

What did God mean by this?


He's fucking Jewish, you idiot.

>putting Pynchon in that company

God, I hate this place

>Thomas Pynchon was born in 1937 in Glen Cove, Long Island, New York, one of three children of Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, Sr. (1907–1995) and Katherine Frances Bennett (1909–1996). His earliest American ancestor, William Pynchon, emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony with the Winthrop Fleet in 1630, then became the founder of Springfield, Massachusetts in 1636, and thereafter a long line of Pynchon descendants found wealth and repute on American soil. Aspects of Pynchon's ancestry and family background have partially inspired his fiction writing, particularly in the Slothrop family histories related in the short story "The Secret Integration" (1964) and Gravity's Rainbow (1973). Pynchon was raised a Catholic.

which one of you did this

>Shakespeare was Catholic
Possibly there were Catholic loyalties in his upbringing, but no biographical evidence has been found as to his own Catholicism.
As for the Italian and Irish guys: gosh, what a surprise.

>Possibly there were Catholic loyalties in his upbringing, but no biographical evidence has been found as to his own Catholicism.

I'll take "Things Pseuds Say" for 400, Alex.

Do some fucking research you disgusting plebian. It may not be conclusive (likely never will), but there is quite a mountain of evidence.

>Hillaire Belloc
>Graham Greene
>Flannery O'Connor
>C.S. Lewis
>John Milton
>Jean Genet

>no biographical evidence has been found
You mean, your sorry STEM ass haven't found it since you know fuck all about his biography. It is common knowledge that, upon adopting the name "William Shakespeare", and having learned his lesson after having to fake his own death in order to avoid a price being put on his head due to his being a devout atheist, Christopher Marlowe adopted Catholicism in order to become just barely a bearable thorn in the Queen's eye.



checkmate boyos

wow boyo


same shit, nigger



Wasn't Dosto Russian Orthodox?

yes. c.s. lewis was not catholic either

C.S. Lewis was Anglican, Tolkien was Catholic. You can be forgiven for this mistake as it seems that Catholics have claimed him for their own since then, and Anglicans don't really seem to care.

>John Milton

>Leo Tolstoy

>Salman Rushdie

>Orhan Pamuk

How can Protcucks ever recover?

To be absolutely fair Anglicanism was pretty much identical to Catholicism until Vatican 2..

You have no idea what you're talking about

You realize even modern day Anglician have a personal ordinariate right?


>Lao Tzu

Totally Catholic

>Harold Bloom

Why do non-papists even try?

thats a new one

if wittgenstein is catholic i'm probably a satanist

>Literally no one listed is Catholic

>St. Peter
>Pope Francis

is you by any chance a bit jealous protesters?


Wittgenstein was a lapsed Catholic who through the influence of Elizabeth Anscombe was slowly returning to the faith, saw a priest, asked his closest friends to pray for him and was buried with a Catholic funeral (much more restrictive then than now).

>pseud and pleb in the same post

shitpost detected

>being this bluepilled

i feel sorry for you user i really do


What now, catholpagans?


God has killed every single Pope since St. Peter so he's a confirmed Protestant

>protestants beating catholics

nice try reformfags

Catholicism confirmed.

>There is quite a mountain of evidence
>But nothing conclusive

Are you retarded? He was orthodox.

This is sad.
This is entertaining.

This is sad.
This is entertaining.


Not even wrong


he's not, though

>John Milton
made is this far before I realized I was reading bait

Though, according the the Catholic Encyclopedia's article on whether Shakespeare was Catholic, Milton was accused of being Catholic.

>My Diary



Retroactively converted to catholicism



Makes you think.

This is sad.
This is entertaining.

>Retroactively converted to catholicism
You are joking but they actually claim that.

>Though, according the the Catholic Encyclopedia's article on whether Shakespeare was Catholic, Milton was accused of being Catholic.
And this is why the Catholic Encyclopedia is trash propaganda.


Game over Christposters

>everyone falling for it

Francis is a heretic, tho

“Roman Catholicism is no longer Christianity … Catholicism is a non-Christian faith … The Catholicism of Rome is worse than atheism … Atheism teaches nothingness, but Catholicism goes further; it teaches a distorted Christ who is Christ’s opposite. It proclaims the anti-Christ” .


He was a good boy he didn't do nuffin.

He is instructing priests to give communion to persons in mortal sin.

>Francis is a heretic, tho
we need to give vatican to trump, so Pope Trump would make the catholic church great again

>all jewish
>all catholic

it starts at Saturn
it's all tacit Satan worshiping

white guy
white guy
white guy
white guy
>What did God mean by this?

It's gotten pretty bad hasn't it, poor Catholics.

Bait or you have downs

>white guy
>white guy
>white guy
>white guy
I think p much all would be debatable on /pol/.

>Francis is a heretic, tho
Are you actually questioning Papal infallibility by calling the big daddy a heretic?

You should have expected this btw, Jesuits gon Jesuit.

>white guy

Italian, therefore not white

>white guy

Gypsy, therefore not white. Even his authorship is rather debatable.

>white guy

Irish, therefore not white

Very, very bad. There has never to my knowledge been a pope who spread more terrible heresies.

>Are you actually questioning Papal infallibility by calling the big daddy a heretic?
The effort to understand what papal infallibility means is minimal, yet you stay ignorant.
>You should have expected this btw, Jesuits gon Jesuit.
This is sadly true enough.

I want to see a schism and a religious war, that would really spice up my news feed.

He wasn't but held many Catholic beliefs.

All his close academoc friends were Catholic, like J.R.R Tolkien, but he was not.

When asked why he didn't become Catholic he said it was because of his upbringing in Northern Ireland.

>being this dumb.
There were a small number of Anglo-Catholics, who believed in Catholic traditions but held onto Anglican religion. Catholicism was banned until the mid 19th century. You're thinking about the early Anglican church, which was like the Catholic church without the Pope, but that only lasted 30 years before it became Protestant.

They still exist. They just dress up like Catholics, but don't believe in any of the doctrine. Some Anglicans have converted to Catholicism (Archbishop of London, couple of other Anglican Bishops).

This started in the late 19th century. It was called the Oxford movement or something similar.

It's more like Catholics are Platonists than Plato was Catholic, though


Only some.
Yes, that was the name and it's mainly related to John Henry Newman who later became a Catholic himself.

Neoplatonism is a really good systemization of the contents of the dialogues, man. Controversial view, though, I realize.

I always wanted to bang her




Seasons 1-4 Daphne is best girl of all time

>Cormac McCarthy


I'd like to point out that this is not a case of Catholicism producing great people, but of great people waving the banner of Catholicism.

Confirmed of not knowing shit about Aquinas