Who Wants to Debate Einstein?

I'm sick of Veeky Forums going down the fucking shitter. I've been here since the beginning and you brainlets have you ruined this board, so the agents are stepping in.

WHO WANTS TO DEBATE EINSTEIN WITH ME? I see you fucking morons posting all the time sucking his dick, about how he was the greatest scientific mind of his time, century, whatever; it's like you have no idea Tesla lived at the exact same time. Tesla invented tangible demonstrations and experiments to prove his original theories were fact; Einsten had neither an original theory nor a tangible demonstration. He stole every single idea he is credited with.

Einstein was a fucking plagiarist. He was a shill. He was a globalist, Zionist shill. He was a figure head to confuse you. I can prove it too, he was a piece of shit.

Who wants to "reeee" at me? Bring it on faggots, and when you're wrong get off my board or get good and start reading up on the shit you all talk about.

He plagiarized his nobel prize winning work:
JJ Thompson - gas tubes: the greater the frequency the higher the output (Einstein's nobel prize) i.e. the photoelectric effect.

he didn't "discover" e=mc2:
JJ Thompson/John Henry Poynting/Oliver Heaviside/Woldemar Voigt/George FitzGerald/ Joseph Larmor/Hendrik Lorentz

he didn't "discover" general relativity:
Friedrich Hasenöhrl/Joseph Stefan/ Ludwig Boltzmann/JJ Thompson/Woldemar Voigt/George FitzGerald/Joseph Larmor/Hendrik Lorentz

If you haven't heard of a name why don't you fucking google them before you comment, troll posts and flaming will not be engaged. Bring it on faggots.

Richard Bellman > Einstein.

I will agree with that my dude

I actually want this to turn into a shitfest.
Did Einstein really predict that eclipse thing?

no one wants to fight about this? i am disappoint.

Einstein was a fucking plagiarist. He was a shill. He was a globalist, Zionist shill. He was a figure head to confuse you. I can prove it too, he was a piece of shit

you mean that bullshit experiments from 100 years ago involving the Hyades star cluster? the question is not so much did that experiment happen and what did it prove.... the question is why did einstein get credit for it? he literally did not discover special relativity, I listed the due credited in the OP

You gave us a list of names and a google it faggot. Nobody gives enough of a shit to care to read all this shit. You're supposed to be the one who did all the reading and tells us why these names mean he is a " fucking plagiarist. He was a shill. He was a globalist, Zionist shill. He was a figure head to confuse you". Learn to write an argument then come back.

not gunna try tough guy? oh sorry you never heard of heaviside before. maybe you should read more before you try to sound smart with a room-temp IQ.

What about his theory of relativity and the photoeclektic efect?

those are two different things. the photo electric effect (ie his nobel prize) was stolen from JJ Thompson

relativity was talked about a long time before he coined the phrase

Lrn2debate fgt pls

JJ Thomson = 1899 Crookes tube experiments

relativity was a bunch of people. einstein had a perfect position to plagiarize because he worked a patent office. many of this work was published long before he got that job and continued after the fact... then mysteriously he drops out of the blue publishing previously submitted work as his own...

would you like to? what counter points can you make? would love to hear them.

Fuck off nufag, there is no debate Einstein was a complete hack and it's well known. If anything he's baiting you, and you fell for it. Don't be a faggot and defend Einstein.

agreed bro.. i am not specifically trying to bait i'm trying to educate or disband the fucking brainlest that plague Veeky Forums and seems like many of them gather around einstein like a fucking focal point. it just reallllly pisses me off dude. but yeah not trying to b8....

thank you for proving my point tho that only nufags and brainlets will come here to defend einstein

What about gravitotionol lensing? I thought he did that too

Sure, Lorentz transforms etc had been used for EM before but who extended it to mechanics before Einstein?

The greatness of the photoelectric effect was that he suggested that light was quantified. This was the truly revolutionary viewpoint, so much so that people objected to the idea so much that they wouldn't accept it until years later.
He also went out and recorded a solar eclypse to prove gravitational lensing. Einstein and Tesla weren't playing the same sport, Tesla was an inventor and Einstein was a scientist, one improves our lives, the other helps us understand the universe which helps our lives in a more subtle way.

>Einstein stole everything from some JJ Thompson
Go to sleep, JJ

Relativity is nonsense, like Tesla said. Einstein was a crank, and modern physics is a mess.

If Newton, Maxwell etc saw the shitfest that's considered physics today (relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory) they wouldn't believe their eyes.

Tesla was batshit crazy and I love it.

What is gravitational lensing, then?

Ya, good luck making GPS without relativity or any modern technology without quantum mechanics.

>Greatest minds of our time
>Makes mistakes in his own equations
>He did wear comfy shoes tho

relativity was an inside job

He was the best. He didn't even wear socks ffs - based.

Back in the day you couldn't do ANYTHING without Newton's mechanics. That didn't stop Einstein from saying they were wrong, right?

The fact that some theory seems to "work" doesn't mean it's right.

Nobody cares about your views OP. What matters is the science, not the people. Now please fuck off.