What does Veeky Forums think of Hemingway?

what does Veeky Forums think of Hemingway?

Just read The Sun Also Rises, really liked it.

Um....anything else you want to know?

when I was a kid I thought he was writing about adventures and shit, like books for kids, turns out I was right all along.

do you think Brett really loved him?

what do you think of The Old Man and the Sea?
hated it as a kid, loved it as an adult

No. That's the point.

Real talk, though, The Sun Also Rises is a great book for your twenties

She might have, she might not...but what does it matter?

It's spelled Hemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmingway

I think Farewell to Arms is a pretty cool guy. Eh drinks whiskey and doesnt afraid of anything

Veeky Forums doesn't like him for his minimalism, if you go in the critique threads it's the purplest shit, like a harmony of dollarstore nabokovs

Keep in mind, the book is told through Jake's point of view, nobody else. Jake seems to roll his eyes whenever he sees her with another guy, like he knows she's stringing them along, but I wonder...if the book was told by anyone else perspective, would they think the same about jake?

You don't really know if she doesn't have the exact same conversation with every other guy she pounding loads of their sacks.

I like Jake as a character though, because he's a very numb, unemotional, kind of mystery guy. He doesn't say much about his feelings, or his reactions to a lot of things. So....does he really even love her?

Both Jake and Brett seem completely content on living in some fantasy, knowing it won't ever come true.

I just can´t get into his style. English is not my native tongue, but i´ve read countless other authors in english, like Faulkner or Joyce, with relative ease.
Reading Hemmingway seems like a chore to me, and can barely get what happens in his books. I tried to read For Whom The Bell Tolls,The Sun Also Rises and The Old Man And The Sea, and i could oly finish the last one. Maybe i should try reading him in my mother tongue (Spanish).

As much as I hate the dumb saying about Jazz that, "It's not the notes they're playing, it's the notes they're not playing."

I kind of find it actually true for Hemingway. He can tell a whole fucking story by not saying something.

His rhythm is also kind of childish at first, but it works in a weirdly effective, and emotional way. Once again, he says a ton just by making simple statements, and alluding to all the complexity outside of it.


Yes she loved him. but who a slut loves and who she sleeps with are two totally separate things. Sluts tend to resist guys they love because they are afraid of getting hurt, and then sleep with guys they feel nothing for.

Narrator's impotence is a metaphor for how cucked the strong man is by a feminine society.

Jake is numb because he doesn't have balls

How come no one ever mentions To have and have not. It's a great story

He is a great author, probably the best exemplar of minimalism.

I went to undergrad at an incredible 'progressive' school, where Hemmy seemed to be universally panned (without even being read!) just because he deals with masculinity as a topic to be explored rather than a toxin to be opposed. There are real psychological issues at play in his books, about potency and impotence, the alienation of war and labor and society, the fundamental solitude of human life, the dissolution of our best laid plans, etc. Great author.

What did you like about it? Thinking of ordering it.

It's....a really sad book. I guess, very vague in an odd way, yet somehow extremely emotional. If that makes any sense.

>be me
>American, cis, fucking white man

Of course I like Hemingway. But I like his short stories better than his novels. I just think the way he handles character and the way he writes lends itself better to short stories. Just get "The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway."

You could try that. I imagine that his stories about matadors, and those that take place during the Spanish Civil War might actually be more enjoyable in Spanish.

I suppose. I find his literal translations of spanish slang (like i obscenity on the milk) in FWTBT unsettling. Maybe reading it in spanish would be like a book written in that language than a translation.

I don't get why masculinity is abhorred, while femininity is celebrated as if there isn't place for both

because muh us vs them

Just kidding it's the bourgeoisie creating false conflict to confuse and divide the enslaved working class, revolution now it's us or them

Pretty much a prime example of how plebs think "I RELATE TO THIS SO IT IS OBJECTIVELY GREAT"

I imagine his works will be forgotten in the usual way mainstream ideology is. Respected by children, mocked by grandchildren, forgotten after. His longevity is all too human.

Stalinist hack for plebs and losers.

One might say that love without consummation isn't love. She was never able to love him, nor he her.

The Sun Also Rises spoiler
anyone else feel sorta depressed when the fiesta was over and everyone was going their separate ways

>"greatest modern american prose stylist"
lol who actually believe this shit

Are you drinking whiskey right now?

Probably not, but that's not the point. All of the major male characters are impotent and defeated for various personal and/or Brett-related reasons, save for maybe the old dude he talks bullfighting with. The last line is pretty much the best answer.

I love him. Probably much to do with the fact that's Hills Like White Elephants introduced me to literature. So far I've read A Farewell to Arms, the Snows of Kilimanjaro and a few of his short stories. Loved them all.

men still hold more practical and ideological power in the world. the struggle for women's liberation is the struggle for worker liberation

>babby's first author

Fucking hated that book, then I did a complete 180 and loved it.
Read it thrice, so far. P good

He wrote books for boys

Took me a long time to acknowledge his talent. I used to be of the opinion that good writing was very descriptive, like Dickens for example, so Hemingway was at odds with that. I came around, though. Concise prose is good prose, and it's no wonder Hemingway's style was so revolutionary.

this is why we don't have standard anymore.

I enjoyed reading the old man and the see, maybe more for the subject matter than hemmingways actual writing, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.


>cyber harassing a 12 year old boy

go to bed, vlad

Isn't it pretty to think so?

Genuinely debatable. There's a difference between political influence and individual autonomy