Hey Veeky Forums, i want to play a game with you

Hey Veeky Forums, i want to play a game with you
I want to see if u can decrypt this message


I encoded it with a vernam cipher. The key is the message with the last letter shifted in the first position. For example, if the message was AbcdE, the key will be EAbcd.
Good luck and have fun

Thanks for the wikipedia search, now I know why Vernam is a cool guy.

But I don't want to solve your message, which is probably just something like "kys"

No, it have a sense


This seems cool
I would if I could

Wrong method

an old man said once, fuck you NSA

and who here you nigga would know about OTP decryption

This doesn't make any sense OP.

Wrong solution

Prove that it's wrong by posting the correct solution or stop trolling.

Is each letter encoded as 1 byte ASCII?

I was thinking you had to do the algorithm multiple times or write code to do it 1000 times. That'd be real interesting, but then again no one would know when to stop.

We don't need the ascii

>Providing one word

Crypto nerd here. Provide some substantial text.

Did you change some conventionality like how A = 0, B = 1, etc... or how the key subtracts?

To solve, you need to know how matematically works the vigenere/vernam
You got it
You don't need it




Wanto solution?



Is this what we do now? Post random homework pages on Veeky Forums? Gods please help