What would you put on this?

What would you put on this?

slather that puppy in ketchup and slide it right down the ol' neck tube.

A nice giant hunk of cabbage like this
Do it on every sandwich


Your favorite mustard of choice.

probably mustard, maybe fried onion

nice meme condiment

Provolone and italian dressing

Avocado and cheese

>meme condiment



pickled red onions, sauerkraut, a seedy mustard & fig preserves.

olives + parmesan

Honestly nothing. I find cheap sausage can only ever be alright if it's on rye.

Butter or Schweineschmalz

You mean lard?


mAh dick

That's a little too much for me but some sauerkraut would be nice

roasted red pepper

A salad

Balsamic reduction or just garlic butter. Maybe something fruity on the side like some grapefruit or raspberry.