My nervous system has learned to orgasm without pleasure, or before it gets very pleasurable

My nervous system has learned to orgasm without pleasure, or before it gets very pleasurable

How long would it take for my nervous system/brain to unlearn these shitty orgasms? Female genitalia btw


more details are necessary for a comprehensive diagnosis

yes, actually

Are you a scientist

archaeologist, actually

gonna need pictures to determine that

how long before this shitty thread gets deleted

>My nervous system has learned to orgasm without pleasure
how did it accomplish this?

roastie pls

I guess I was stupid when I was a teenager and masturbated too much plus I would do this thing where I would tense my legs up to have an orgasm

Porn used to excite me so much and now even if I take a big break from it (like months) it still doesn't get me anywhere near as wet as I used to

I wonder about the correlation between the number of shitty threads and the percentage of female posters. I bet it's pretty tight.

>not as wet as I used to be
you're just getting older. it's normal. relax.

how do you define the kind of "pleasure" that you are not getting prior to orgasm?

typically orgasms are understood to be very pleasurable so your question needs a little more clarification.

I'm only in my early twenties and my orgasms are still shitty which isn't normal

Well I suppose I'm comparing my current orgasm to two things:
1) My first few orgasms that I had when I started masturbating at around age 11, which were much better and stronger than anything I've ever had for many years after that (I'm 24 now)
2) The orgasms other people describe, which range from extremely pleasurable to mindblowing. I never get the tingles or waves of pleasure or mind spacing out or anything like that. I just get a pulsating vagina and maybe a little pleasure in the genital region, that's it

Did you abused the love rocket?

>My nervous system has learned to orgasm without pleasure, or before it gets very pleasurable

I have heard about this woman whos brain interprets all physical touch sensations as orgasms. She says its annoying so i cant be any good.

Oh wow how interesting.

Here's one thing, when I took psychedelic drugs my body was way way way more sensitive than it usually is. What was going on there?

I have heard that the problem is masterbating too much.

Yeah I wasn't particularly delicate

Well I'm asking for the Veeky Forumsence on orgasms and the nervous system to help

Nah even long breaks from masturbating hasn't helped

You messed with your clit sensitivity.

We can help with that, but you will have to help the guys here eventually.

General rules are: 30 days to learn a new habit, 90 days to unlearn a habit approximately.

However, due to the involuntary motor aspect relevant to the situation at hand, it could be that you have a genetic tendency and that's just you, which is great for guys.,

It's not only the habit, she has to recover the nerve tissue.

You are getting the cone missy, no touchin the happy place in a month, you can stimulate the rest but the clit it's of the menu.

There's a lot of variation between individuals actually

>Researchers from University College London examined the new habits of 96 people over the space of 12 weeks, and found that the average time it takes for a new habit to stick is actually 66 days; furthermore, individual times varied from 18 to a whopping 254 days.

>Female genitalia
I would need to, uh, examine the specimen.

just let me fuck you for a few years

eventually you won't want to have sex anymore

nuke your ventral tegmental area or take antipsychotics : )

Have you considered that it might be a side effect of medication? Birth control is especially known to cause less interest and pleasure from sex.

Not it's definitely not medication, I'm not on any and I've never been on birth control

What's a love rocket? What happened?

It's the rocket of love, user.

If I had to guess, I'd say rough vibrator on clit = tissue samage or something?

That can happen, yes. Just like with many other nerves, if there is too much stimulation it can lead to a build-up of resistance. Hopefully it isn't permanent because that would suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Isn't this exactly the kind of issue you'd see a gynecologist for?