Why did evolution make it so hard for us to kill ourselves?

Like if you were pushed in a tub of boiling oil, what made evolution think that it would be a great idea to let our pain recepters suffer in agonize pain for a several minutes before dying?

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to scare others into staying alive when they look at you

How would killing yourself help you pass on your genes?

>nature only let the fittest survive
>the ones that can't handle it will end themselves, since it would not be benefitial to pass on their genes
>mfw this site is full of people that need to be finished off including myself

So you call for help user
Humans are social creatures.

exactly this

and this, desu

>fall into tub of boiling oil
>yell for help while in agonizing pain
>someone luckily saves you
>be treated for 3rd degree burns and severe blood loss in the ambulance
>still die on your way to the hospital in agonizing pain

No. You're cute.

>Blood loss from burns


Because evolution doesn't give a fuck about you being a fucking pussy. The only thing that evolution wan ts is to go on.

Oh, so now 'it' wants things instead of just being a necessary product of chance, regardless of an infinitesimally negligible probability of occurrence?
I used to believe in creation/evolution compatibilism, after all, the theory of evolution does nothing to suggest the mechanism of structures developing through gradual, genetic mutations.
I started asking if the 'transitional fossils', or any long extinct species' fossil have ever truly been discovered by a genuine 3rd party, some miners or diggers, there's no evidence.
Then there's the case of fraudulent embryo illustrations from a 'respected scientist' of his day, a commonly used example of evolution to this day.
The more one questions, the more the evidence stacks up against darwinist theory and it's proponents.

evolution is evil and wants you to suffer. That's why you're supposed to reject it

>the 'fake' and real embryos look the same

look, evolution has proofs, design don't
what is so hard to accept about the fact that the universe is a necessary coincidence of a singularity blowin the fuck up? it's simple, you don't need no design for that, retard
it's a multiverse, I ain't gotta 'splain shit


the issue wasnt the illustrations, it was the mechanism he proposed

'ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny', aka haeckls lie

what he was saying is that vestigial parts of past 'evolutions' are still present in the development of the embryo. this is wrong.

he most likely saw some kind of aquatic chordate and was like OMG BABY FETUS LOOK LIKE TADPOLE LOL

given the tools available in his day, its not that bad of an assumption to make. it was just incorrect.

>this has no bearing on the validity of evolution

Being able to easily kill ourselves wouldn't increase our sexual appeal, nor would it help with survival, but some people who are able to easily kill themselves would obviously do it unnecessarily, meaning less of them would survive compared to normal people.

Holy shit that is just a metaphor you retard, obviously no-one thinks that evolution literally has a will of its own.

>implying improv segway into assertion == literal interpretation of metaphor
If you weren't so quick to dismiss what was written as retarded, you could save yourself from the continued embarrassment of assuming ignorance in all counter-evolution arguments

Every fossil is a transition fossil you retard. You really believe scientists are inventing fake fossil s? Christianity was a mistake.

>mormon 'scientist' detected

That is not what I got from your wording, so I called you out on it. Also, I'm not a biologist, so I can't really disprove your points. Still, you are only attacking the lowest common denominator, and not the actual science. Since I'm not a biologist, I don't know how many actual scientists believe that the fraudulent embryo illustrations are real, but even if they do, it's just an example of a widely held misconception, and every field has those. Evolution today has much more evidence from other sources, and not just from embryo illustrations, maybe try disproving those.

>Using haeckels lie as the basis for an anti-evolution argument
>expecting somebody to explain grade-school biology to you

fuck, fuck off

Evolution literally does not care how you die. When you get to the point where you are dying, evolution is finished with you.

unless you are a modular organism able to split the soma from the germline and essentially avoid senescence

>be a deep sea jellyfish
>cheat the system, potentially live forever

>implying I've ever been a subscriber to any religious doctrine
>any questioning of 'evolutionary evidence' is based in ignorance

>Darwin's theory is a concept that concerns not only biology, chemistry, astronomy and metaphysics, but actually formed the basis for new political outlooks as well. Within a very short time, this new progressive political attitude was redefined as “Social Darwinism,” and as many historians have suggested, Social Darwinism became the ideological basis of fascism, communism, and eugenics. Darwin’s ideas of “natural selection” and “survival of the fittest” were central to the insane ideologies of many of the 20th century’s worst mass murderers including Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Marx, and Pol Pot. Charles Darwin himself was a blatant racist who elucidated in his book “The Descent of Man” how blacks and aborigines, due to their inferiority to Caucasians would “be done away with by the civilized races in time.”

yeah, social darwinism (eugenics) is widely understood by biologists as being fucking RETARDED

>you agree with natural selection therefore you believe in eugenics


maybe on /pol/ ? but no. just no buddy.

Isn't survival the end goal of evolutionary processes? The inability to kill yourself should be considered a biological success.

That's extremely poor logic. Humans were naturally selected for environments and lifestyles which share nothing in common with those of modern civilization.

and so fucking what? gregor mendel was a goddamn monk, and noone thinks that an understanding of dominant/recessive alelles implies a loyalty to the church.

>implications which were never implied

Read the whole page, it doesn't take long

lmfao, this is some fucking anti-science diatribe implying NASA is involved in some kind of mass conspiracy all because theists are having an existential crisis over the biological structure of the cell
>....i...is my life really pointless? no..... no of course not *hugs the family tighter*
fucking kekked, thanks friend

Search by topic:
- spiritual science
- UFOS/aliens
- Veganism
- Wing chun

lel fuck off outta here >>/x/

>resorting to attacking the person and not their argument
>18+ science board
Like a crate of hippos

you go into shock user

im not attacking you, im attacking the bullshit webpage you linked to as if it held some kind of scientific validity


>next week: what is the perfect way to fight? and why is it kung fu? did ancient aliens teach us kung fu? stay tuned

If you are using this board, chances are that you are not a modular organism able to split the soma from the germline and essentially avoid senescence.


>implying senescence is the only way to die.

Drop one of your jelly fish into OP's tub of boiling oil, and watch what happens to shler. No amount of frantic budding or such is going to do much good -- shle is ded. And, evolution is through with shler.

When you attack his webpage, you attack him, man.

if you will scroll up to my explanation of haeckels lie, you will also see i actually did attack your argument far earlier on - you just dont grasp the basic 1st semester biology concept that you are even claiming as evidence against evolution, otherwise you would have linked the two and realized the context of haeckels lie. scroll up to user

>thankyou for using my pronouns comrade

>critiquing a source is different than ad hom
I can tell you've been well educated

Judge everything on it's own merit, or maybe check out a site more your speed, such as reddit

I can tell you havent, because you still cant seem to distinguish between the historical significance of haeckels lie, and instead prefer the equivalent of biological clickbait

"EVOLUTIONISTS HATE THIS MAN!!! he disproves convential biology while YOU are sitting in the lab like an IDIOT!!!"

>not critiquing a source
>posting on a science forum

...wh ...huh ...i ....you

this is science. you provide essentially invalid sources, you literally do not have a leg to stand on and do not deserve to be listened to by....... anyone. lmfao. hero plz.

No problem, just don't sting me if we ever meet in the ocean.

Then what?

>second thread about suicide in 24 hours

please just kill yourself, nobody cares. Humanity is a super organism. Individuals don't matter at all in the long run.

Do it real messy too, I suggest a shotgun.

>Masons, thinking that Darwinism could serve their goals, played a great role in its dissemination among the masses. As soon as Darwin’s theory was published, a group of volunteer propagandists formed around it, the most famous of whom was Thomas Huxley who was called Darwin’s ‘bulldog.’ Huxley ‘whose ardent advocacy of Darwinism was the single factor most responsible for its rapid acceptance’ brought the world’s attention to the theory of evolution in the Debate at the Oxford University Museum in which he entered into on June 30th, 1860 with the bishop of Oxford, Samuel Wilberforce. Huxley’s great dedication to spreading the idea of evolution, together with his establishment connections, is brought into further light according to the following fact: Huxley was a member of the Royal Society, one of England’s most prestigious scientific institutions and, like nearly all the other members of this institution, was a senior Mason. Other members of the Royal Society lent Darwin significant support … In short, Darwin wasn’t acting alone; from the moment his theory was proposed, he received the support that came from the social classes and groups whose nucleus was made up of Masons.

>An important example which proves the fact that Darwinism is one of the biggest deceptions of atheistic freemasonry is a resolution carried in a mason meeting. The 33rd degree Supreme Council of Mizraim Freemasonry at Paris, reveals in its minutes its promotion of evolution as science, while they themselves scoffed at the theory. The minutes read as follows: ‘It is with this object in view [the scientific theory of evolution] that we are constantly by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism.’ Atheistic freemasonry in the United States has picked up the resolution of Mizraim before long. New Age magazine in its March 1922 issue stated that the kingdom of atheistic freemasonry will be established by evolution and the development of man himself. As seen above, the false scientific image of evolution is a deception set in the 33rd degree atheist Masonic lodges. Atheist masons openly admit that they will use the scientists and media which are under their control to present this deception as scientific, which even they find funny.

damn, youre right - this is all a conspiracy propagated by those fat cats at NASA and the fucking stone masons!

/x/ is leaking again...

Then you die.

And the last, living reminder of hell will be gone..


Imagine how stupid we must look to for example the Chinese. They do cutting edge biology like gene-editing with CRISPR while American Jesus freaks chimp out about Freemasons and whether evolution is real.

Is this bait?

speak for yourself matey, am from fuckin STRAYA, fuckin SCIENCE an that ayyyy

>our government is on par with yours at the moment for climate change denial

Ok i cant say shit senpai...

You tell me, based on how many obvious disinfo troll posts that try to discredit Eric Dubay with irrelevant claims, such as that he 'believes in aliens', read his website and find one claim supporting this

from the first page of a google search......

fucking fuck off /x/

more like
>fall into tub of boiling oil
>yell for help while in agonizing pain
>other humans now know there is a tub of boiling oil in that location and proceed to fry chicken cautiously
>humanity wins again

What a complex thing, life

>doesn't believe in and has debunked NASA's proofs == believes in aliens

Low quality shill

do you have a legitimate learning disability?

this is a screenshot from the page YOU linked

>what is peer review?
>what is science?

is that the same as youtube? because i know like, heaps about youtube

You're assuming that "you" are a single entity. You're more like a city. A cooperation between cells. They don't give a fuck about what "you" as the city feel, as long as there's enough of "you" left over to propagate the genome.

>he addresses the subject == he must believe
Embarrassing, clearly never read any of his work, or a bad shill

>When I was a little kid, I once asked my 90 year-old great-grandfather if he thought aliens existed. He laughed heartily and said of course not. Later on I asked my 60 year-old grandfather the same question. He said he wasn't sure if they existed or not. When I first asked my 30 year-old dad about it, he said there were billions of galaxies and planets just like ours and so there were most likely other forms of life out there somewhere. Nowadays when I ask my 9 year-old students who believes aliens exist, in every class, almost every student raises their hands. NASA and the Hollywood Masonic propaganda machine have been in overdrive for the past 60 years trying to inculcate us into a belief in extra-terrestrial aliens, and it seems to be working. Look at all these alien movies. Why is Hollywood so incessantly propagating this meme?

just for context, scientists, this is a flat-earther who preaches spirit science and thinks NASA is a masonic conspiracy.

just for context.

fucking hell man. well baited.

stop pretending to talk about science and go back to /x/

Science is about reproducible experimentation, of which the spinning ball earth model has failed to be demonstrated in every case. Why isn't a precision gyroscope, rotating 360 degrees in 24 hours, on display at every university?
Believing NASA's 'visual proof' does not make you a scientist, it makes you a believer.

This and also there wouldn't be evolutionary benefit to making death painless anyway. When you die you don't reproduce after that, so if anything it'd probably be better to make it as painful as possible so you try to escape, and when you escape you might be able to reproduce again.


youre right, its because the earth is flat, not because the earth isnt a perfect sphere


no, my degree, publications and research makes me a scientist.

>peer reviewed science

pick one

How does evolution even know you have genes? It's not a conscious entity.

One of his 200 """""proofs""" to demonstrate the earth is flat is that planes dont have to adjust their trajectory downwards in order not to go into space.

Let that sink in for a moment.
That is an adult person publicly lecturing thousands of people.

Its not an entity

>being this dumb

whew lad


Show me some proof that it knows we have genes, dipshit.

That depends on how you define entity. Evolution does make you reach perfection so there is some higher force that makes it achieve that.

Im not him, but please stop

Fish dont come if you shit in the river

Bees have no problem killing themselves while defending the colony.

Evolution doesnt make you reach anything, evolution is a concept, a process.
And it does not make you reach "perfection".

Animals with an useful trait to survive in its environment fug more than animals w/o the trait. They live more and have a greater chance to reproduce.

More offspring is born with the trait.
Majority of the population now has trait it didnt use to have.

Enough change can lead to a different species in a long ass time, like a lot of time please dont say something dumb like "then why dont see new species forming"

New traits can arise because dude mutations and shit lmao

checkmate jesus

fucking stone mason shills are at it again

p.s. earth is flat

I don't agree. We could've survived just fine just like Chimpanzees but we eventually reached human intelligence, which is perfection.

There is a big Foucault pendulum at my university.

You are either a bait connoisseur of the highest order, or the dumbest person I had the displeasure to share an imageboard with

>Resorts to name-calling after he's been proven wrong

>what he was saying is that vestigial parts of past 'evolutions' are still present in the development of the embryo. this is wrong.

Not flat out wrong... many are in fact present, though not all are.

Pic related, dolphin embryo, hind leg buds are already dwindling but are still present.

ok ur right i admit im a mason trying to blind the masses from seeing the truth.

evolution its actually pretty cool if you get to know it, like jesus but doesnt mind the anal sex that much
solid 8/10 entity if u ask me

ps im federalizing europe and you cant stop me


>Imagine how stupid we must look to for example the Chinese. They do cutting edge biology like eating rhino horn to make penis bigger and working with the flow of qi energy through the various meridians of the body that relate somehow to various vital organs.


Credulous stupidity is no respecter of borders.

haeckel was saying that all are, which is absolutely flat-out stated in 'ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny'

why do i need to point this out

obviously some vestigial elements exist, but there is no particular reason for it. they are just leftovers. hence, vestigial.

haeckel postulated that there WAS a reason for it - in his view, the organism was going through a process of all its past evolutions whilst in an embryonic stage.

That is some next level shit right there.

>Evolution does make you reach perfection
If so, evolution is extremely bad at its job.

Nor do humans.

Google "war," it is really quite interesting.


I was not arguing for Haekel or the idea that each embryo runs through its entire evolutionary history, I was pointing out that a blanket statement that leftover evolutionary relics were not present in embryos, which is one way to read part of , is in error and misleading.

I am not the guy you were arguing with, assuming you are the guy who was arguing with the guy that I am not.

As a gesture of goodwill between us, I present you with a remarkable happy looking spider.

Because defending the colony preserves the species. It's not about survival of the individual, but survival of the genes that make the individuals. This is even more readily apparent in insects since they're sort of hiveminded. If anything the only true animal/brain is the queen, and the drones are like arms that she controls. Or maybe think of the hive itself as the animal.

Humans are intelligent and can go against evolution.

Evolution made it easy for Muslims to go extinct.

We have high birth rates to compensate

They'll eventually become sterile after all that in-breeding. We just have to wait it out.

Wait till you go extinct.

If human intelligence is perfection, how come you managed to evolve with such a poor understanding of evolution?

I was the topper in my class, cuckface.