Why are Anglos so bad at handling superior Germanic banter?

Why are Anglos so bad at handling superior Germanic banter?
Mainstream Analytic philosophy still avoids Hegel and Heidegger like the plague.

Other urls found in this thread:

ncatlab.org/nlab/show/Hegel's "Logic" as Modal Type Theory

Hegel is p much fundamentally incompatible with analytic philosophy (tho there is stuff like analytic marxism). There are some interesting analytic interpretations of Heidegger, but one of the top US guys killed himself a few years back I think.

the language that the schools of thought use differ because of the problems that they are trying to solve. dialectic reasoning is something that most analytic thinkers would not avail themselves to.

its also hard to argue against. academic analytic philosophy, which really does get a good share of the publishing, needs anonymous judges to make sure that journal articles are not simply talking past each other in different systems. they generally argue against the most minute of differences because of the compartmentalization of the fields. epistemologists will write 30+ pages arguing for slight differences in theories of justification, for example.

its both symptomatic and a result of the publishing culture, in one way. but also, its an inherent difference in the style of analysis.

thats like asking why scientists avoid using music theory

ncatlab.org/nlab/show/Hegel's "Logic" as Modal Type Theory

>Mainstream Analytic philosophy still avoids Hegel and Heidegger like the plague

So should all right-thinking adults

Well... Why do they?

w/e man all these "philosophers" are basically saying the same thing

>but one of the top US guys killed himself a few years back I think.

Why do fags still pretend to read and understand Hegel and Heidegger?

why do brainlets still project their inferiority onto other people?


Because it makes it easier for them to pretend they understand Hegel and Heidegger.

>Formal determinations of Being

All right-thinking adults are also alt-right thinking adults, and so they have to study Hegel and Heidegger :)

Analytic philosophers deal with language and formal systems and like to pretend that they can express Being in a a-temporal, a-historical way. Continental thought since Hegel and Marx has been concerned with examining Being and consciousness in their temporal, historically constructed subjectivity.
Though there is much more continental influence in post-70s anglo philosophy, probably the main remnant of the split is in how they consider history of philosophy to relate to the doing of philosophy itself.

>Continental thought since Hegel and Marx has been concerned with examining Being and consciousness in their temporal, historically constructed subjectivity

Not Hegel himself, he didn't, i.e. Science of Logic.

Anglos avoid Idealism in general (that is to say, "Germanic banter") because it is nothing more than a centuries-long hissy fit against the Enlightenment.

I admire Schoppy though. Hell, I actually LIKE Hegel too, even if he ultimately strikes me as a somewhat strange figure. In one of his letters, for example, he takes a perverse amount of delight in the destruction of his native Jena by Napoleon's armies. At one point he compliments the craftsmanship of Napoleon's soldiers, comparing them to Freemasons, for tearing apart a butcher's shop and turning it into a giant table or something.

In general though:

>The idea of history as progress

For that alone, my face is pic related.

you're an ignoramus and should think twice before talking about Hegel ever again.

Nothing he said about Hegel was wrong though.

Exactly, he is even worse than being factually wrong: it's taking note of a few loose, barely understood soundbites and thinking you got the whole picture.