His field of study can be summarized in one equation

>his field of study can be summarized in one equation

[math]G_{\mu \nu} + \Lambda g_{\mu \nu} = \frac{8 \pi G}{c^4} T_{\mu \nu}[/math]

[math]\displaystyle \sum_{n \in \mathrm{N}} n=e^{i\pi}\frac{.\overline{9} } {12} [/math]

Everything can be approximated by one equation and nothing can be approximated by one equation.

can you approximate that claim in an equation?

With gender science you'll never have this problem.


G(t) = 2+s(t)
Number of genders = 2 + social construction rate

your going to have to promote G and s to operators, because the number of genders depends on the observer.

GR confirmed for brainlet tier.

[math]\delta S = 0 [/math]
or in the quantum case

[eqn] Z=\int e^{\frac {i{\mathcal {S}}[x]}{\hbar }}\,Dx [/eqn]

>[math]Z=\int e^{\frac {i{\mathcal {S}}[x]}{\hbar }}\,Dx[/math]
That's not an equation you mong, it's a definition

Do it faggot, I dare you.

[math]p < 0.05[/math]

more like 0.5 am i right?



[math]\delta S = 0[/math]
>all of physics BTFO

the number of genders depends on which infographic you are currently viewing, not the opinion of the person viewing the infographic

otherwise we'd be permitting heteronormative ciscentric patriarchal capitalist bigotry to affect reality, which is not possible in the platonic ideal safe space known as feminist mathematics

It's so beautiful.

in - out + generation - consumption = accumulation

[math]b = (X'X)^{-1} X'y[/math]

Engineering confirmed for mustard race

In non retarded notation:
[math] \partial_\alpha J^\alpha = \rho [/math]

he said field of study, not high school level course

It is. It just assumes SR in small infinitesimal cubes.

fucking brainlet particle physicists

Kek, statistishits will cry.


Algebra, analysis and number theory can literally be summarised in one theorem

w = mg

>poor dumb fgt OP never heard of navier stokes

show me this equation pls

>in one theorem



it's the fundamental theorem of algebra analysis and number theory

I think you mean [eqn]G(t) = 2 + \int_{t_0}^{t} s(\tau) \, d\tau[/eqn]

P != NP

You're an idiot

>implying the entirety of math can't be distilled down to 1+1=2



Why not just make p=0?



Brainlet tier meme

Plebs In = Plebs Out
I found an equation that describes all fields, am I smart yet?

F = m*a

chemical engineering?


Prejudice + power = racism

>his field of study can be summarized in four equation
electrical engineers btfo

how do you explain zero fgt

[eqn]v = {V_{max}[S] \over K_M + [S]} [/eqn]

>not majoring in the studies of the ideal gas law

This smells of Chemical Engineering

>ideal gas approximation

[math]G = H - TS[/math]

Which would you choose?
Ohm's Law
Fourier Transform
Euler's Identity

> my dick = your dick + 5 inches

congratulations, you have a 6 inch penis

> my dick = my dick + 12 inches


>not [math] T^{\alpha \beta}_{,\alpha} = \mu _{0} J^{\beta} [/math]

fucking retard