Are there any writings which inculpate democracy, rather than capitalism...

Are there any writings which inculpate democracy, rather than capitalism, on the origins of the many things Marxists have criticized in post-war western society? (Mass media, reification, ideology, alienation, etc)

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Critiques of "modernity" from both left and right are often implicitly critiques of capitalism, democracy, liberalism, secularism, etc., either as conjoined phenomena or aspects of the same unified phenomenon. Capitalism is a newer analytical framework, obviously, and disdain for democracy and mediocrity are as ancient as Western political thought. Plato explicitly says that democracy is a degenerative state into irresponsible "mass" consciousness and eventually tyranny. Much of Western political thought has been implicitly elitist and anti-democratic until very recently.

Ortega y Gasset's Revolt of the Masses

Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World

Nietzsche in general

Heidegger in general

Adorno in general

Kierkegaard on the "massing of society" in Either/Or

Christopher Lasch

Baudrillard in some writings

Lots more

>Mass media, reification, ideology, alienation, etc

Huh did we really vote for these things? Must have overslept that day

>Hey Veeky Forums do you know if anyone wrote an entire book about this retarded idea I'd like to make myself believe in?

Capitalism is democracy of commerce?

Socialism is the most democratic economic system.



Rather than firms being run on the command of the dictatorship of the owners of capital they are operated on will of the workers that actually operate them.

>this is your brain on positivism

Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Democracy: The God That Failed

Aren't Marxists opposed to "bourgeois democracy"?


I think you mean popular democracy

Precisely because, among other reasons, bourgeois democracy is not democracy.

oh really? seems like the USA just proved that wrong, considering uneducated workers rose up and elected the "wrong" candidate, woopsie, looks like democracy is a little more democratic than u and the rest of condescending liberal elites expected, oh yes, you're a big marxist always thinking about the poor downtrodden uneducated working class, well, unless they elect somebody u don't like! hypocrite, kys

And look how much has changed.

might want to wait until he actually gets in office, retard, moreover, western democracies are governed by the rule of law not strongmen, that's not a bourgeois conspiracy or a capitalist plot, it's called be a developed and modernized nation...i think part of the reason marxists are so stupid is because they think every country is a fucked up eastern european agrarian nation, when even those don't exist i remember some marxy tard on here calling for a land reform in the united states...what the fuck? are you retarded?

kill yoruself

Is this ironic? US elections are the perfect example of how bourgeois democracy works (bourgeoisie maintains state power) and how it isn't democracy (bourgeois parties maintain monopoly control over the electoral process, the actual vote doesn't determine election but an independent electoral body does, etc.).
>Shillary was the "correct" candidate

try reading some montesquieu, locke, rousseau, etc. instead of silly russian jews and get a clue how the west works, god what a tard

really? can you explain the mechanisms of this working that you must have observed to arrive at your summary conclusion?

Yes there were tons of socialistic communities in the U.S. during the early 19c. They all failed. If socialism can't even work on a small scale, why do people believe it will work on a larger one? I'd say, by extension, democracy is also a failed project.

The parliamentary welfare state model seemed to work alright for awhile, but it's unclear whether it can survive the current neoliberal era. It certainly failed in the U.S.


Is this a question?

i can't believe there are retards out there who ACTUALLY believe major social changes can be attributed to changing moral principles or muh political theories

everything is a consequence of the industrial revolution and its contant technological upheavals, everything else is secondary

not even a trump supporter, but this reply is just fucking retarded, it hasn't been twenty days since the election, he hasn't taken office, what the fuck are you expecting to happen, you moron

How is ideology unique to any society? Literally every society has some sort of ideological spooks floating around

shut the fuck up

Why? Im not trying to be clever or make a case, Im wondering whats unique about western society that makes it "ideological". Are marxist societies not ideological?

trolled :)

Kenneth Minogue -The Servile Mind