I can't cope with the fact that there are people much smarter than me...

I can't cope with the fact that there are people much smarter than me. I was that kid who got As and B+s in high school without studying ever, but I feel like a brainlet. I'm threatened by people working on PhDs in STEM and I'm not even done with my sophomore year of college. I also feel bad because I'm a girl and a URM and that's the reason why I'm in the honors program. If I was Chinese, I wouldn't have made it.

Am I a brainlet if my Attendance was 50% but my GCSE's were all B's and C's with a D in English Literature and Art?

I feel so dumb I need confirmation here

Do you feel threatened by Bill Gates or George soros?

Why give a shit about what other people are doing? You should evaluate yourself with respect to yourself.

>B in highschool
>not a brainlet

come on Veeky Forums

>looking for confirmation from a Turkish origami forum
Man, girls who jump off of bridges are SO cool

No. I only compete with people in my age bracket or people with similar goals as me.

>feel bas cuz im grill
Did a roastie just roast herself
And you are a brainlet for getting Bs in HS

Love these thinly veiled misogyny role playing threads.

lol this is real. please go.

c-could you post boobs? I really want to see what smart boobs look liek... are they pretty like dumb boobs or kinda plain?

>thinly veiled
You need to be more subtle if you wanna insert your feminism agenda.

This board really is reddit.

Smart boobs are the best cause all the girl does is stay indoors and studies all day
So they are scientifically the softest fluffiest boobs of any kind

He's right though. Thread is made by a man

>assuming gender

Not very progressive of you.

i'm a black girl. Who roleplays that? This isn't even good bait.

You're a white man m8

>my denial is my evidence
poor thing :(

> Everyone is mean to me :(
> It's definitely because they are muh-soj-iny and definitely not because I am a complete dumbass

>yfw woman will never be so useful as to cure your malignant cancer that will kill you in as little as 2 weeks.
>woman will never prevent you from getting a myocardial infarction
>woman will never remove that life threatening tumour in your brain
Even in medicine, woman simply deliver babies, look at vaginas and treat old people. Literally accepted into med school to fill up quotas and take up easy specialties like OB/GYN and Geriatric medicine that no able bodied superior male doctors would want to do. Would you let a woman cut up your dick? I would think thrice before that.
>yfw the one of the best pediatricians in a black guy

If you were capable of getting top grades in high school without working much, you are also capable of achieving top marks at uni while working your ass off. The problem is that you never learnt what it means to work for something, so you will keep the same work ethic you had in high school and get shit grades. Meanwhile the brainlet who studied his ass off in highschool and barely scraped an A will continue to do so at uni, and ultimately end up to surpass you.

I feel the same alot of the time. You have to study anyway because even geniuses study alot. Hard work is the biggest factor. PhDs are supposed to be smart. You're supposed to admire them and imagine yourself one day rising to their level.
STEM isn't for girls but since you're even on this site, it's probably the right choice for you since you're probably INTP or some shit.

>The problem is that you never learnt
blah blah are we gonna hear the same shit every single time this shows up? shut the fuck up you're getting trolled and you're an idiot

Dunno, if you did no work then how can you know what your actual potential was/is.

>competing with pebbles and lmao just smoke weed-kind of retards
If most people of your uni are retards, why do you compete against them?
Don't you think you are wasting your potential?

>he comes to Veeky Forums - Science & Math
>to shitpost


Hold on, I thought that's why we all come here?

>he comes to an anonymous samurai sweatshop
>expects professional discussion panel with PhDs

Fuck off retard