Stories about other people getting caught cheating on exams/projects? Epic cheating schemes?

Stories about other people getting caught cheating on exams/projects? Epic cheating schemes?

I TA an undergraduate programming class. Just busted a freshman for cheating on an assignment

> Computer architecture class
> Freshman students write address book program for one project
> Implemented in assembly for ARM architecture
> GitHub repo surfaces from past student with lots of relevant code snippets
> Professor knows, warns students again in lecture about using other peoples' code
> Students have already agreed to college of engineering penalties for plagiarism and cheating
> Still catch 5 students with same code from repo
> Can't explain why
> Forwarded to college academic disciplinary board
> O shit

Happens multiple times a year


pretty bad if you have to cheat in a programming class.

>cheating on a first year programming assignment

I hope you laughed at him, too.

> God tier calculator

Saved me in high school AP chemistry

Especially retarded because we tell them at the beginning of every semester that we use a fingerprinting system for all turned in assignments

I typed out a bunch of notes on my calculator for a test.

I didn't do it for more than one test because it wasn't worth the effort for me. I'm surprised other people didn't do it, though.

>biochemistry final
>we're allowed to bring a cheat sheet (printed, double-sided A4 paper)
>hour into test, randomly hear Sal Khan say, "ATP is synthesized as a result..." or something along those lines
>just assume it was the TA's computer
>don't hear anymore Sal Khan

My friend later told me it was a girl in the back using her phone to cheat. I have no idea if she was penalized for it, or if the TA even realized what happened.


>be me
>first year in math degree
>go to finals, real analysis exam
>do every proof citing theorems by number in the book they used to teach us
>"user you cheated"

fucking brainlets.

This is how I passed my calculus 2 final. TI-84 StudyCards app.

I wonder if in the middle of an answer she out of nowhere changed pens to switch colors.

>last semester's math final
>dude in front of me cheats
>i am shocked beyond this world
>no consequences
i don't like people cheating

>mfw I have this calculator
>mfw I never use it to cheat
these other faggots using TI-89 bitch about it but will turn around and program relevant equations in their calculations history.

fuck them reee

In the end of the day, at least in Europe, its about passing classes with a good grade or passing at all because the professor is a complete lunatic.

Learn stuff, understand it but still cheat if you have to in order to pass. You have to own the responsibility that comes with being caught.

Being a brainlet is not easy.

>calculus 2 final
>calculator allowed on calculus exam
American education is so pleb tier.

During my first semester in college, my English teacher gave out an essay that he'd written to use as an example, but wouldn't let any students keep them because he had a student in the past write their name on it and try to turn it in as their own.

I never even used mine.
They're only allowed to keep the diversity going.

I'm American and I wasn't allowed to use my Calculator for 95% of Calc I, and none of Calc II or III

I'm american and we were allowed to use it but honestly there was no point.

up until about the second half of calc 3 there was no reason to have to use a calculator

>that kid who didn't cheat when everyone else did and he got a lower grade than his friend who did so he tattled to the professor

>be me
>see some guy trying to peak at my answers
>fill in wrong answers on purpose
>erase and fill in correctly at the last moment
>mfw he failed that class

Happens all the time at my Uni.

We call it University of Butthurt.

>kid submits code for homework
>another student's name is in the comments

Same, I never got to use a calculator in any math class in college. I don't think I did in most of my high school classes either

>Be TA
>Was asked to TA because I was one of the only non brainlets in all of CS dept.
>Shitty late night on Friday lab time
>30 mexicans/neckbeards in a lab I'm supposed teach/monitor.
>Brainlets ask if they can move tables together
>Let them
>They turn in the same lab everyday
>Give them 10/10 on all labs& all homework/quizzes/tests because they cheat and get it all right
>TFW they have to spend next year catching up or just flunk out with debt.
>Don't cheat kids
I think 1 of them made it through second year then got expelled for cheating the next year

>really nervous dude cheats during mid term exam
>professor finds him out
>tells him he failed the test
>takes his cheat papers
>few months of class left
>during next class professor pretends to forget something
>gets the student's cheat paper out of pocket
>"ah interesting, now I remember what I should have known"
>professor does this for the rest of the semester

>Mfw I did the opposite of the idiot infront of me and got a solid "B".

>First year
>Drink all night, every night
>Show up to class drunk
>Show up to tests drunk
>95% or more on everything
>Friends get mad because they think I cheat
>All my professors start watching me very carefully during tests.
>One day after test hippy math prof asks me how I do so well
>Open my mouth, reek of alcohol
>Tells me to go sober up, go to his office afterwards
>Next day go in, asks me how I can be so drunk and still get such 'high marks' in his diffeq class
>Tell him it's a terribly easy course/subject
>Talk, realize he's just as dumb as the students
> Leave get drunk
>College in America

Fucking degenerate. You disgust me.

You aren't mad me, you're mad at your IQ.

Thats honestly amazing.
I'm doing fuckups all the time if didn't sleep enough or get distracted by noise around me. Good on you user.

>math notes on a small cheat sheet
lol, literal retard tier
why would you do this when you could program all the notes and equations you want into your calculator?
math is by far the easiest class to cheat in

prof savage af

watched someone get caught cheating during the bar exam. very satisfying. it was a black person.

impressive. you at a state school?

What kind of brainlet school do you go to that lets use a calculator in a math class?

Yeah, it's supposedly a good school for engineers and science but I'm not to sure. I would hesitate to claim being taught by a professor is better than self teaching.

>online midterm
>5 hour time limit
>10 days to take
>open note, open book
>wink wink nod nod from teacher
>I take test early and tell people whats on it
>people still get Ds and Cs

and people wonder why the accreditation board is always kicking our ass. Its fucking crazy, they want tests with more questions but they don't care about how crazy easy it is to just >right click> Google Search For. Zero monitoring software at all, it's all in browser.

I've told my professors this, and they sorta just hand waved it. Some have no idea what I'm talking about. So I just wikileak that shit and tell everyone in class, if they arn't going to be rigorous, then everyone desires the same chance to cheat.

Nope, not enough of a brainlet to ever bother testing for IQ.


Drunk again, degenerate?

I did this in one of my classes in highschool. I was taking Spanish I or II as a Junior/Senior (Because I didn't want to continue doing French so I went back to easy-town) and I saw someone cheating off my test so I figured out what all the right answers were but put down all wrong answers. I then pretended to spend a long time looking over my answers waiting for them to hand in their test, and when they got up, I went back and changed all my answers back to the correct ones.

>Now I remember what I should have known.
Honestly, this is why the concept of cheating only exists in academia, because anywhere else it would, in fact, be entirely acceptable to write down bored for reference, or even to look something up. In fact, it would be expected. Your boss might actually fire you if you didn't know something, and you just decided to wing it rather than looking up the answer, or asking for help.

Some dumb cunt in AP Biology copied my shit multiple times so I got tired of it and did this to her on the exam. She later failed the course

posted this before

>First semester undergrad physics
>whole crew of Indians always sits in the back of class
>professor is pretty chill of course, and even allows programmable graphing calculators with the caveat that you not use those functions.
>Good faith system
>Class is piss easy so why risk it?
>we're offered a couple different times to take the final because our class size was unusual and the professor was super lax
>I go on the second day and the professor arrives late with a whole box of calculators, and tells everyone he's had to make an emergency policy change due to systemic cheating, and that we're all required to place our cell phones on our desks in a visible location, and hand over any graphing calculators we brought to the exam.
>turns out during the previous exam the entire crew of Indians created a cheating network that involved programmable calculators, and texting each other the answers in the bathroom
>professor thought several people were acting strange and had an awkward confrontation with a few individuals in the bathroom.
>Every single one of them failed the class and all recieved disciplinary actions for violating code of conduct

For a fucking freshman physics course.


So.... When someone memorizes pi to 70,000 FREAKING places do they x-ray him first?

Isn't it way more likely that he swallowed (or whatever) a device that vibrates 3 1 4 1 5 9 ........ times? Like a tiny micro-controller, battery, cell phone vibrator?

70 thousand ?!?!

>put vibrating motor in my ass to help cheat at breaking pi recitation record
>sit down in chair ready to begin
>motor jams against prostate
>the vibrations start
>ohohoo fug!
>cum in my pants in front of everyone part way through

>record to recite an irrational for as many decimal places as possible

Only an asian country would value something so stupid and worthless as an indicator of intelligence.

Is it one of those colleges where you're assessed based on the class' performance rather than your own? Completely justified desu. They would be fucking him out of his grades.

and a good test would resist any notes the student brings. if a test can be solved by bring some notes, then the prof is a retard.

>wasting your time and not taking challenging classes

>Freshman year
>Can't take courses without prerequisites

>History class in high school, year 11
>Write a few notes on inside of hand before a test, notice during test that at least 3 other people have all done the same thing to varying extents (one on his arm even).
>Get through test, think I'm in the clear and don't bother cleaning hands
>Having lunch with friends when a teacher comes over and asks to see my hands
>turns out a bitch who had it in for me (as in, we absolutely loathed each other) had dobbed me and only me in.

Got suspended for a few days and autofailed that test. Thankfully it didnt prevent me from passing and I ended up nicking one of her books during a class and burning it in retaliation. I got a lot of satisfaction from hearing that she had been crying over the disappearance of that book.

>put remotely controlled vibrator in ass to cheat on pi-digit-reciting-contest
Gooks are most amusing

>Having to cheat on a history exam

Holy shit, brainlet.

Me too calc 1,2,3,4, i wasnts allowd to use a calc in any of those classes

The inspire is god tier its basically like maple in your pocket

Not him, but history exams in high school often require arbitrarily remembering a bunch of exact dates of historical events.
High school honestly made me hate history. It was 90% memorising useless factoids, rather than actual analysis.

In Australia we use it in final year high school maths subjects.

maybe if by math you mean the garbage they teach us in HS. In post-secondary it's hard to put cheat notes in when you're asked to prove statements you've never seen before.

how difficult is it to just memorize the shit you're supposed to remember

>Be me 17 years old in first year
>In first year Discrete Mathematics class
>Class is in Canada
>More Chinas in class than Canadians
>See Chinas cheating on induction homework assignment
>Act friendly towards them and get their names, add them on Facebook and shit.
>Forward their names to professor saying they copied their homework assignment
>Prof is hardcore Korean and next class reads their names off a list
>She's seriously angry
>They all come to the front of the class and she asks them to demonstrate the solution to the 3 hardest problems from the assignment
>None of them are able to do it
>Prof tells them they get zero on the assignment (Only like 5% but whatever) and if it happens again she'll make sure they're expelled due to academic dishonesty
>One of the Chinas starts crying
>I nearly ejaculate at this glorious academic justice taking place before my very eyes
>best moment of my undergraduate career

Holy fuck you're a disgusting snitch.

I'd say the real brainlet is the one who needs to memorize the book by heart.


fucking disgusting snitch. You must be racist too.

You can view it that way, but I think I did a good thing.

Well if I hadn't turned them in, they'd get credit for a course they haven't earned. They're not my equals, so I crushed them for pretending they were. Am I racist? Maybe. I don't really care how I'm labelled by others though. If teaching a group of nationals that the cheating that is so rampant in their country doesn't fly in Canada makes me racist, I'll bite that bullet.


Ignore that other cunt, user. You did the right thing.

A person who recognizes that using principles like "No Snitching" derived from a culture of high school dropouts known as gangsters is a bad idea?

Chinese students.

>Thankfully it didnt prevent me from passing and I ended up nicking one of her books during a class and burning it
yeah, thankfully!

fuckin retard, you.


>t. Chi Ting Chang

I'm in CS and people generally don't cheat during exams because they know the consequences (no, not some disciplinary bullshit, you simply get thrown out of uni period).
But one time I had a computer engineering lab that was insanely hard (for us CS babbies), and lots of people basically asked their desk neighbor for help or copied what they did.
But the TAs didn't consider it cheating because it wasn't really forbidden to talk to others as long as we do the actual work ourself

t. China

>TAing gen chem 1 exam
>prof is there too since it's a somewhat large class (130)
>Guy asks to go to the bathroom about 8 minutes into test
>Prof lets him go for some reason
>About 40 seconds after the guy leaves the room, the prof peeks out the door and immediately, without having to step out of the doorway, drags the guy back in by his collar.
>guy's phone is in his hands

Fucking moron didn't even actually go to the bathroom and hide in a stall and look at his phone. He stood RIGHT outside the door hahahahahahaha

OP from the grad school general here. You can read about the cheaters that are going to btfo this week

>asking to go to the bathroom
>professor granting permission

What kind of kiddie college is this? Normally you just put your test on the prof's desk, tell him/her you'll be right back, and then grab your test when you come back in.

Collaboration is usually fine in ECE labs I've taken. It's not okay to copy code or anything but if you really can't figure out how to do something then of course you'll ask the people around you. Sometimes it's completely obscure shit like a set of input pins with dual functionality, in which case one group gets it from the TA and then the info gets passed around.

chink samefag detected

Hahaha chink detected

stop acting like me, now they'll think we're samefags


samefag and chink yet again

>they want tests with more questions but they don't care about how crazy easy it is to just >right click> Google Search For. Zero monitoring software at all, it's all in browser.
I had a multiple choice test in economy on the computer once. They told us to use this "secure exam browser" that was specifically made and dumbed down to only allow us to take the test. But they didn't actually check whether we used it. So I just opened the exam in Firefox instead (private browsing -> literally the same level of security as that other browser).
However, I didn't get to Google answers because the time limit was pretty tight. 80 questions in 60 minutes, and I'm a brainlet so it takes me a while to read questions and think about them

too late dude

If you can't memorize dates you're a brainlet

If that was the best moment of your academic career, you must be a pretty pathetic student

Snitching faggot

>during abitur, some days ago
>grill asks me what I wrote on the second task
>answer her when the teacher is distracted

I've never cheated myself because I didnt want to risk getting 0 points and anyone who did is a fucking retard


In my uni some use mini headphones to cheat.

A dude in the bathroom reads all the question titles and when they need him to read that question they cough.
When hes done he starts with the titles again until done.

I think its pretty fucking dumb, but I have to give some credit, theres people graduating in medicine who dont know anything about anything.

Fuck you sjw

Did this all the time in HS. Pretty much every other student at the top of the class cheated on every test and assignment in every way possible. The lazy ass teachers almost always used tests which could be found easily online and used the same ones as previous years. Teachers wouldn't even notice when people had phones out or had coonversations during a test that were audible from across the room. There were coordinated efforts in some classes to go into teachers' offices with stolen school keys and take pictures of the midterm. It was always hilarious when the teacher would use different tests for different periods and some dumb fuck would always put down the answers from the other test without even reading the test in front of him and fail.

You're retarded. You didn't cheat and you're lying about your teacher saying you did.

You just didn't do the exam. If your prof asks you to re-prove something you don't just cite the book, you re-prove it.

If you're unable to discern what you're allowed to cite and what you should prove, you're probably just a brainlet.