So Veeky Forums I recently started the idea to read at least one book from each side of the political compass...

So Veeky Forums I recently started the idea to read at least one book from each side of the political compass. I'm almost done with David D. Friedman's: The Machinery of Freedom, however, due to my lackluster knowledge on politics, I don't know what to read for the 3 other sides, Liberal (Green), Communism (Red), and Conservatism (Blue). Do you guys have any ideas?

>authoritarian left
Marx - Capital
>authoritarian right
Sowell - Basic Economics
>libertarian left (=/= liberalism)
Bakunin - Statism and Anarchy
>authoritarian right
Rothbard - Anatomy of the State

>classical liberalism
Smith - The Wealth of Nations
Rawls - A Theory of Justice

1984 can fit anarchist (center or center-libertarian) since it is anti-statist but not necessarily alligned

Trump is supposedly authoritarian right, but his first move was libcap. Will he follow up with a replacement?

You have no idea what you're talking about

Marx believed in the necessity of the state to bring about a socialist society. In what way is that not an authoritarian philosophy?

>authoritarian left
"The Little Red Book" by Mao
>authoritarian right
"Leviathan" by Hobbes
>libertarian left
"God and the State" by Bakunin
>libertarian right
"The Road to Serfdom" by Hayek

Because the state is a historical-dialectical necessity, not a moral one. For Marx, the best form of society has no government and this cannot be called "authoritarian"

AnCap here. I hope you're wrong about this. I don't want to have to re-evaluate all my objection to Marxism.

He's not. Actually, Marx retracted some of his stuff about the proletarian dictatorship on Civil War on France, his book about the Paris Commune.

don't worry, he's way wrong, but you're still a fucking retard lol

That's pretty basic, sounds like you should just study some Marx instead of learning him from talking points.

>I hope you're wrong about this
Instead of hoping, how about you actually study Marx to confirm this? I know you ancaps aren't known for your willingness to research things, but you should at least try to be better than your adolescent peers.

>AnCap here
No wonder this thread is fucking retarded.
How about you read a goddamned book before posting on Veeky Forums again?
Until then, fuck off back to /pol/ or Veeky Forums.

Recognising the cancers of the state is as redpilled as it gets. No ideology is as good as no ideology.

>AnCap here.
>stupid and ignorant

Checks out

>muh free markets
>muh property
>No ideology

I'm glad people have unironically adopted 'redpilled'. It makes separating idiots from pretend idiots so much easier.

For the red your best bet is Lenin and or Mao. I recommend The State and Revolution and On Practice and Contradiction.

If you're talking market economy you'e talking ideology, don't fool yourself. The state is for shnooks, Capitalism for mooks.

Robert nozick's anarchy state and utopia is a higely influential work for the libertarian left.



clearly a typo

as this probably is... because nozick is a free market libertarian

Shut up you stupid fucking moron, you probably only watched a few videos on youtube about anarcho capitalism.

this, deshita. i would throw brave new world in there as well.

There is quite a lot going on in each quadrant, one book for each won't do at all.

Came here to post this and insult OP.
Good work tolerating your inferiors, user.

>Marx and Murray Rothbard

What. The. Fuck.

Don't listen to this kid, OP. He never did his reading assignments in high school and is now trying to tell you a chapter recap before a quiz.

Rothbard was in favour of slavary, thats as authoritarian as it gets



How old were you when you realised that the vertical is far more important than the horizontal?

I saw this page yesterday but the autism only hit me now.
Top right is "Authoritarian Libertarianism", top left is "Stalinism" or "Authoritarian Socialism", bottom right is "Liberal Libertarianism", bottom left is "Liberal Socialism".

>Putin is as authoratarian as Hitler

Fuck off

Only so much room on that board, also I didn't make it. Merkel isn't that right either.

I don't think you quite get how that works.

Know all you know about Rothbard, please explain how every political theorist got it wrong, and he's actually statist scum? Please, elaborate.

Freshman year of uni.

>Ancap here
>I'm retarded
No surprise there.

*Using all you know about Rothbard

Damnit, Steve Jobs...


My guess is that he was referring to Rothbard's claim that the Civil War (American) was one of two of the only "just wars" in his opinion (Rothbard's, not user).

But even that doesn't hold up as a Rothbard supporting slavery, just him thinking the Union shouldn't have used war to keep the confederate states under the ruling of the state.

No I'm referring to the fact Rothbard literally said there should be no laws against people selling themselves into slavary

>tfw just born and your parents offer you a contract of food and water in exchange for slave labour

Have you even read The Ethics of Liberty?

Pic related

True I thought wrong for a sec nozick is definitely a right libertarian.

>Authoritarian Left

>Authoritarian Right
Trump-Crippled America

>Libertarian Left
Anything by Michel Foucault

>Libertarian Right
Ayn Rand-Atlas Shrugged

>literally a stateless society

I bet you think anarcho-communism isn't a stupid phrase too, eh?

The bases of Right Libertarianism were laid down by John Locke in his Two Treatises Concerning Government in the aftermath of the English Civil War. It's the exact same basic ideology libertarians hold on to this day, down to the emphasis on property as the most fundamental right, in many cases more fundamental than life and freedom themselves. It's tied to a very specific conception of human nature with Protestant religious undertones, as well as to the class interests of Whig gentry.

There's a reason why rothbard disciple Hans Hermann Hoppe is the favorite theorist of the alt right. Right 'libertarianism' will eventually result in a dictatorship of the property holders. It's not about your freedom, it never was.

Foucault was a crypto neoliberal Hayek fanboi, tho.

I know Marx advocated a stateless society, but modern historically Communism has been extremely authoritarian

Underr8: Cornelius Castoriadis BTFOs dialectical materialism from a libertarian socialist perspective, while rescuing what was best about the Marxist tradition ie. overcoming philosophy, human concioussness taking control of its own destiny.

This is the worst post in this thread.

And this is the best one.

- user

Wow this is pretty bad do you even care about normie politics like this is clueless 0/4 I would take a break from posting

Quotations from Chairman Mao could be AL, Badiou's Communist Hypothesis LL.

But desu I don't think Libertarian Right even exists. You replace the power of the state with the power of capital: that's not liberation. It's a recipe for the sweatshopification of the developed world.


Well meme'd, m8.

They're both wrong.

But my other point, see , is that there are certain things still that man can not "choose" to give up or sell. Though I think you raise a fair point with the authoritarian regime being those who own capital, but I think, for the point of the thread, OP is probably trying to separate the political power from economic power.

Now whether or not it's fair to separate the two is a separate issue.

Atlas rebelion. Libertian right

Related to this thread: what are some dystopian fiction novels similar to 1984 and Brave New World, but about an anarchist society rather than an authoritarian one

Castoriadis = deleuze and guattari if they stopped shitposting and actually made sense for once

Marxism is supposed to end with anarchy. The totalitarianism will be over soon comrade. The Party has our interests in mind, don't lose faith!

While you wait, take this copy of Infinite Jest while it's still legal.

Marxism didn't argue for that totalitarian a system, which is why having everything controlled by through workers councils and local assemblies is a Marxist view point. It is only Leninists who argued that all power should stay with the party.

Marxism's late 19th century positivist/Newtonian/determinist component enables totalitarianism tho

there's only one book you need to read

Snowcrash maybe? Haven't read it myself Tbh

got any good George soros "globalist" related books to recommend other users of Veeky Forums?


ok pal

>trump less authoritarian than thatcher
>sanders more left than FDR


>authoritarian left
Dialectical and Historical Materialism by Joseph Stalin
>authoritarian right
Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
>libertarian left
Anarchy by Errico Malatesta
>libertarian right
anything by Murray "In short, we must face the fact that the purely free society will have a flourishing free market in children.", "cops must be unleashed, and allowed to administer instant punishment." Rothbard

>giving the left-wingers real books and the right-wingers shit ones
not even subtle
also what the fuck foucault libertarian left lol