In response to the election results...

In response to the election results, let's post books that explain why the United States is such a stupid and assbackward country.

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its called having balls

European here who lives in the States

Americans are the only people left on this planet who haven't had their ideals eroded out from under them and replaced by faggot nanny state socialism that shrinks and shrivels their balls up until they stop working

You think Europe is cool because it's progressive and the streets are clean, but just by having lived in America for 5 years, your testosterone is already 300x higher than the most masculine male in all of Western Europe. By being a native-born American schlub, you could beat up 500 of any West or North continental European without breaking a sweat.

For whatever problems America has, at least its men are still capable of instinctive virility.

isn't it because north america comprises all of the retarded, illiterate effluvia from europe that couldn't make a living after their potatoes turned to rot?

wow buddy unless you are a nigger you should probably find one and turn your woman over to his stallion cock

America's backbone was made up of the yokels of Europe who emigrated there because their lives were such shit (or who got forced out by their countrymen). The mindset of their progeny is hardly surprising.

That's not for me anymore. I'm American now.

I'm a filthy third-worlder, but it's clear a day that anyone who says "lmao Americans elected Trump the absolute retards!!!" is a fucking degenerate who doesn't understand a thing.

you sound like you want an american to fuck your girlfriend, cuck.
t. 3rd world degenerate culture thinking others are degenerates

You can't even reply properly, so your opinion is automatically discarded, pathetic muslim-cock-loving eurocuck.

are you the 3rd world degenerate or the eurocuck?

I am a toilet scrubber in the Nigerian Navy and it obvious that America is #1 empire on world

t. butthurt eurocuck

I've heard good things about this book. I don't think it really explains the election, just the general attitude.

The bulk of voters boiled down to standard dems voting for Clinton and standard reps voting for Trump with some local irregularities. What is more telling is that the majority of the country didn't vote at all.

>America is assbackward for rejecting fat nanny states and chronic self-flagellation

t. assfrustrated high school student

Why not just say /butthurtmarxistgen/?

>What is more telling is that the majority of the country didn't vote at all.
I wonder why.

Because plenty of Marxists voted against Shillary "Goldman Sachs" Clinton

has socialism ever not failed?

It's going OKish in Nordic countries, but that's largely because of the immense oil wealth they have that nobody likes to talk about.

Yeah that just straight up isn't true. Financial capitalism has eroded American social bonds far more thoroughly than the capacity you imagine European progressivism holding.

in my heart

it's nice to hear that socialism is actually working somewhere without the usual corruption.

It's funny that people rejected Hillary for her ties to Wall Street and supported a man that made his living through real estate. Either way it was a vote for a state that continues supporting rentiers.

Didn't de Tocqueville cover this?