Pro Tip: only the last part is worth it

Pro Tip: only the last part is worth it

The last part needs the context of the other parts to be great though

I read part 1, put it down, and never had to urge to pick it up again.

Is there much fucking in the other parts?

es diferente a la previa ediciĆ³n? cre que lei que lo ivan a re-editar.

As far as I know, they aren't re-editing it. It should be the same as the prior editions.

Pro Tip: if you think this...youre fucking wrong

Part About Fate is the best.

Pleb central

Fate has its moments; The Black Panther speech, the porn tape, but it pales in comparison to the 4th and 5th.

Archimboldi part > amalfitano part > crimes part > fate part > critics part

Amalfitano is worst girl.


Yeah there is fucking on pretty much every page in Crimes but unfortunately it's non-consensual and ends with murder.


sort of like me but i thought of getting back to it. i spent so much time reading about the ho-hum lives of this bunch of lo-key academics specialized in some obscure author. then some dude got cucked by a gay poet of all things, seemed funny but i was tired of it all.. . will give it another try

He is my nigga
Go away
Also best girl is the german crazy girl
Epic edge

Not an argument.

Rape is bad and you should be ashamed of yourself. I'm praying for you, young man.


What was your favorite word in this book?

Except with the two ugly people who fall for each other. That was consensual

probably "the" or "or"

Do you mean the dudes in yail? it was rape at first

Part about the crimes is the only original, impressive part. The rest were different degrees of ho-hum.