Is it worth learning to program in C if I want to get into hacking?

Is it worth learning to program in C if I want to get into hacking?

What can I do with this language?

C is extremely broad and if you don't know the fundamentals of coding then you will be in over your head. Start small - like baby-steps with something like java. C is a monster to take on starting out.

Hacking is about thinking your way through things more than anything else.

you are not as retarded as OP, but you are wrong about muh c beign hard and languages mattering that much
this thread shouldn't be on here but on /g/

op is vile human garbage and he knows it

Fuck of retard. I bet you've never written a line of code besides Python.

>how can I learn to hack

by hacking stuff retard, practice on older systems.

>posts /pol/ meme
>wants to learn how to hack
>goes to Veeky Forums instead of /g/

lemme guess, you're underaged and you want BTFO some libshits

learn what you need to in order to complete your task at hand, the languages are simply tools and mediums for expressing ideas and processes.

You don't begin building a box by learning to swing a hammer, you just fuckn do it

don't learn C for crap, learn R for radical hacker skillz

C is a shit language for brainlets who think they're too good for C++.

>learning to program in C

That's like learning to use a sliderule over a calculator. Just learn C++17

op is fucking retarded

if you want to learn to hack you need to learn to use exploit frameworks, then you need to learn x86_64 asm, sparc asm, and generally be able to learn an embedded asm platform in a week.

You need an understanding of networking, server administration, application development and deployment, and of organization structures.

If you want to make a living doing it you need to actually be able to focus for more than five minutes at a time and read thick technical books including such gems as the 1500 page intel handbook.

But you can't do these things and you won't, so go fuck off.

What should I read if I want to learn binary analysis/reverse engineering?

Learn C. It teaches you a bit about how a computer works. Higher level languages seem to just work by magic to the beginner. With C, things aren't hidden in a black box from the programmer.

if you want to learn to "hack" learn Ruby..
seriously, learn Ruby and then jump straight into Metasploit framework, which is written in Ruby.
That is your starting point.
And it is an easy starting point, Ruby is friendly Metasploit is written in Ruby..

Nowadays C for your typical desktop application is dead, and so it is for hacking of it.

C is the choice language for small embedded though. Small devices. Bugs, drones, transmitters, mini-robots, wire-tap sniffers, and so on.

If you plan to do some actual hacking with feet on the ground, not out of the safety of your basement, C is useful to know.

I never said it was hard, I said it was broad. Dumbass.

>Fuck of retard
One of the easiest words in the English language and you manage to misspell it. I'd bet your code is just as garbage.

>I bet you've never written a line of code besides Python.

if you want to get into binary analysis i suggest first learning C and then studying the architecture that the binary was compiled under; i suggest ARM as it is master race for embedded systems. x86_64 is a great option too. also, if analysis of kernel mode drivers is in your scope, i really suggest you study the kernel of the OS you're targeting; XNU, Win, Linux.

kys Bjarne

C is still useful to know for hacking today as a lot of exploits still rely on unchecked input/buffer overflow which you will learn a lot about if you learn C.

What about studying compilers? I figured it might be useful to have some background with them in order to better interpret assembly the spit out.

>java being small
Java is a big ass language, C on the other hand is pretty small.

Correct, I should have worded that better. I wasn't suggesting that the language itself is smaller, but it based on what I've seen people have an easier time understanding it (in my experience).

The argument is in the context of hacking. Depending on what you think of when you think of hacking a lot of people think of websites. Java is just an example of a code frequently used in that application.

This to

>but it based

Looks like I'm an illiterate retard to

honestly, any useful script has probavly been written by someone else already. you could probably refine it, but hacking is more about knowing what you're doing than knowing where the semicolins go. Practice breaking into your devices. Google what you don't know. It's so easy Pajeet can do it.

>baby steps
Do not listen to this man.

All you're ever gonna have is in that basement

Why do people pretend C++17 is so much different than...C++11 or whatever.

I might be wrong but I have the feel not much is changing for a beginner between any of the C's.

desu it sort of depends on what you're trying to hack

Knowing a lot of webdev languages and systems (php, mysql, java, etc) is useful of you're trying to hack websites and setup a shell or something

If you're trying to crack a program locally, depending on what it was written in (if it's bytecode like .net/java/python it wont require disassembly in the same way a native win32 application will), you'll need to know some assembly, c/c++, and an RE program like IDA

If you're trying to setup a botnet or something you'll probably need to know minimal amounts of java or flash (not sure how drivebys are done these days) and maybe some desktop programming language if you plan to write a cryptor since most botnet clients are idiot-proof nowadays

It's a very broad subject, I'd recommend learning C/C++ as a start since a lot of the programming you'll do later on will have a similar syntax and they'll teach you what to look for when you're trying to find exploits. C/C++ is also, generally speaking, the most useful. Just learn whatever else you need to once you run into it.

Q1: yes, absolutely.
Q2: anything you want limited by your overall CS knowledge.

I'd say go learn python. Python is a hackers toolbox nowdays.