Post the book you're currently reading and waifu

Post the book you're currently reading and waifu.
William Faulkner - Sanctuary

Bitch is gonna age like milk LOL

>not liking aged milk

The Being of the Beautiful
Any remotely pretty woman is my waifu.

So are you. So is everyone on this planet. What is important is seizing those times when you are beautiful and letting go when those times are gone.

re-reading crime and punishment.

Scarlet and Black by Stendahl and Beyond Good and Evil by the fredrich natzi

Moby Dick by Herman Melville.

Gustave Flaubert - Salammbô


The Recognitions

nice same here.

reading it slow as fuck because im retarded

I'm having the same trouble. It is dense as fuck with a ton of historical and literary allusions. I hope to finish it in a week or two. Only 150 odd pages to go.

Confessions of a Mask by Mishima

How are you liking it, or not liking it?

>even heeding this lowborne
The greatest time in your life should be after your sixties when you have millions, power and respect. Sick of chimp peasants saying the best time in their life was getting their dick wet during their youth.

I am actually rereading it after first doing so around a year ago. It is one of my favourite books and was primarily responsible for making me transition out of only reading fantasy novels.

Yeah I read it last year. Wasn't what I was expecting it was a lot of sentimentality. I was expecting japanese Raymond Carver and I got Japanese Hemmingway or something.

my diarrhea.

Are you enjoying Sanctuary? Have you read any other Faulkner?

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations

Don Dellilo - White Noise

I understand this post.

I've been told Sanctuary has kind of a surreal feeling, true?

Transparent Things


The Unconsoled - Kawasaki Ishiguro