject as a project, there is a beginning middle and ends of treatment.
CBT on the otherhand is a simple function in the most mathematical of senses in which individual statements are the be all ends all of consideration.




if you say so lol

Everything is experience and opportunity. You can't alter the past, but the only the future. You've learned some great lessons due to your depression.

If you're truly depressed, congratulations, you're empowered with the feeling of not fearing death, having nothing to lose and not fearing being alone. Things that make normal people doubt and contain themselves and ultimately stops them from reaching their fullest potential. In more sinister cases it's also a source of control. You have the emotional and philosophical foundation which only truly successful people have; the kind of guys who go from peasants to emperors.

Your life is so worthless and you're such an embarrassment to your acquaintances that you can dive into any problem and nothing is expected of you, not even by yourself at this point. The upside is that once the pressure of expectation is lifted from you, you will be more likely to take care of shit without any doubts poisoning your mind. If you continuously do this, you're statistically guaranteed to make gains. The hardest part for the depressed is this stage: getting up and just fucking doing it.

Once you start to make these gains, meet people, get a job and perhaps a girl, your depression will start to fade away. Your ego will start to feed dramatically with your every victory, because you were at the bottom before and from there there is only up.

The only thing you can take from freud IMO
is transference
and his defense mechanisms.
Also Psychoanalysis really didn't get any scientific backing until attachment came along.

One really good resource on this is Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns. It teaches the CBD strategies for recognizing and replacing harmful thinking patterns. It's not a total replacement for therapy or medication, though, if those are needed, but it's a helpful tool