Post some times you fucked up experiments please lads so i don't feel like a total retard

post some times you fucked up experiments please lads so i don't feel like a total retard

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I wasted an entire year culturing cells I was trying to mutate because we made a mistake in designing the CRISPR guides. Basically when we were copying the sequence info into the cart for buying the oligos, we accidentally copied three nucleotides from the wrong part in addition to the ones we wanted, which resulted in thousands of dollars going down the drain.

cheers senpai
that's the one, cheers senpai. spent 2 weeks cultivating growths on mica just for the "permanent" pen to leak when submerged in fluid.

oh, I can easily win this

I had read about a private lad that was making and testing explosives of some kind for the military. They were only supposed to make really small samples at once. Of course, to "save time" they made larger breaker-sized batches and one day, surprisingly, one exploded.

And I could add the Humanzee experiment, and Starfish prime, and the other asian one where theyy test how long they can keep the burn victim alive. And unit 731 is unbeatable in scale.


> Be me, neuroscientist
> Have to remove tumor from Gnosopráxic region (Somatognosic)
> mfw Huge fag i knew from college was the pacient
> proceeds to revove a bit of his pre-frontal cortex
> fag is now unable to have short memory, suffering from short memory loss from time to time
> explain to familly proccedure has risks
> still able to practive medicine with my hands dirty

jesus christ user

screwed up a pcr once cause i forgot to put the master mix on ice and the electrophoresis didn't show anything

no repercussions but had to write complete horseshit in my protocols

Are you sure that was it? It seems weird that the mix would become useless within minutes just because it warmed to room temp.

What can i say? Don't let a sociopath be a neurosurgeon?


I am french, i am sorry if that is not how you translate it into english

I lighted up some acetone peroxyde right in front of me. No harm, only hair burned on my arm, but I was in shock for an hour or so.

It was quite retarded : I wanted to ignite a small pile, but it was lightly connected to a bigger pile, so everything exploded.

>I am french, i am sorry if that is not how you translate it into english
The one in this thread is the only result you find on Google.
What's the original term?
Either you're making this up or you're confessing a crime here.
This site registers your IP.
I'm forwarding the discussion to some of my french colleagues.
I hope they fuck your shit up.

>econ major
>no cool lab equipment/test tubes to rub my chin at
>just code in stats packages and simulation languages

my nigga

I didn't do shit, but one time a grad student left some sort of proteome observation laser on his sample all night and it caused a fire the next morning.

One of the early bird mummy professors walked in a saved the building by putting the fire out but we lost a fucking ton of data.

I think we hung the student the next day.

Lul youre gonna make that kid shit himself

What could he have possibly done to you for you to do something like that to him?

Spilled $800 of paramagnetic microbeads. Multiple times.

I mislabeled the hydrogen and nitrogen tanks and accidentally had them the other way around.

well i did two different pcrs in the same batch and those showed up fine

i can't remember if the failed pcr required filtering pipette tips or normal ones so that actually seems like a more plausible oversight

Science without conscience is the ruin of the Soul

Depends if he was working with DNA or RNA. RNA degrades relatively fast at room temperature, so that could be the cause. I don't think it's such a problem with DNA, but it's always better to leave everything on ice.

sieved the picoplankton sample (< 50um) through a macroplankton sized sieve (200um)

covered my tracks by pouring some dilute picoplankton from a different sample into the now macro only sample

'thats what error bars are for user'