I pay for this board-- Now, my thread again- my idea for a play

Here I will quote the rules: "Veeky Forums is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc."

(Under the universal rules, I am well within my rights to discuss this idea, and you have NO RIGHT to delete it simply because your candidate lost. So will do it again, and then I will go to Hiro. You don't get to delete things that are pefectly on topic simply because you don't like my beliefs, sorry.)

Ok, back to it. And if the commissars try deleting it again, they are going to be in for a long fight.

So, my idea is something on the idea of the film "Thatcher," only in theatre. Imagine the hours after Clinton has officially lost. Reports were that she was crying too hysterically to make the call and had Huma do it for her, she was probably quite seriously thinking jail was a real possibility. And no, I cannot prove any of of this, but then again when tony Kushner was writing "Angels in America," he took a number of creative liberties with various locations, people, etc...

So, the idea would be that Clinton is alone, at first inconsolable, but then she settles down after a few drinks. the one constant by her side--her famous black secret service agent/doctor, whatever he is, is sitting in the room with her as she begins to look over her life.

One approach would sort sort of like "Copenhagen" where she imagines different scenarios, such as if she did not not put in the private server or give the speeches to goldman sachs.

Th done I like better, however, is that after she drinks a bit, she suddenly begins to talk openly and honestly to her doctor/ body guard. Through a series of flashbacks, she is seen as a young girl in Chicago, Working on the Watergate case As the first lady of AR, The first Lady of the US, losing the nomination, and the she finally lands back in "real time."

I like the idea from "Copenhagen" that the stage props (in this case the use of light) is used in the story, in this case to keep track of time as dawn breaks and sun rise further and further....

Fucking write it, and shut the fuck up.

Her back doctor/secret service agent acts as a sort of sounding board. while he never dares to challenge her, when asked, he give s her answers that...truly bring her back down to earth and remind her where she came from. This a few times, she would eye him suspiciously, looking for some indication he is trying to nock her, but he is being sincere. I also like the idea of working in that the black doctor.SS agent has a brother or cousin who did a 20 year prison sentence because of the legislation her husband signed in against blacks she referred to as quote "super predators."

Also, the rumor that Chelsea despises Abedin and is jealous of her would be very interesting to explore. Again, no I don't have direct knowledge, but usually Joe Scarborough finds a way of getting close enough to these people on both sides to get real gossip, and he and Mark Malkerin confirmed that many on the DNC side were relieved that they wold not need to begin "planning her coronation."

But my got, talk about the perfect moment in Us history to dramatize? THIS IS IT. As Clinton realize she is on the wrong end of the biggest upset in certainly Us political history, and maybe world political history.

>shut the fuck up.
I pay my membership dues. I keep within the rules. Am I bothering you? Just like anyone else here (and I'll note you DO NOT pay dues, so you should be thanking me for my charity) I have the right to discuss my ideas and leave them any interested parties to read.

This isn't university dear and this is not one of your "are spaces." In fay, I'm paying for your bandwidth usage. If anyone should should up, it's you.

Don't appreciate my ideas? DOn'TREAD THE THREAD.

I swear to God, if there isn't an interracial sex scene involving Hillary and that black security guy I will fucking hunt you down.

and you know the irony? People like you still do not GET IT that YOU CAUSED TRUMP. There is nothing objectionable in the play I'm discussing. You, I'd bet, had no compunctions re: the movie about Thatcher even though the woman was dying of Alzheimer's.

So no, sorry, you don't get to bully people around-- especially those based on whose largesse you are able to even use this very site. So, while I flesh out and discuss my ideas for any interested parties, you will give me the same rights as anyone else who confirms to your party lines.

Amazingly, your ilk still have learned NOTHING. STILL trying to stifle freedom of expression for those who don't back your designated candidate. I'm not much of a prophet, but I will tell you this-- keep it up, and your ilk keep on with "Trump is literally Hitler!" You will see someone who GENUINELY resembles Hitler in power. You act so much like the Checka in the USSR, the irony is lost on you.
Now, I'll get back to discussing my idea for a play...which, since I actually contribute to the bandwidth and I'm well within the rules, I'lll keep doing.

Veeky Forums shitposting is very long

>There is nothing objectionable in the play I'm discussing

There's the problem, retarded cuck. Hillary is a corrupt lying old hag with ties to a pedophile network (see pizzagate on /pol/) that sacrifices children.

And you want to create a play that glorifies one of the Satanist elites?

You are playing into their hands, falseflagging liberal cunt

nice blog OP

Sounds like shit and I hope you kill yourself, talentless fuck

>interracial sex scene
It's not about sex. People here won't believe it, but 2 of my family members have Oscars. Yes, real ones. Not for acting, but not for "lighting" or some such nonsense either. Ones that are given out on Oscar night in Prime Time. I'm talking about a real idea, which I'm genuinely going to pitch to a studio.

I like it better as a play I think, but a movie could work, though the climate might not allow for it given the prevailing pro-clinton climate. I don't mean this as a joke.

If you have seen "Nixon v. Frost," think of it as almost a cross between "Nixon v. Frost and "Driving Miss Daisy." Those hours were probably the most dramatic in US political history, and they certainly deserve to be dramatized. Rest assured, MUCH will be written about those hours, from the lurid to the genuinely meaningful.

I don't flatter myself by thinking I'm as talented as Tony Kushner, though I have met him several times. What question am I trying to answer? What exactly went on in clinton's mind in those hours as reality set it that she had lost to a man most considered a joke after unfairly using her influence to take a nomination that rightfully belonged to Bernie Sanders.

You could see the toll it had taken on her face the very next day. How--in a 3 act play-- can one best capture the story of the rise and fall of Hilary Clinton? How to dense it to between 2.5-3 hours and 3 acts? How many flashbacks should be utilized, and what are the most pivotal points in her life to illustrate how she got where she did and what signs were there that she was flying a bit too close to the sun with her wings sealed with wax?

If I could somehow capture all of it, now THAT would be an interesting play.

>I hope you kill yourself, talentless fuck
you seem angry. Do you need me to call your therapist for you? you know, raging outward at people like that really isn't a sign of good mental health. Have your meds been adjusted in a while?

>2 of my family members have Oscars. I'm talking about a real idea, which I'm genuinely going to pitch to a studio.
Maybe they can get you into contact with Dinesh D'Souza

>And you want to create a play that glorifies one of the Satanist elites?
OK, now you are acting like an Alex Jones lunatic. She is a deeply flawed, dishonest, and even bloodthirsty person ("we came, we saw, he died!") but satanist? Stop being psychotic.

>celebrate Ok, turn off the video games for a few few hours and a watch a brit movie called "Thatcher." The movie absolutely savaged the woman, despite the fact the she was suffering from dementia and in awful health. she undoubtedly had her faults (letting bobby Sanders, MP die of hunger strike) but as always, the Left behaves like the Red Army in Prussia late 1944.

I get the sense you haven't read much literature, user. The idea is to take Hilary Clinton in her raw form, examine her, and try to see what makes her tick. How integral to her identity is her husband?

The world knows she is dishonest (Trying to pass off the blame for a coordinated 9/11 anniversary attack onto a YT video...that was...to quote Lincoln: "you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

For anyone who saw "Copenhagen" in broadway, as they went through the different scenarios, there was one where suddenly they envisioned Heisenberg --if he had the motive to put it all together to get a nuclear weapon-- and suddenly the theatre went dark and then a flash a very loud, jarring sound to mimic what could have happened.

What if Clinton had won and all the neocon hawks around her got their war with Russia? There are so, so many laters os fascinating stuff, I'm not sure how it could ever be condensed in a 3 act play...

>Dinesh D'Souza
This is the irony-- I am (granted, by proxy right now, but I'm still young) a part of the world you will never be. I've been to the Oscars, vanity fair party, governor's ball, etc... No one goes to any of the golden Globe stuff since they are a bunch of pimps who somehow formed their own little mafia of "foreign press" and made themselves important.

I don't need to consort with 3rd rate Indian documentary makers. The irony is that you are literally a no one, and since someone has the idea that a dramatized look into Clinton would be interested, immediately your fangs come out like you are protecting an establishment that you aren't even part a part of.

I made money on Trump with my stocks, but I had no vested interest either way. What really bothers me to the point of insanity is the way you and your ilk somehow think that the world surrendered humanities to you on a giant platter for you to forge anyone whose ideas don't conform EXACTLY yo what your idea of the world is.
And you are still making snarky comments, trying to play thought police enough to get my first thread banned until I actually stood up to you people. Just who in the hell do you think you are? You are very dangerous people indeed.

Also, you are welcome for the free bandwidth I've paid for during the last ~4 years to allow you a place online to express thoughts freely...which YOU, at every opportunity, try to use to shut down free discussion if it does not conform to your very narrow, very prejudiced view of the world.

Way too soon, OP. Why must you always be a faggot?

Pretty shocking, isn"t? Is this your first time posting on this board? They see themsleves as guardians of....I'm not quite sure, but the similarities between the average poster (an even moderator) here and the sorts Solzhenitsyn described in "The Gulag Archipelago" is remarkable. And what's more, they don't even see it. I gave up posting here a long time ago, noce to see someone fighting back at least. Why was your first thread deleted? Probably a dumb question. They don't even look for a pretense anymore.

I'm literally in awe. I went to Williams as a UG, left Stanford law for the Iowa Writer's Workshop. I left..I guess it's 7-8 years now, and Jesus Christ, the climate even on image boards is worse than anything I ever saw at Uni.

At Stanford law, I was able to argue with my professor that too many female professionals was a bad thing, since given social trends women tended to marry only at or above their financial status and thus it only increased wealth concentration. That is to say, a man could marry a woman who is a ...waitress or a middle school teacher and makes $35k a year and there would be nothing wrong with that.

On the other hand, what woman executive at JP Morgan would in her wildest dreams marry a...teacher or a fireman? It may be an inconvenient fact nut it's completely true, and studies back it up.

I had a bit of a back and forth wit the professor about how this could be changed without infringing on constitutional law (my answer: change social norms, which, if it means nationalize the broadcast media and decentralize power from a small, elite group of media bosses, so be it).

The point here? the discussion stayed civil. I doubt most people agreed with me in the class, but no one hooted or yelled or tried to make me sit down. Try to start that some conversation today....forget Stanford law but at fucking community college government class? They'd have to protect you from a mob.

What are these safe pacers going to do when they take their first trips to Japan and see signs "no foreigners please" in some of the eateries? Start hyperventilating and ask for a safe space? How about a trip to India where they'll get to see kids swimming alongside corpses in the Ganges? Or, also in India, the Untouchables (Dalit) having to remove their shoes in the parts of town that belong to the upper castes?

They claim to have an affinity for literature, but how many of them understand that literature in many instances REFLECTS THE REAL WORLD?

If they will delete my thread for talking about a play (which I do intend to write,, and certainly to pitch, possible as a movie on the basic idea of "The Iron Lady"), how will they handle the real world? Makes me wonder if any of these people have traveled enough t realized that the world and reality does not conform to your unrealistic views, a lesson Lara Logan learned....and these people ARE ON 4 CHAN! What the hell would I find back at Stanford today? Was just up at Williams, luckily the seem unchanged.

Sounds like a decent idea. What exactly did you hope to achieve by making this thread?

>Way too soon, OP.
I don't read you. "Too soon" for what? I'm apolitical, I supported neither candidate, but I'm not blind. Let's say Trump had lost, are we going to pretend there wouldn't be a revenge orgy worthy of the Red Army as they moved into Prussia as everyone who every supported or had anything to do with Trump was burned?

The Manhattan news channels keep going on and on about 2 poorly drawn swastikas in a jewish park named for a "beastie boy." Big valley, even Ben Stiller showed up (must beed the free PR, his career is in the shitter). Fine, good.

On that game day, 4 police in 4 different cities were shot, 3 of them execution style. The media didn't have a word to say about the, at least not the NYC affiliate.

But it's "too soon" to start fleshing out my idea of trying to dramatize what were probably the most shocking hours--- at least politically-- in the history of the US since Fort Sumpter?

What went on, are the reports true that she was crying so historically she had to have Huma call? We know she blamed Comey to her donors, she most have blamed er husband too for getting on Lynch's plane. My interest, from a dramatist perspective, is what went on after she got done screaming.

"The Iron Lady" uses Thatches Alzheimers to have her hallucinating and talking to the mirror. Rather than that, I'd like to use that black security guardDr who is always with her. I'm imagining she asked to be alone and spilled her guts to him, about all sort of things.

And that would be the basis of the play. You may hate Trump, I'm pretty much indifferent to him. But how did she feel in those hours knowing thta she might stand a decent chance of going from expecting to be among the most pamper people on earth to the chance of getting fitted for an orange jumpsuit?

THAT is what would make for an interesting play.screenplay if one could capture the tine exactly right.

>What exactly did you hope to achieve
I wanted feedback, I had never been here before and I thought it was an honest marketplace of ideas. Instead, within 2 mins of the thread being up, it had been deleted (!!!) Now, this got to me. I see that people like me (ACTUAL liberals, not social justice nazis) are being marginalized more and more, and then it became more a statement for other potential posters-- if you are within the rules, don't let this gang of rabble run you off simple because you don't share their exact views.

I'll also add-- there is a certain type in this thread, on this board, in the Humanities who are to blame for the rise of Trump. And if you keep it up, you think Trump is "dangerous?" I'm a keep student of history, and I can tel you this much: the pendulum always swings back. Obama's famous bullshit line written for him about the "wrong side of history" is just that bullshit (with the exception of....those who believed in The Ptolemaic model of the universe).

Politically, there is no "wrong side of history," and Obama was way, way too inexperienced to get the job he did, and Trump is just a part of the blowback. HIs only positive was keeping the US from a war from Iran. Period.

Back to the point-- the thread started off with what I assumed with would a discussion of various broadway plays. Instead, they turned it political.

>coming to Veeky Forums for serious discussion

fuck off to reddit, you retard.

>implying you didn't delete the thread yourself so you could post all this inane tripe

as you say. deleted my own thread. Sir, you seem very learned. Would you like to add any insight about how you'd frame a play about Clinton on the model of the film "The Iron Lady?"

If the mod is still here and not too cowardly, ask he/she. You hardcore leftist swine will never change. What's even worse, you aren't in the least smart. If I "came from reddit," why would I have a Veeky Forums pass? Because I enjoy pissing away money?

You really don't deserve an answer, but I invite the moderator to say whether of not the thread was deleted by him/her or I deleted it myself. You are fucking pathetic.

what the hell is this autistic prelude? Just say what you wanna say holy shit

>Would you like to add any insight about how you'd frame a play about Clinton on the model of the film "The Iron Lady?"
I've had enough of the cunt.

I didn't imply that you came from reddit, I told you to fuck off there if you want to be free of shitposts and would rather have 'civil' discussion.
This isn't your safe-space either.

who the fuck are you?

Also, once a thread has replies, as far as I know, it cannot be deleted. Te thread at least 4 replies. Also, you are welcome for the free bandwidth I pay for (and have for ~5 years) as charity. The idea when Moot started it was that there was "NO CENSORSHIP," thus why the site appealed to me and, once I could afford it, I began paying something back.

You sit there on your morbidly obese backside accusing...never mind, beneath me.

>This isn't your safe-space either.
This isn't my safe-space? But, your moderator is the one who deleted my thread. See how the doesn't quite add up?

>actually paying for a Veeky Forums Pass

OP you got suckered. You fell for the worst of memes.

>who the fuck are you?
I'm a guy who thought I could have a literature discussion on a board I help subsidize until I learned very quickly that my thread would be deleted if it was not in step with the party line of pro-DNC, regardless of how openly dishonest they might be.
I'm also getting a great lesson in the "tolerant left."

If so, he was wrong.

I still think you did it, though. To have an excuse to vent all your bile.

you're completely fucking new if you thought this was a good way to have a literature discussion. you're first mistake was letting us know you have a Veeky Forums pass. like why the fuck do we need to know?

i know its a meme to say this but your OP might as well have been a reddit post. i suggest not posting for a while and observing successful literature threads (they do happen) before making a post like this.

I know we bandy around the term autist a lot on this website but this shit right here... the real deal

>fell for the worst of memes.
Never "fell" for nothing friend. When I was piss poor, before this place got invaded and taken over, it was a haven for me. Always said to myself if I could afford to support Moot in his goal to keep the net as close to what it used to be, I would. Yes, I still need to clean out Veeky Forums cookies after every use and wipe other stuff, but I believe in paying for services I use. If the rumor that hero is selling data is true
...ANYWAY, I had wanted to talk about examples of Broadway plays that were not eh idea of what I wanted to begin working on. I didn't realize how dfar down the IQ had gone in past 4-5 years on Veeky Forums. It's not even the low IQ that bothers me so much as the self-righteous, arrogance, and ten outright denial. The one motherfucker suggesting "deleted my own thread?" Well shit, wouldn't that qualify as a rule violation? The mods don't seem to have any issue stretching rules. If I did indeed "delete my own thread" and then lie, I think I should be banned. For life. Why not report it to mods if you thin it's true?

Because I'm slighty -- just slightly -- less emotionally invested in this than you are.

Also, we had a poll on here about who Veeky Forums would vote for, and the result was comfortably 90%-10% in Trump's favor. So ease off the persecution complex and retarded narrative.

>he thinks he has rights on a privately owned website

Trumptards, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm pretty sure your thread got deleted because your posts are autistic and obnoxious, not because of your political alignment. Most of us are pro-Trump here. Also lol at your sense of entitlement over giving Veeky Forums $20.

Wow, I'm so very insulted. I've been called "autistic" on a board that purports to be about the discussion of "literature," where not a single person apparently know the name of a single, even semi-relevant broadway way. Yeah, I'll take that as a badge of honor here.

Shit, you claim to be here because you share an interest in "literature," when all you do is ad hominem insults and feigning having political beliefs.

I'll add, my last writing project made $770 million dollars (domestic and overseas), plus merchandising, plus streaming, plus blueray sales, plus HBO deal. So...yeah, I'll take your "autistic" label. Gladly.

Okay, look, maybe we need to reset the discussion.

OP, I for one would like to hear more about your planned play/drama. Does it end with Hillary killing herself?

You're free to see the post, free to ask the mod. You gang of fucking idiots. So..yeah, it was fun, clearly learned a lot. I thought I was slightly uncomfortable about the types at Williams and Stanford...my lesson from today? yeah, I'll take enticed WASPS over trash. Shit, I'll even take the pushy Hollywood types over this band. You all take care.

eh... you had me going. then you blew it. Pretty good bait tho

>being into Broadway plays


>my last writing project made $770 million dollars (domestic and overseas), plus merchandising, plus streaming, plus blueray sales, plus HBO deal.

That's nice dear

Ah, an /r9k/ retard. So you are genuinely autistic.

Go shoot up a school

>they turned it political

>my last writing project made $770 million dollars (domestic and overseas)
>tfw James Gunn is shitposting on Veeky Forums again

>literally every post ITT

>many on the DNC side were relieved that they wold not need to begin "planning her coronation."

the rumor I heard was that white house staff all despised Hill when Bill was in office; ie when the cameras are off she holds everyone "under" her in contempt.

>I'm paying for your bandwidth usage. If anyone should should up, it's you.

>People here won't believe it, but 2 of my family members have Oscars. Yes, real ones

>you are welcome for the free bandwidth I've paid for during the last ~4 years

>a board I help subsidize

holy shit nobody cares. it's an ok idea for a play but all you seem to want to do is talk about yourself and how persecuted you are because poor little rich boy's thread got deleted

>I had never been here before and I thought it was an honest marketplace of ideas.
lol faggot

I like the idea. It's about time art started to reflect on what's been happening over the last year. I've been working on a novel and a couple essays myself, and desu I think that 2016 is the greatest thing that could happen to any aspiring artist.

If you're actually serious about your background, and about making this, I'd like to step forward and offer my services as an actor. Done right, such a play could be one of the defining works of this decade, it would be a shame to miss out on that.

Why did you faggots bump this thread so much? Mods are discouraged from deleting popular threads, so now they won't delet this.

If you do this, you could really fit in a great critique of the modern left by having Hillary surround herself with "yes men/women" who encourage her smugness, deplorable comment, etc. The entire echo chamber and us vs them mentality that really led to this Trump phenomenon could be represented nicely by several out of touch, blue haired, millennial staffers who constantly ignore reality in favor of their ideology.