Are they overrated, Veeky Forums? I've never had them but they're on every menu

Are they overrated, Veeky Forums? I've never had them but they're on every menu.

good ones aren't overrated

They're good, but if you live in a place without easy access to water they're really expensive. They kind of remind me of smaller, less buttery and more flavourful lobster.

I never liked them.
They just taste like seawater.

Good but Id have a hard time saying they are good enough to justify how fucking expensive they are. Same with all shellfish.

I've never had legit lobster before. I'm not even sure when I could get some. Absolutely want to stay away from Red Lobster.

I live in North Carolina but not OBX so fresh lobster right now is off limits. I can assume the scallops would be as costly.


Red Lobsters are fresh though they kill them on the spot for you

Yeah, I live on the east coast of canada, so lobster/scallops are cheap as hell and fresh. If you ever go on a vacation to a coastal area I'd recommend it.

But (and this might be a myth or something), I heard that those lobsters weren't fresh?

Like, I heard that the quality of them is a lot cheaper. Maybe I'm wrong.

Lucky dick.

Scallops are fucking awesome. I prefer them fried though.

Not all of them: live lobster is a specific menu item.

The lobster meat they use for soup can be a little funky. They'll use a lobster species about the same quality as a crawfish and get away with it.

Gross, see this is what I fear. American chain restaurants cutting corners because $$$$.

I'll find somethin' good though, thanks

I imagine them tasting similar to just a big lump of crab meat is that correct?

Good scallops are about as good as any one protein can get. Hot pan with salted butter, 30 seconds per side.
Battered and deep fried like in New England is also incredible because they're fresh and meaty enough.
If you can get good enough quality to eat them as sushi/sashimi, it's really not overrated in the least.

That said anything but that quality is not worth the time and money.

Nope, not at all. If you closed your eyes you'd easily taste the difference

Mainefag here

Seafood is cheap as fuck and I love it - I love seeing dumbasses line up for a $20 lobster roll though. In the summer you can get two whole lobsters for $20 and maybe some fries if you feel like it. Scallops are great. Come during the summer, don't come during the winter - although cold water oysters are nicer, I've heard

Also hey Canadabro - is it true that Maine lobsters are just Canadian lobsters that got dragged to our coastline via the current?

I think theyre delicious but overpriced 90% of the time

Tasmanian scollops are the best seafood I've ever had, you want to get them with the roe still on.
The roe is the first thing to start going bad so if a scollop has a good roe you know it's fresh.

You should go to Red Lobster at least once to have some CBBs, they're legitimately fantastic. The rest of their food is nothing to write home about but those biscuits are legit.

Scallops (and surf clams) can be kind of tough and chewy nigiri/sashimi. They're definitely not my go to choice because of how inconsistent they can be.

If prepared properly, they are the best seafood. It is really easy to mess it up. Still pretty good though.

Definitely worth trying. Some of the best seafood. Sweet, tender, and joocy. If they're overcooked, they get tough and chewy though.

A bit overrated. They're Slightly sweet and fleshy. Nothing too amazing but to each their own. definitely worth a try though. Give me mussells or clams If we're talking about mollusk.

They're pretty good but really only worth having fresh. If they aren't the same once they've been frozen or in a fridge for longer than a day.

smaller the better

hot cross buns seem meh