Why do you read, Veeky Forums? Remember, there are no wrong answers

Why do you read, Veeky Forums? Remember, there are no wrong answers.

for entertainment. just finished J R. hilarious.

To impress girls


and not just for fiction

Pleb here, I just like stories.

because i always think im going to read something that will change me. it never works though, and its such a pain in the ass to read. i like writing though, its the easiest way to get my ideas out without being too critical and academic. i have yet to find a book that really gets me, or pulls me the right way. ham on rye came close tho, because i felt sorry for bukowski. its like he was just being honest and in no way pretentious. its like he was saying, this is why im shit and i have no smart way of convincing you otherwise.

surrogate parental guidance

Thoughts (and the world) are interesting, and I and others have them

>dumb pseud
>buckowski fan

Checks out

In the past I just read for pleasure. Sure sometimes it was enriching but I mostly just considered it a particular form of entertainment.

Then this semester I was googling my professors and saw that one of them has published several books. I checked one out from the library, I've been reading it, and it's great. It has some bad moments that all lit crit has but it's 90% great and she's had more than her share of bon mots that have really been enlightening me the past week. Then it hit me that this author is actually my professor and I could go talk to her about it. I've never had the chance to speak with a creator about their creation and share that sense of enthusiasm, and the thought thrilled me. But then something else hit me - what would I say?

And that's when my reading career ended. When I realized that I had no way to communicate whatever it is that reading gives me. If it can't be shared, explained, communicated, even hinted at, then is it even real?

>is it even real?
of course it is you fucking idiot. there are many things you can only feel and not explain. how fucking stupid are you? goddamn it this post makes me mad

I read to be guided through well-crafted story-universes.

It can be enjoyable.

I'd eat that guy's butt like groceries.

I read in the pursuit of knowledge and entertainment.

It's the best form of entertainment

It's a combination of things. To learn. To understand things. To inspire myself. For pleasure. I guess all of these kind of tie into a sort of escapism from the monotony of life.

Mainly to keep up with Star Wars canon, although outside of Star Wars to better myself. I really have nothing to offer anyone so reading makes me think I'll get better over time. Also I'm learning to critically read and note down things in my books, so it should help transfer over to my studies.

Narcissism. My ego is so fragile I need to read and accumulate cultural capital to be able to love myself. But I'm not even good at that.

It makes you objectively more intelligent than people who don't.

Why do you suck dick

Books have no limits. The only constraint is your imagination and understanding.

To make myself confident enough to talk to women.

I hate my father and I literally read so I can collect enough wisdom to roast him when we debate about politics

the only good reason in the thread

>yfw this is what Æneas looked like

Because I ran out of good movies and anime to watch.

I read for fun. For some reasons most movies and tv show bore the shit out of me. Maybe I have ADHD or something.

>Also I'm learning to critically read and note down things in my books
What do you mean, exactly? I'm curious. Can you provide links?

to expand my vocabulary, to learn how to conversate better, and because i got nothing else to do

i dont know when i stopped being able to read. maybe too much digital interaction. i can only be fully engaged in reading while im reading aloud. it's kinda more fun this way, you get to do a little theatre.

To grow as a human being.

I want to improve my writing

I like humans pushing themselves to their limits, even its its just a meme and diogenes is correct.

Failing to attaine true sentience is poetic to me.

I get an awesome sense of wonder and immersion reading fantasy literature. I can feel it turning gears inside my head as the world around me is formed. World building in fantasy seems to do this the most.. but overall just fantasy books.

And sci-fi books, although I haven't read many. Was thinking about picking up a book called Wool

Because I enjoy reading, faggot. Wanna fight about it?

Because I have Lost any interest in life, knowldege or existence. Reading is a metaphore for the greater life, the existence I desire to enjoy, wich i dont, thus I read to cry even more to see if I fall all the way down I could scape this crap life.

Can't seem to pick up other hobbies. Last year I really wanted to try out archery or shooting, instead I just read books about it. Same with every other hobby. Also it's the perfect hobby for someone who is not social. Going to the library gets me out of the apartment on weekends.
And this Plenty of books written by people smarter than I am.

I am like a little cow sucking on the udder of my betters.

I pretend that the characters are my friends so I can forget about how miserable and lonely I am.

To escape the horror of reality

There is no way out, is there?

I don't read!

Learn enough to shit on everyone else with my knowledge. I'm also curious.

Multiple reasons.
To feel superior
To pass time
And to gather knowledge.

It's fun!
And I'm acting upon my will!

to learn something. for some reason tho i keep sticking with fiction like its gonna be different than the last time. it doesnt

So I can possess a library of books and not be a pseud. Dat library aesthetic bro.

I also read with the hope I will eventually create something of my own.

Because I'm scared of women.

To improve my vocabulary, my quality of thought, and to stave off suicidal ideation.

Inspiration for ideas and style while I work on writing my own anime/vidya in novel form

what's the use of reading if I get more ideas and entertainment from film and already have a decent and distinct style?

>I am like a little cow sucking on the udder of my betters.
