Pic related is a triangle with two 90 degree angles

Pic related is a triangle with two 90 degree angles.
Where is my Fields Medal?

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Those aren't 90 degree angles.

He is trying to do the whole .999999999999...=1 thing

I see

Then that is bullshit because 89.9 repeating is just 90.

If he is consider the infinite sequence of triangles made by two 89.9 angles, then 89.99, then 89.999, then 89.9999, etc. then it is true that all of these angles from triangles but it is clearly not true at infinity, as you can make the two sides of the triangle arbitrarily big, which means that the perimeter of this so called triangle is unbounded, and I have never heard of triangles with unbounded perimeters.

Except that's not two 90 degree angles you chucklefuck.

Try drawing the triangle on a sphere. Then you have three right angles. Jesus, it's like you don't even into non-Euclidian geometry.

Did you apply for it?

Where is your hypotenuse? I see three lines that form 2 90 degree angles.

But it's not a triangle because the edges aren't straight.

He is talking about jewish geometry. Don't listen to his bullshit.

Wtf are you on about?

Op you have to write down the 0.000...2 degree angle at the top to make the troll complete

1-0.9999999... = 0. though

It's an /int/ meme, newfag.

>being this dense
Thanks for confirming once again that the "/pol/tard" posts here are 99% the work of false-flagging goons like yourself


>>The insight with exploiting infinitesimals was that entities could still retain certain specific properties, such as angle

i agree

Just walk over to the third vertex to pick up your medal

Why didn't OP just use non-Euclidean geometry?

Anyone who doesn't think .9 repeating is 1 hasnt done calculus

anyone has the freedom to say, "Yes it is," or, "No it isn't," and then justify themselves with either a real or hyperreal framework of mathematical analysis.

However, nota bene!!! The real are a subset of the hyperreals, but not vice versa.

Somewhere in Gaussian space

Can you express your angles as fractions plz?

A triangle must have 3 angles.

>two 90 degree angles

Get on my level.

decimals are mere approximations of fractions

That one does, one of them is just embarrassingly far away.

kek has blessed this post

I made triangle.

cute croccer

Came here to post this.

Also parabolic geometry triangles can have an interior angle sum of nearly 0.