Says he went into medicine to help people

>says he went into medicine to help people

I approached [the Dean of the Medical School at McGill] for help in entering the medical school there, when in 1945 the atomic bomb unexpectedly put an end to the war and to my four-month old career in the Canadian Infantry. The Army very wisely decided to get rid of such green recruits as soon as possible, and so we all again found ourselves quite unexpectedly in charge of our own lives. I had graduated in engineering earlier that year but had already decided against that career. The Dean greeted me very cordially and assured me that there was a great need for technically trained doctors. But, he said, seating me next to him, first tell me a little about yourself. Did you ever have any interest in botany, say, or biology? Well, not really, I had to admit. How about chemistry - Oh, I hated that course. And so it went. After a while he said, "Well, is it maybe that you want to do good for humanity?" And then, while I was coughing in embarrassment, he went on, "Because they make the worst doctors." I thanked him, and as I walked out of his door I knew that I would start afresh and with God's grace try and become a mathematician.

doing it for a different reason is a MISTAKE

If people become doctors to help other people why are there so many doctors who are assholes who seemingly don't give a damn and just try to get the patient out as soon as possible?

It's all about the money.

Everyone is gonna lie about it. Everyone's gonna go on and on about how they love helping people. That's what people want to hear. That's what the medical schools want to hear.

Yet the high $/h lifestyle specialties are always the most competitive ones. You have to be a special kind of masochist to want into shit like surgery. Ask your doc if he'd still show up for work if his earnings were suddenly capped at $40k/year.

Doctors are fucking sociopaths. They learn those skills in the medical school that trains them. They learn to lie and deceive patients and their professors. "Wow Dr. user is so humane!" says the patient as the doc charges them fucktons of money for a 15-min consult with more retards in the pipeline. "What specialty are you going into ?" Whatever fucking specialty YOU went into, fuckface! They fall for it, too!

Medical school takes idealistic students and transforms them into jaded, regurgitating babies with licenses to kill.

These are people who no doubt would rather follow an algorithm like a machine than actually talk to you and empathize like an actual human being. Telling your doctor what's happening? You bet your ass he's running a highly efficient and well-sharpened pattern matching algorithm on the keywords you're saying, decoding them into symptoms and their associated data such as quality and timing. He's going to compare that shit to a mental database of disease presentation patterns. The faster he accomplishes this, the faster he can tell you what you need to do to solve it so that you can get the fuck out of the room, making way for the next patient.

Whatever empathy he had in his brain was likely crushed years ago by his the overwhelming drudgery of medical training. Everybody goes in saying "man how cool it'll be to help people" by 3rd year they're fantasizing about all the money they'll probably make because it's the only thing that keeps them going.



There are lots of ways to help people. Ideally, a doctor would want to help people and ALSO be really interested in Biology.

When will technology render doctors obsolete?

Because that lasts until you want to go outside and eat a sandwich or something but you have to tell an 8 year olds mom why his breath stinks instead


>preceptor tells me it's a sign of weakness to want to sleep, eat, piss and shit
>tells me to lie when reporting how many hours I worked to bypass legal limitations

There used to be medicine generals on Veeky Forums

>professor tells me not to take a specific course because i already know the information
>completely abandoned next semester because i was one of the students that didn't have that course completed

What? How can you possibly not do a course if it's a prerequisite for other courses?

You are the one who seems jaded as fuck, not everywhere is America you know. There are places where doctors are not filthy rich.

>You are the one who seems jaded as fuck

That would be true... If it weren't for the fact I'm in one of the aforementioned lifestyle specialties.

A lot of the rage's subsided now that I've escaped the trap. The only thing that pisses me off is how people still avoid money as if it was illegal.

>not everywhere is America you know

Thank God. I hear healthcare people actually work something akin to reasonable hours in Europe.

>There are places where doctors are not filthy rich.

Please name those places, so that we may all honor their sacrifice to humanity while simultaneously avoiding them like the plague.

I have never heard of this. Tell me more about your opinion of the medical industry please because it is amusing and interesting as fuck


kys nigger

I don't know what you mean

>If people become doctors to help other people why are there so many doctors who are assholes who seemingly don't give a damn and just try to get the patient out as soon as possible?

Profession is loaded with red tape.
Being an asshole reduces chitchat; quicker out, quicker move on to next patient. Also, the more time you skim the more likely you'll be able to get in a short lunch break.

In my Sukastan, that's pretty much the only reason to become a doctor, actually, since wages suck dicks and working hours are awful.

Doesn't it also reduce patient count

>Doesn't it also reduce patient count

There's also misconception with asshole: being firm with patient isn't being an asshole, it's stubborn patient.

One neurologist I know literally lets it show that he doesn't care about people or their families. Whenever I read the words "asshole doctor" I think of him

I agree that being firm is something else entirely.

Kill yourself

where did the doctor touch you? you sound hurt

I know someone who made their Bundesfreiwilligendienst (German, kek) in a hospital, he assisted doctors there and I think it's not the medical school but mostly the patients and the law which makes most doctors so empathic. You have people who really don't care about their health and they expect you to fix them up the same as healthy people. Also if you see some people dying hating peple is a defense mechanism for that. If you tell the patient too much (which won't happen if you stay distant) you can easily get accused for any unnecessary information you give them. "How much did you work?", "Why do I need to get operated once again?" If you were accused once with success, you can end your career.

They raped me user. Hold me.
