Daily remember that IQ is a meme and is not an accurate measure for intelligence. Stop posting about your IQ

Daily remember that IQ is a meme and is not an accurate measure for intelligence. Stop posting about your IQ.

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It's how good your pattern recognition is, not how much you know.

IQ is good indication of potential, not absolute.

Intelligence isn't how much you know.

The most accurate metric that IQ can make claim to be is a measurement of your ability to complete IQ tests.

t. Brainlets

looks like someone just scored sub 140

its ok to be stupid


Seems to be wrong, as far as I know.
For example: IQ is by far the most significant and accurate measure if you want to predict the future income of an adolescent. (of course not when you take a random iq-test on some random website)

Le sigh. The life of a brainlet is suffering. Wish I were to smart like you guys and bicker about how smart I am all day long.

Real IQ tests with specialists are trustable to some extent. But people posts the results from websites that only test the logic skills and ignore other fields.

thats true but also stupid

>sub 140

Whatever you say, brainlet.

This is true but you have to keep in mind IQ correlates with wealth which correlates with good parenting.

So really we can conclude "people with significant life advantages outperform their peers" which is not really worth mentioning.

It really makes me sad to see Veeky Forums has turned into /b/

>B-b-but IQ doesn't measure intelligence!!!!
>I-it only measures critical thinking ability, pattern recognition, and everything else that makes a person intelligent!!!

>he still thinks IQ tests aren't simply a measure of training and preparation

>a LISP script with two modules written in C scores in the 75th percentile of one of the most popular IQ tests

What's its future income going to be, I wonder?

IQ are literally figures. It's entirely different than understanding mathematical statements.

There's a correlation because math-inclined people tends to like this sort of stuff.

>Shit brainlets say

But is thinking that Kurisu is best girl indicative of high IQ?


t.160+ masterrace

So, people scoring 130, and are from shitty backgrouds are in reality killed geniuses...

> (OP)
>t.160+ masterrace
What the fuck are you even doing on here go cure cancer you dumb shit

wrong. The daughter from the future was best girl. Kurisu is just good for stabbing

>cure cancer

with a 160+ iq you should be able to answer that question yourself

Yes, but that was only one example. IQ is also the best measure to predict the amount of scientific paper a student will publish or the chance a student will get a professor position at a university etc.

Stress on the "one". That's why this type of software is called "expert system". Besides, you can't compare computers with humans (I am an AI enthusiast)

Let's see:
>Yes, I could get it myself, or someone I care
But in the end, everyone dies anyways
>I could get rich by doing so
But I'm doing pretty good already
I absolutely hate 99% of human contact

Most who die in cancer are old, and often useless anyways, and if the treatment would
be expensive, it would mean more taxes, more socialism, -of which I hate even more than being around random average people.

solve fusion then. there's better things to use your alleged intelligence for than bragging on the internet

But I agree with op.

Fusion has been solved.

My current income is dependent on costly energy


stop arguing for personal gain

Why? Should I do it for your personal gain?

No do it for us ;3

Doesn't matter if you have high IQ
cuz brain chips implant masterrace is inbound
just give it a few more years

>Most who die in cancer are old, and often useless anyways, and if the treatment would
>be expensive, it would mean more taxes, more socialism, -of which I hate even more than being around random average people.
Lol, this is the most retarded post i've read all day.

could we please just for 1 goddam week not have an IQ thread?

t. 90 IQ and very insecure about it.

More like 'intelligence' isn't an accurate term to describe what IQ measures

intelligence is the quality of living creatures to accomodate to unknown environment during lifespan. unlike evolution which is accomodation through many generations of selection.

What's retarded about it? Socialism is just a different kind of cancer, so beating cancer with cancer is like fixing socialism with more socialism. It doesn't work.

IQ is a good predictor for some things; the best and most objective one we have. Stop shitting on IQ because you were taught as a kid that everyone is smart "in their own way". The truth is that, in general, the smarter you are, the higher your IQ. For some things IQ is not a good predictor, and for other things it's an OK predictor.

>iq changes depending on what you do
awesome metric indeed

No. It is a sign of liking Steins;Gate just because it has some sci-fi and references to imageboards in it.

the more iq gets posted about the more it gets questioned - naturally, because a lot of the test's flaws get exposed
and the more it gets questioned the more people feel the need to reinforce and protect it - creating threads and spamming the same posts is how this is done

except you can make an uneducated person do it, get sub 80, then teach them the confines of the test and have the practice the sort of question given. Within a few days of this you can make them permanently get above 100, easily. It's absolute bullshit, the only thing it measures is general pattern recognition (which you can easily improve upon) and the ability to do the test.

Not him but IQ predictive power seems to correlate mostly with math or any subjects utilizing mathematical models to a high degree.


>math and physics majors have the highest IQ averages
>asians, Whites and Jews have the highest population numbers in those majors
>these three also have the highest IQ averages
>the current dominant subject of economic growth is computer science
>computer science is mostly a math based subject
>countries on average with either high IQ, these three populations or high interest in CS related subject matter tend to have the highest growth

IQ predicts well because of the math component, in particular the self serving nature it has with CS.

Once you step outside that, the predictive power of IQ drops. Which is why despite it being a key predictor of ""success"" it cannot account for career success in other fields.

So I will agree with you that it's currently the most objective predictor we have but it is certainly not the best.

that's partly because your IQ increases, you get better at solving iq tests after you've had a mathematical education

I do not agree.
I've never heard of someone like that and I highly doubt that. Sorry, I think you are just dropping pop-sci and pol-sci facts and never read some scientific stuff about it.

I know, it's hip to critic the concept if IQ. It seems to me that the concept of IQ is mostly critizised because of the fear of eugenic programs and of the "all people are the same"-micky-mouse-happy-hippo-world-philosophy.

Due to my interest in AI I've read some books and papers about "Intelligence" from the psychologist point of view. There is a wide consence in psychology, that IQ is a concept that works:

- IQ has good prediction qualities.

- IQ is stable (you will have more or less the same IQ with 80 as you had with 16).

- There are 3 parts of a well designed IQ-test: calculation, spatial imagination and language. The performance of some test person normally correlates strongly among the 3 categories.

Again, of course this is not true if you take some shitty 10min-IQ test on a random webpage where the questions remain the same since 100 years and everyone and his dog gets an IQ of 2 Millions.

>never heard of people like that
>post mentions just such people

you do realize IQ by it's own very nature can't be 100% stable even if the test is 100% valid, because it's not 100% genetic, right, even within your own framework you are wrong

i don't understand why you would deceive yourself like that

I'm supposed to take the word of somebody who can't even be bothered to fix his typos, let alone actually learn how words are spelled?

Yes, agree. I wrote "more or less" which doesn't mean "100%".
Apologize for the typos.
You are not supposed to take my word. Just investigate it yourself if you're interested.

Again, the concept of IQ, treated scientifically serious, seems to work well (according to psychologists with IQ as research topic).

Yeah, in a lot of IQ test you've to "complete the succession", after you've seen sucessions in uni, it's easy as fuck.

Kurisu is flat!

Much in the same way that weight does not correlate to beauty. Some people are just better. Deal with it.

I would stein her gates, if you know what I mean.

