What are Veeky Forums thoughts on this?

What are Veeky Forums thoughts on this?

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>reading tranlations

Leftism is disgusting. Only for brainwashed retards who hate strength and masculinity

I thought the attack on leftism in the book was interesting too.

Let's face it, they're simply immature of mind compared to us

Economics schools ranked

>God Tier
>ok tier
>Shit tier
>good goyim tier

The truth is that leftism appeals to people with low testosterone and no grasp on economics

Is that God like how certain Atheists view God? Like Austrian is p much retarded, and neoclassical a little less retarded.

and right wing ideology appeals to dullards


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when people still talking about """Austrian economics"""" in 2016 like it's serious


non-native english speaker confirmed

Whats some decent literature that is neither neoclassical or anti-capital? Like the fabled "economic mationalism" Bannon was quoted as identifying as? Something critical of unfettered international markets, pragmatic national interest, ethically pro-labor but not divisively anti-capital?


What right wing would this be?

The redpill

In the days of Tertullian, being a Christian was very avant-garde. The hicks (pagani) in the backwoods (pagus) just didn't get it.

And once the Christians monopolised all culture and education, the only literates were Christian.

Now, I used the word Christian several times, but don't get confused; I'm an atheist. What I'm trying to convey is that ideology is interchangeable.

Leftism is the ideology of today's limp-wristed city dwellers. It will be replaced in turn, and by then the only leftists will be excluded, poor, uneducated hicks, always centuries behind the times.

Marx's mistake was saying the working class, if left with the ultimate choice, should side with liberal democracy over the conservatism when commenting on Bismark

I don't get most of the right-wing criticism on this book. His ideological position, as he clearly states many times, is the defence of democracy and meritocracy.
He is basically trying to save capitalism and, as far as I know, with better data than anyone else before.

> Leftism is disgusting
>Only for brainwashed retards who hate strength and masculinity

This is pretty spot on.

>He is basically trying to save capitalism
fact. when given the choice between 'saving capitalism' and fascism/mass psychosis/total annihilation the average human will choose the later 9 times out of ten

I mean you are on Veeky Forums of all places. Not many good places on the internet to discuss economics though.

>Austrian economics

>Suggesting Austrian economics are in any way reasonable.

Pretty much.

The sad thing is many of them actually believe this.

>poor reading comprehension confirmed.

>falling for the alt right

>Austrian "economics"


Piketty's critiques are good, but his fixes range between idealistic and fairy tale.

Based. I've read most of it, and used a lot of it in my economics papers for uni, so I've studied a lot of his stuff. Its really fucking great desu. If you don't want to read all of the dry stuff, skip to the chapters on labor income inequality and capital income inequality, then the chapter on marginal tax rates + the remaining conclusions/policy recs.

He a little too far left for my taste, but I really like his ideas and he red-pilled me on a lot of leftist economic policies (which before I naively thought were stupid).

Flip the first three.

(((Austrian))) is on par with marxism with how shit it is.