What are some names and words that you often here people mispronounce, and immediately write them off as being pleb...

What are some names and words that you often here people mispronounce, and immediately write them off as being pleb? (usually actually I think they are mostly self taught and have never heard an instructor say the word)

michel foucault
max weber
claude debussy


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Non-English names with English pronunciation

None, because I'm not as short-sighted as you are

>When you meet a self identified "worldly" American who always takes lengths to pronounce every European word in its correct dialectic

Much more embarressing than someone using a common mispronunciation

>claude debussy
Are they saying this like "Clawed the pussy" or something?

>Americans can't pronounce /ʏ/ and /oː/
Reminder that you will never pronounce Camus, Debussy or Goethe correctly.

Even if I do (which I probably can't) most people wouldn't know who I'm talking about.
Always call him "the German poet" in conversation

I don't think you know what dialectic means, Mr. Pseud.

>jumping on a typo

Here's one of them now

You post frogs and expect me to believe "dialectic" was a typo of "dialect?"

Whatever, just helping you so you don't look like as much of a jackass next time. You're welcome, btw.


Kill yourself nazi

>You post frogs and expect me to believe "dialectic" was a typo of "dialect?"

Duh yeah you caught me, how could someone mix them up when typing.
I recommend you go to reddit, you can edit posts there so there's much less typos to trigger you

I know you're joking but nobody who knows French or German is going to pronounce it that way because they'll sound like an autist

source: me

American reporting in, can euros tell me how I did on the foreign names?

>michel foucault
mee-shell foo-colt?
>max weber
I say it the english way
never said this word aloud, so I don't know
apart-hayyd (how could you mispronounce this?)
really? never met anybody who pronounced this wrong
>claude debussy
clawed day-byew-see
(nobody is going to use ü in english so I don't see what your point is)

Oh fuck off even if it was a typo the fact they're in the same realm in your mind that you subconsciously confused the two confirms you are a pseud.

What happened to this board

>tfw when no qt political careerist

>the fact they're in the same realm in your mind that you subconsciously confused the two confirms you are a pseud.


South African here.
Apartheid is pronounced apart-ayt
Pretty sure Foucalt is meant to be (roughly) Foo-ko

Such a preposterous discussion.

He's right though.

t. psychiatrist

>Apartheid is pronounced apart-ayt
my spelling was ambiguous, its kind of like the english words "apart" and "hate" combined right?

(no pun intended)

More or less, but the "h" isn't pronounced, so it's more like "apart" and "ate." Also, the "art" is a very short sound, rather than the long way it's pronounced in English. I can't think of an English word that has the same sound, but it's very harsh. The "ate" is pronounced just like in English though. If you wanna get super fancy you can roll the r as well, but it's unnecessary and you'll probably sound stupid.

Come to think of it, since you're an American, "apart" is a pretty shit word to use here because you pronounce it nothing like we do over here. The American pronunciation of "apart" has no place in the word "Apartheid."

Thinking about it again I'd say Up-arr-tayt is the best way to describe the pronunciation to someone with no idea about Afrikaans. Like I said above, the a of the "arr" sound is very short but you can roll and drag out the r's as much as you want/are able to.

kek that's a good way to remember the pronunciation, but unfortunately it'll only work for Londoners and white middle class English South Africans.

my dick

Brit here.

>michel foucault

Me-shell foe-ko.

>max weber

Max vey-bah.




Everyone says "apar-tight" but my instinct tells me it's "aparth-eyd."


Tell-eh-os. I'm guessing it should be "osh" at the end though.


Pay-thos. Might be "path-os" or "path-osh" if Greek though.


I say "hi-er-are-key." A lot of people say "here-are-key."

>claude debussy

Clode de boosi.


Wow it's fucking nothing.

to be fair, i think a lot of english get afrikaans pronunciation wrong because of accent. like "african" the english word said by an afrikaans speaker still sounds like "ifrikan" more than "african", but afrikaans or even "afrika" usually keep the A sound for afrikaans speakers when speaking afrikaans or saying afrikaans in english. most people who have heard it from a south african get it right soon after, it's just hard to read the pronunciation from someone who hasn't heard the accent.
>tfw you will never be able to pronounce xhosa anyway
y lif bru

BR here. Names from romantic languages are usually not an issue, but unsurprisingly most people fuck up hard when pronouncing German/English names.
>Goethe is pronounced as [getʃ]
>Weber turns into [uɛbɛʁ]

>Tfw I can pronounce German names without issues

Schopenhauer is fun.

calling him is more fun. try it.

No, the real fun with Schopenhauer is pronouncing him Schoppenhauer – a Schoppen is a word for a glass of beer in southern Germany. (And a Hauer is a hitter, incidentally.)

Pronouncing German names is not hard once you learn the nonexistent phonemes and find out the pronunciation patterns for certain suffixes and structures alike.
I'm studying the language, and despite being a beginner, I can already pronounce most phonemes adequately.

In fact, is the "auer" pronounced as in "Bauer"?

Most of these I don't mind because usually at least they've read the author in question. I don't mind having a conversation about Goethe where they call him Goth because I think he would have been one. Pronouncing Goering as though he was called Goring seems apt too.

So what if they pronounce Proust like the Alsatian Lorraine divide Frenchified everything if they got as far as wondering if she really helped rape that chick because, damn, raping Marcel was enough

But Hilaire Belloc. The next person who says Hillary is going to cause a psychotic break in which I eat their face off their skull.

nice. stolen.

Yes. Dialects aside, German is totally phonetic. 2 years into my study and I could be confused for a native of north Germany.

>In fact, is the "auer" pronounced as in "Bauer"?

Yes. In a strong English accent, it's practically identical to the old word Bower.

Coincidentally, it has roots in the German word Bauer.

is every word dialectic?

wax weber = max veyber

a lot of people say higharchy, instead they should be saying 'higherarchy'


Is the best way to do it sort of an anglo version of the proper pronunciation?

I mean, I dont want to be the guy that say "mey-he-coh"

I mean isnt thre a point where you're not getting the word perfectly, but saying it in your own accent? I had an indian friend and no matter what I tried he said i got his name wrong. When I asked him to say mine name he did it with confidence, but of course he said it with his accent and not how i or my family would ever say it, so of course he was wrong too and couldnt ever do it either.

Yeah my mom lived in Sweden and calls Ikea ee-kay-uh it's fucking annoying even though i guess it's more correct. But I think it's stupid that black people get shit in their culture for talking white which is basically the same issue so I don't know.




Or is that the one with a click?

Americans can never fucking pronounce German words that end with "vowel+e". Its not "ah". I don't understand where they get the "a" sound from

It even ends in a schwa sound like so many English words. I really don't understand where this comes from.

Saffa reporting in again. It's Koh-sah if you can't do the click. If you can, it goes *click*-ohh-sah. The click is made by pressing your tongue hard against the front of your palette and then releasing it downwards, but it's pretty much impossible to describe without demonstrating.

you mean "consonant and e" retard

>Being that annoying faggot who overpronounces every fucking foreign word despite not being from there.
Shit's called Hyperforeignism and it's terrible. Best thing: Usually it's fucking wrong too,

related clip: youtu.be/-d6LuVgBmnc?t=566
this is how you faggots sound when you insist on pronouncing a foreign word word "properly" in an english sentence.

Young Hillary is totally my type when it comes to looks.

>related clip
>half hour long
yeah i'm not watching that