I don't see any problems with nihilism

I don't see any problems with nihilism.

You wouldn't have made this thread if you were genuinely convinced, though.

yeah whatever

What should I eat for breakfast then?

If you believe everything is worthless then why do you go on with your worthless life instead of killing yourself. It wouldn't make a difference would it. But we both know you wouldn't do that. Since humans are inherently egotistical beings and although your life doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, it matters to you.

Of course I'm egotistical, that's why I made a thread on a neolithic silk-spinning discussion tablet.

I matter to me but my existence is meaningless, however fruitful. The grand scheme is what's truly meaningless, which in turn makes my cog just produce waiting to expire.

I mean, apples on shelves don't know about the corporate maneuvers taken by the orchids they originate from, or the composition of the soil their tree was rooted in.

>Everything is meaningless
>For some reason meaninglessness isn't also meaningless
yeah makes perfect sense

Less problems, more fun!


would that not imply the apples meaninglessness to itself due to its inability to understand the higher orders which orchestrated it's existence? By that thought could a human be meaningless within its known context, but not as it relates to potential higher orders?

then you didnt get it.

there may actually be puritanical fanatics of conscience who even prefer to lie down and die on a certain nothing than an uncertain something

Nihilism is for pussies scared of the uncertainy of existence. The idea of clinging to nothing is more comforting than the amorphous ungraspable nature of existence we are actually faced with.

How do we create a truely (affarmative) nihlistic society then? This is where the real problems ie challanges lie

You dont because nihilism is a useless ideology that undermines the ability to live no matter how well you can rationalize it

I dont think it undermines life at all, rather it brings life into the light for true examination. The lack of objective meaning or purpose does not stop us from creating collective illusions worth presuing just for kicks and giggles

You may want to persue giggles as a reaction to nihilism, but thats by no means the universal or even the most common response

nihilism isn't an ideology

Yes it is

Swap giggles for power and we have humanity. The reason thats not the most common response (in what world does this matter?) is because most people never reflect beyond whats comfortable

>in what world does this matter?
It matter because you cant build a society out of nihilism. Like I said, it undermines your ability to live because nihilism is the best justification for a seditary isolated lifestyle

Your should consider that your body has a will of his own. Even if intellectually life has no transcendental meaning and there is no "real" reason to do anything your body will still push you to eat, sleep, fuck, etc...

>you cant build a society out of nihilism
Humans have always done this. The void is not new we just see it now which makes the entire project so much more appealing

Humans have literally never done this. Perhaps we built societies DESPITE nihilism, but we've never built societes OUT OF it. Nihilism is fine and probably even accurate, but as soon you start to use it to justify actions or to define your world view, youve become ideological about it. Crime and Punishment warned us about this as did Neitzsche

But you literally can't, its not how it fucking works.

Nihilism implies that life i meaningless, and society is all that gives meaning to the human existance besides reproducing, which from a nihilistic point of few is meaningless as well. Nihilism is somewhat of an anti-thesis to society, however society is required, as nihilism is a rejection of meaning, and to reject meaning, you must have meaning in the first place, so society nihilism cannot exist unless there is a society to give meaning to the meaninglessness of nihilism.

There is no reason to believe that the vast majority, or even a mentionable part, of people will soon embrace nihlism.
They will keep going about their life producing identity and social comfort out of ever changing illusions/ideologies.
What these fictions will be is arbitrary, as long as they are highly functional. The interesting part is how these fictions are produced and by who.

>Not seeing problems with something imparts it with meaning


>There is no reason to believe that the vast majority, or even a mentionable part, of people will soon embrace nihlism
Ok? So youre renforcing my point that society isnt built out of nihilism.

>They will keep going about their life producing identity and social comfort out of ever changing illusions/ideologies
>implying society doesnt make intellectual progress, ethical progress, and moral progress
Wew lad.

Nihilism will always be an outside opinion. Society cannot function without meaning, otherwise it collapse with no reason for humankind to strive for anything without any sort of greater goal or meaning to life in mind. Nihilism is a rejection of meaning, and most people who go on about some bullshit about "identify with Meursault" (because L'Etranger seems to be how must people learn about Nihilism, despite the fact that its about existentialism, not nihilism, and that Camus never actually identified the ideology at all) or call themselves a nihilist are just some edgy kid who has no friends and they just see the "outsider to society" part and roll with that, without actually understanding what it means to be a nihilist.

You will probably never meet a Nihilist, or an Existentialist, they probably don't actually exist, we don't live long enough for that to set in.

I take it this post means you want to end the exchange of viewpoints?

Of course society needs something to "strive" to. Fictions to produce identity, collective and individual. But these fictions are man made and ever changing. Just as God was man made and a highly functional fiction for centuries


Neither will you find any solutions.