Is there a way to increase one's intelligence?

I'm asking if there's any activities or strategies known to make you smarter.

Yes, I'm autistic.

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3 words you fucking mong:

1. Read more
2. Think more
3. Apply more
4. Repeat

what this
guy said, except you also have to constantly be coming up with new ways to learn better and faster, so that you learn exponentially. otherwise it'll take too long.

just constantly, constantly, constantly challenge yourself.

>stop shit posting
>shut up and concentrate
Here, I'll help you start. Prove the following:
[eqn] 1 + 2 + 3 + \dots + n = \frac{n(n+1)}{2} [/eqn]
[eqn] 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + \dots + n^2 = \frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6} [/eqn]
[eqn] 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + \dots + n^3 = \Big\{ \frac{n(n+1)}{2}\Big\} ^2 [/eqn]
[eqn] 1^4 + 2^4 + 3^4 + \dots + n^4 = \frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)(3n^2 - 3n + 1)}{30} [/eqn]

>as if those are actually hard

>as if $\frac{1}{e^{D_{x}}-1}$ doesn't exist

Im also autistic user

thats 2 words you degenerate

I'm sorry, I couldn't read your sentence. Veeky Forums doesn't use $ but instead the words math and /math and eqn and /eqn in brackets like these [ ]. Everything else is the same.

music production, reading


[math] this shit isn't working [\math]

[math] \frac{1}{e^{D_{x}}-1} [/math]

what the fuck is wrong with me and this site

Creating music does indeed change the brain. I think it has been shown to improve some mathematical or verbal ability (more precisely, the ability to arrange sentences/structures coherently and desireably), among other changes. Google it up, it's something that's almost pop-sci already.

Else, like the guy above said: read and apply. Applying is the most important part, because it forces your brain. And that forcing feeling is your brain effectively bettering itself.

Lastly, drugs, substances and cranial stimulation of usual kinds. But be careful here because odds are in favor of screwing your brain up.

I wish you success.

Browsing Veeky Forums.

How can you this be used to derive my equations?

>how can this be used

This means that you truly don't understand your equations.

Your interpolating functions satisfy [math] f(x)-f(x-1)=x^{k}, f(0)=0, k \in \mathbb{Z}^{+} [/math]

This is a differential equation in disguise. Apply that operator to [math] x^{k} [/math] to obtain all your solutions in one sweeping motion.

That's interesting
I derived those equations many years ago by proving that any sum of powers of the nth degree can be described by a polynomial of the n+1 degree, and then setting up a system of equations.

I see that it is a differential equation and if we could get F(x) we could differentiate, but that operator doesn't seem easy to work with. What's special about it?

Have you tried using that operator? Maybe try finding the laurent series at x=0, and then interpretting [math] \frac{1}{D_{x}} [/math] as an indefinite integral?

Someone who knows summation very well might perhaps say that using systems of equations to determine those coefficients is pointless if you have the coefficients of that operator, as the coefficients are all dependent on a single sequence of numbers.

Does playing chess enhance logical reasoning? I know I can't possibly become a grandmaster now. I just want to enhance logic.

Got my wires crossed

He didn't put 1/Dx, but 1/(Dx-1)

A little chess never hurt anyone
High level chess like 2000 requires extreme single mindedness and narrowness

I'm still confused. Where does 1/Dx come in. I thought you said 1/e^Dx

>where does

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you shouldn't pose a question, that you don't actually understand, as a challenge? Because it seems like I'm moving too fast for you, even when I'm giving you hints. Maybe try revisiting college algebra if you are still struggling.

Umm, I already said that I myself derived those equations and proved that a sum of powers is expressable in terms of a polynomial of one degree higher.

I don't know what planet you live on, but as far as I know deriving an equation is sufficiently understanding it. I'm just trying to see how you use this differential operator because it seems nifty.

Dual n-back training improves working memory
Recall memory can be improved by simply relying on looking things up less
Mental computation can be trained
Cardiovascular exercise helps significantly with brain functioning

1/Dx is literally nowhere to be found

Probably just talking about the Bernoulli numbers

He's talking about this:

>look things up less

Grand-masters say the game is about memorization but i dunno for sure

Math sure is something. He mentioned "some sequence of numbers" and the operator [math] frac{1}{e^D_{x}-1} [/math] reminded me of all those 1/e series that generate Bernoulli numbers so I guessed that. Damn if I wasn't right.


[math] \frac{1}{e^{D_{x}}-1} [/math]

Maybe they are so used to using their logic on their games that the only cognitive challenge they encounter is memorization.
You do need to have a good memory to be a chess player, but just remembering isn't enough. You need logic to concatenate all those memories in the best way possibel to win.