What do you think of women in stem Veeky Forums? Have they ruined your field?

What do you think of women in stem Veeky Forums? Have they ruined your field?

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Shameless self bump.

No I don't really have a problem with women in my field because they mostly seem genuinely interested and competent. Also I'm not a neurotic virgin.

Whats your field?


My field is close to a 50/50 split between men and women, there's no real serious problem from that. But I generally to struggle why some of the women are there, they don't seem particularly interested in the field or science. Maybe they are really interested and I'm just being cynical but I feel they'd be just at home in any other course.

Anyway, where it gets to be a problem is my industry preferentially hires women over men to boost diversity quotas, sometimes forgetting about poor grades to do so. A lot of the big companies have developed a hiring policy now where grades are explicitly less important to them than a graduates 'extracurricular' activities, I wonder how that policy came about.

So ultimately you have a situation where women who may or may not really be interested in the science are getting into the industry preferentially and promoted as well, despite their grades, understanding or passion. Whereas people like me who get decent grades, show real passion and interest and even have decent extracurricular experience get left behind. I can't see how this is good for anyone. Women get opportunities handed to them that they probably don't want deep down, companies get subpar employees who don't get and the most engaged people get left behind.

Specifically, what do you do?
Chemical Engineering has been fucked by women. Ever since our lab started filling out quotas for women, everything went to shit.

Whats your field?


The problem I have with women in stem is in academia. Female teachers prioritize organization and whatnot above experiments and learning. Literally never had a male teacher that wasted time on stuff like that.

you're treading a fine line between reasonable and bitter

Specifically? I am currently working on a cell model for a mitochondrial disease, but I recently took a PhD. position at Duke and will be beginning this fall, so I'm not sure what I'll end up doing. I want to work with this guy who develops RNA drugs but getting into his lab would be competitive. Anyways, genetics is like 50/50 men women, I think, and they're all generally fine to work with. Maybe the difference is that a lot of women are naturally drawn to biology so there's a lot to pick from and if you work hard you end up surrounded by only the elite women. I'm sure there are incompetent women biologists, but I haven't run into many because I try to associate with competent people and institutions.

Well actually the scenario I'm describing hurts the genuinely interested and passionate women just as much as men. And I know full well there are A LOT of those women around, something I really should have explained in my first post. There are also a lot of fake guys around, but they don't get preferential treatment so it's not as much of an issue.

Your post is evidence that you're being left behind because you're a sperg.

You plan on making bioweapons?

Well if your goal is to get employed like mine is and you think about how you're going to achieve that during your undergrad career, its something you're forced to think about. Unless you take things by chance. I want to improve my odds of getting a good job, and I've done that by getting experience, references and doing a lot of extracurricular stuff. But it remains a real possibility that for any given job I could be put behind a woman with shit grades, no experience and maybe some extracurricular stuff on her CV.

I don't have the nerves for that kind of work. I have friends who work with select agents in BS3 labs and from what they tell me you have to go through a lot of nonsense just to be cleared. Plus, I often get neurotic on the walk back home about whether I turned off all the machines (even though I triple check) so I can only imagine how much worse it would be if I were working with Yersinia or something. No thanks.

I cant believe that. Sure i guess some nepotism exists; some people get jobs they shouldn't have. But to say that someone who has shit grades and no experience gets preferential treatment JUST to satisfy a diversity quota is just insane.

Despite the red carpet treatment, easier grading standards, lots of extra money, more job availability toward females, etc...

Girls still don't want to learn to science computers.

So I don't care.

This is because to liberal companies, correct scientific thinking is less important than correct social thinking.

If you find one of these virtue signalling companies, either buy in completely or run away screaming. Know it will be highly politicized and if you are male, you will have one strike against you. Two if you're white, and three if you're straight.

Have you considered the possibility that the women apparently being put ahead of you might just be better candidates?

Once you're past a threshold your marks say very little about your ability to do a job and work constructively with other people. If this is how you conduct yourself with women in real life don't be surprised if companies don't want to work with you.

I used to work in a bioweapons lab, literally no women in any of our labs.

Well a lot of it is anecdotal, but there is (not always) a push to increase to female workers.

For example, a friend of mine got offered a great job and they told her specifically that her grades were irrelevant. About a year later that company hit hard times and let a shitload of people go, they kept her despite her not being fully trained. So I admit the hiring/HR processes are going to be a lot more complex than just woman>man, but that certainly does exist.

>better candidates
Well thats sort of arbitrary, but they've clearly tried to change the people they're targeting in recent years by explicitly telling applicants that extracurricular, not academic performance is what they're looking for.

They ruin everything they touch.

Should just make it one woman per trip and then they won't need makeup because there are no other women to bitch about them if they don't wear it.

Same, although there are very few women in topology all the female mathmaticians I know are as competent/incompetent as male mathmaticians.

Stop being a fag OP

No, there have been plenty of very valuable female mathematicians and computer scientists.

Though we're coming full circle on the cs part.

Did those women exist before or after the current regime of preferential treatment for women?

You sound butthurt. Mi wife is a chemical engineer, she graduated as top of her class, is very hardworking and capable, so when she got a better position bitter fags made snarky comments about affirmative action (she's latina) and shit.

>13% of engineering workforce is female
>40% of women in engineering leave or never enter the field

Usually women do it just to stick it to the boys that they can sing that do better song. Just look at any conference talk about women empowerment in STEM and any average female worker that got in by quota requirement. Once they realize shit is boring and hard and their makeup wearing days don't help them with aging they realize happiness is sought in a more nurturing lifestyle and fuck off in a different direction entirely. Also pretty doesn't help with doing a job and turns work into a half flirt distraction. But that's realistically the case of the US, other countries fare a bit differently because not completely safe zoned snowflake degenerates.

If she's actually top of her class than that's not what I'm talking about, she deserves a job. What she and other high performing students don't deserve is some ditsy cunt with shit grades who doesn't even care about their field of science getting bumped up to their level in employment preference.

She is who you're talking about though

She's a Latina woman. Clearly a diversity hire

If what you're saying is true she would have been hired regardless of diversity quotas. THAT is the kind of women (read: people) the sciences need.

If she and an equally qualified white male apply at the same time, she gets the position

You are a moron

There is no such thing as two "exactly equally qualified people". Also you are a race mixing cuck

Very nice fake quote

Doesn't change the argument at all, if they can go either way with a hire, they go with the minority, don't they?

>race mixing
First, I'm not that guy. Second, why did you assume the guy with the latina wife is not latino himself? Back to /pol/ now sonny.

I would be afraid man. White women in genetics? I bet they are researching a way to genetically modify white men sperm so that their offspring will be black.

Lets be real, there is only one thing white women really care about and that is big black cock. If I was you I would be scared.

just like with guys, most of them are idiots here for the degree, but a few are genuinely interested.

What pisses me off is all the special treatment they get. My school has this '50/50' initiative: so the faculty is coming up with all these biased scholarships, coop placements, workshops and events...

and what happens is favoritism. Average female students have priority over good male students, and pretty girls have priority over the few smart female students.

its all a sham

>Anyway, where it gets to be a problem is my industry preferentially hires women over men to boost diversity quotas, sometimes forgetting about poor grades to do so. A lot of the big companies have developed a hiring policy now where grades are explicitly less important to them than a graduates 'extracurricular' activities

Fucking this. So frustrating to see girls I went to school with, who were dumb as dirt, walking into engineering jobs while the men in my class struggle to get assistant positions.

All the while they claim 'the patriarchy' is holding them back.

>But to say that someone who has shit grades and no experience gets preferential treatment JUST to satisfy a diversity quota is just insane.

Welcome to the modern world my friend. Be sure to follow your classmates on social media, and behold the majesty of 'social Justice's.

>girls in engineering
>talking about "the patriarchy"

women are bad at abstract thought they have no business in science. nature made them inferior to men because they had fewer selective pressures then men.

Not sure what you're trying to say friendo

>Men and women evolve independently

There's not many women in my field but the ones that are here are genuinely passionate about it, sometimes more than some of the guys I've worked with. I can only imagine OP and some of the others are either working with women that are more intelligent than they are and are just venting their envy here or they work in some shitty field that by nature is always going to be shit and they're just using the women that happen to work there as a scapegoat.

they evolved parallel, in ways that do not converge. males are gestated with androgens and that makes them oriented to systems and improves visiospatial IQ, females are gestated with estrogens and that makes oriented to people. You see this pattern even in simians, infant apes will choose a doll if they are female or a mechanical mobile if they are male when offered to choose.

>implying we are asexually reproducing lizards

human reproduction causes women to be weaker,dumber, and less emotionally unstable then men.

B-But senpai. I'm a neurotic virgin.

Why would a woman want to attach themselves to bioweapon's research?

Of course, guys would be attracted to it like honey.

They existed before but didn't get much credit. I know anons on Veeky Forums think poorly of woman doing pretty much anything, but it would make me sick to think that some guy took all the credit for my research just because he could get away with it.

>less emotionally unstable
Well, you got the first and last ones right.

There is always a better candidate and a worse candidate. Race should NEVER be a deciding factor in hiring.

>First, I'm not that guy. Second, why did you assume the guy with the latina wife is not latino himself?
If he were Latino he would have used himself as an example.

Oh hey guys

A scientific look at women (and how to get laid).

First things first:

=== Men are biologically superior ===
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Here’s why

In general, men have approximately 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of – or connections between – these processing centers.

Men’s brains are 8-13% bigger in absolute volume, they overall contain 9% more grey matter and 13% more white matter on average.

Men have 5 more IQ points in general

Men generally score the highest in the SATs

Men make up 75% of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Women are twice as likely to get depressed, due to brooding.

Women are twice as likely to develop an anxiety disorder.

Women are twice as likely to develop PTSD after a traumatic event.


Mothers are more than twice as likely to abuse their children as fathers.
>Stats for all years -> acf.hhs.gov/cb/resource-library/search#?topic[3493]=3493&ajax=1&sort=recent


Men are physically stronger than women, who have, on average, less total muscle mass, both in absolute terms and relative to total body mass. The greater muscle mass of men is the result of testosterone-induced muscular hypertrophy. Men also have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments.

“user if this were true why haven’t I heard it before”
Sex in society, is the highest form of social validation and acceptance, so many people base their self-worth on how much sex they have/have had. When you say sex isn’t important you can attack somebody’s sense of identity.

There’s a reason why:
-> cunt is the most offensive word in the English language.
-> there have been extremely few successful matriarchies in history.
-> 90+% of inspirational historical figures are men.
-> women feel like the world treats them as lesser to men.
-> it’s frowned upon for men to hit women.

Think about it.

Watch the incoming butthurt-faggots-in-denial-call me a virgin.


=== How to get pussy ===

1. STOP trying so hard. The less of a fuck you give about women the more they want you. Women are like retarded children, they can be a massive pain in the ass to deal with, sometimes pussy isn’t worth it, keep that in mind.

2. Look good for yourself, FOR YOURSELF. Exercise, eat healthy and sleep well. Dress well and SMELL GOOD, watch people treat you better simply because of how you present yourself. The better you look the more confident you are and the more their hormones take control of their brain.

3. Be SMART. Sell ‘your’ personality, be funny and be happy, women can’t do either. Be logical, do not get emotional with a woman because you will get manipulated and lose. Push their buttons, cross their lines, make them emotional and then, if you need to, pretend you’re sorry about it, kiss and make up.

4. Already be getting pussy. The more women you’re fucking, the more women want to fuck you.

5. Money and social status. Men love you for who you are, women love you for what you can do for them.

Marriage is for cucks. You want to fuck women, not date them.
DO NOT treat them as equal, they don’t want you to, they are not equal.

For more entertaining info:


A company won't hire unqualified people no matter what (unless there's some serious incompetence among the higher-ups). They also value qualifications over gender/race. First they see who has the best relevant qualifications, then if needed, will weigh the race/gender as a tie-breaker. It's not as extreme as your anecdotes.

t. Involved in the hiring process of a liberal firm. We already get diverse applicants anyway so we rarely have to use the tie-breaker.

Grades don't matter that much, as most resumes don't indicate it. As long as you know what you're talking about during the interview, we assume you are smart enough.

yeah i can confirm, at least from what i've seen at my university (american uni) that geology has to pull in subpar females to not become a total mess of sausages, or at least not appear like that

>If he were Latino he would have used himself as an example.

Not him but why would he use himself as an example when the thread is about women in science?

Stay on topic user.

In my field (behavioral neuroscience), the younger generation is mostly women, with the gap between males and females not being too large in the older generation.

I've worked with many competent and incompetent men and women and lack a bias.

As far as students in classes I TA, usually the women are better about coming to office hours and being responsible about their labwork.

Would she be cool with being forced to work with actual diversity hires that get the same pay as she does.

Has it turned into a shitty field? Are you guys prohibited to do certain experiments on people because of "ethics" that women put into the field? Are you guys forced to put politically correct results into papers?

Have ever had to deal with bullshit bureaucracy? With women its on steroids.

>quick Google search says it costs $20K per kilogram to enter orbit
>that's probably at least one kg
>at least $20K extra per female astronaut so they can have makeup

Im not against women doing anything but when they abuse sexual favors in order to skip ahead in front of everyone else is where the problems start.