Be european

>be european
talk about correct/interesting food preparation techniques, traditional homemade foods that feature real ingredients, wines and cheeses

>be american
talk about what fast food restaurant burger i ate and what soft drink i drink

can americans please improve the quality of their posting? you're holding the potential of this board back.

thank you

I'm american, faggot. What's this, mudpies?

this is the quality i want to see. not garbage posts about five guys and so on.

>be european
>talk about america

i'm talking about the quality of the board

>be american
>talk about food & cooking

>be european
>talk about americans


doggo earned her special nite

I think I recognize that artist. op you dirty birdie

thats a cute girl, sauce?

For me it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.


You're in for a fun surprise, user.

Aitsu no Toriko ni Natta Boku by Nagi Ichi

OP made a fatal mistake.

Good taste in porn though.


>be european
>constantly bitch and whine about americans instead of contributing worthwhile content

>Be American
>Endlessly shit post about British food to the extent that there were four separate threads about it yesterday
>People complain
>Call them obsessed.




Americans have no culture beyond what they see on TV, OP. Just vote for exterminating them.

> Post interesting and intellectually stimulating topics
> Get drowned out by frogposting, fast food threads, and 'I STACK SHELVES AMA'


That's not true. We also have what culture we've gotten from video games.

It's shoved down your throat from a big screen, it's the same thing.

>Post interesting and intellectually stimulating topics

I'm not american but boy am I getting fatter by the minute. How the fuck do I stop? I am so stressed out I can't manage to make salads any more. I know I need to stop, but how?
