Are you taking your anti-cancer supplements Veeky Forums

are you taking your anti-cancer supplements Veeky Forums

well, nevermind, we're all fucking doomed.

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do you have any non-clickbait source? perhaps a real news source?

You realize that we've actually detonated nuclear devices in the water, right? Like multiple times. That did way more damage than fukushima ever could.

I wanted to ask about that.

How bad is it?

You should stop using wireless devices if you're actually worried about cancer and brain damage. But of course you won't, because it's not about accuracy or reality. It's about feelings and emotionally charged associations, like scary nuclear fallout. The cell phone and wifi feels nice and safe while it's slowly degenerating you, while fallout is big and visible and scary.

Admit it. Most people don't give a damn about cancer or cancer prevention.

>microwaves created by cell phones cause cancer
Citation needed.

>You should stop using wireless devices if you're actually worried about cancer and brain damage.

No cancer organization supports this claim. You're walking on late 90's, early 00's media hype for low energy waves that probably can't do shit to your body.

Not saying it's not possible, but there's no definitive evidence of this.

Also, Google "microwave dendritic arborization". Should return plenty of results. Pulsed fields at microwave frequencies interact with the charge groups comprising voltage gated calcium channel's voltage sensing subunit, activating them, and leading to chronically elevated intracellular Ca2+. Result is increased NO synthesis which reacts with superoxide and causes greatly increased peroxynitrite generation, among other things.

Everyone else is living in the 50's. It's been known that microwaves exert effects on biological systems at subthermal intensities, for decades. The question was never rightly if, it was how. These avenues of "how" are finally becoming better understood.

I dont know why sort of cell phone you use - but mine sure cant make microwaves.

You shoulda tried microwaved food causes cancer next time for better effect.

Well goodbye to ever going to the Pacific.

>He didn't even read it

ocean water contains enough dissolved uranium to make it practical for extraction.

fukushima's radiation leaks the proverbial drop in the bucket. except the bucket is Lake Superior. you would have to swim in front of the power plant for two days. to get the same ionizing radiation exposure you would flying to Japan from the eastern USA.

what wavelength do you think your phone uses?

I use my balls on it.

nonsense, stop trying to be abstract, you make no sense

Advocacy group as evidence, laughable.

Please tell me you have actual clinical research instead of just one quack who just cites himself over and over to sell his products to hypochondriacs who think they are sensitive to EM.

It's been proven time and time again with actual science that there is zero correlation between EM exposure and any alleged symptoms. Take your pseudoscience back to /x/.

>Advocacy group as evidence, laughable.
Didn't even read through the site, of course. Full to the brim with citations.

>Please tell me you have actual clinical research
Read the citations. But who am I kidding, you're not interested in reality or actual science. You don't know the first thing about it, clearly.

>Read the citations.
Citations of the handful of quacks who create flawed studies for the cottage industry of EM "sensitives". You purposefully ignore the massive metastudies that have found no evidence of harmful effects, and yet you claim I'm not interested in actual science. Hypocrite. There are always going to be a few quacks in every field that get a few papers published. The cell phone "controversy" is particularly famous for this. When your papers cite guys well known for shilling and misrepresenting statistically insignificant results, like Martin Pall and Lennart Hardell respectively, they can easily be dismissed.

>only a few trillion tons of radioactive water
>contaminants with half life less than a decade

we're fine you fucking oil company shill
go nuclear

>Citations of the handful of quacks who create flawed studies for the cottage industry of EM "sensitives".
Yes, all 180+ of them, and all the studies they cite as well. It's all contaminated. On the bio-initiative site, that's literally indexed every available study pertaining to EMFs relative to cells, reporting both positive and negative results, is all corrupt and biased as well. This whole list of names:
They all must have financial interests involved in promoting this clear fear mongering.

All of these compiled studies? (Yes user, you have to open the pdfs. They're not listed as individual studies here)
Must be bullshit, an elaborate hoax. Those 12,000+ US Navy and Soviet studies from the 60's to the 90's? Part of the hoax, all bullshit. The observations that microwaves could spur bone growth before plate fusion? Made up. The recorded incident where Russians pointed microwave emitters at the US embassy for some number of months and it caused all manner of documented health effects? They must have just been mistaken. All those studies showing activation of voltage gated calcium channels and elevated intracellular calcium? Nah, must not be true.

You incredulity and threshold for what constitutes evidence is artificially high and asinine at best.

>When your papers cite guys well known for shilling and misrepresenting statistically insignificant results, like Martin Pall and Lennart Hardell respectively, they can easily be dismissed.
This needs further elaboration. Use examples.

>Implying nuclear weapons are that dirty
Reactor meltdowns produce far more contamination. Not that OP is legit or anything, but I'm just sayin.'

>not using RJ45 cables

faggots deserve to die anyway.

Doesn't radiation get massively diluted the further you are from the source?


the source of radiation is spreading. It's not about the radiation itself.

>the source of radiation is spreading
Fukushima is on the move?

yes, and it's coming for you.

The yellow peril is real

if you're really worried about radiation in the pacific, then you should complain about air travel too because its about as worse

but you wont cause like air travel, the risk here is just as insignificant

>anti-cancer supplements

You mean fruits and vegetables? Yeah, I'm, "taking my supplements," I guess, though that is my regular diet and I don't consider that a, "supplement".

I don't see a problem with Fukushima's radiation outside of Japanese waters. Yes, it is higher than normal, but that isn't a problem for humanity or sea life. In fact, a little bit of higher than normal radiation is good for your health. You are most likely being exposed to more damaging radiation right now from other modern sources than anything you'd get from Fukushima, unless you live very close to Fukushima. Actually, laying out in the sun for a few hours is probably the most harmful thing you can do in regard to radiation exposure and threat from cancer.

TFW a nuclear reactor knocks on my door

>You realize that we've actually detonated nuclear devices in the water, right?

and yet nothing is wrong

>oh detonating a nuclear bomb will definitely set the atmosphere on fire, but an asteroid big enough to kill the dinosaurs didn't, and volcanoes like krakatoa didn't, even though those were far hotter, sustained longer, and bigger than any nuclear blast is capable of being
>no i'm not a brainlet, i swear!

Moron, its literally nothing.

2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, estimated total aerial release — 11,346x1015Bq.

Fukishima Daiichi nuclear plant cooling water dumped (leaked) to the sea
— TEPCO estimate 4.7x1015Bq, Japanese Nuclear Safety Commission estimate 15x1015Bq, French Nuclear Safety Committee estimate 27x1015Bq.

Naturally occurring Potassium 40 in all oceans — 14,000,000x1015Bq.

Dumping of radioactive waste into the oceans when?

I was murdered by my parents the moment my mom got pregnant. The killing takes a while to kick in but its inevitable

omg, did you call the police?

Is it really going to take 40 years to decommission the Fukushima reactors?

a nuclear reactor goes to a bar

the bartender says "hey, what will you have"

the nuclear reactor says : "a meltdown please"

and everyone died and the whole ocean was contaminated.

Well decommissioning and cleanup of Chernobyl practically just started 30 years after the incident. But that is a country which is broke and has been under severe political turmoil nearly all it's existence.

The technology to do anything but place a cover on a wrecked reactor has yet to be developed. Also don't forget the massive cost.

now go away

Thunderfoot thinks hes so damn smart. But how much extra marginal radioactivity is ok before we start to see higher order effects affect Japans coast? Combine the oceans heating up with this and it could be really bad.

Are there any numbers on algae and plankton levels? They can be more easily influenced by radiation.

The whole video is him jerking off about how cool his geiger counter is.

Thunderf00t is just a scoffer and a parrot, every era has some subset of its population like him. Very narrow status quo thinkers, cogs. There's a reason he just runs and maintains systems designed by other people, and has never stepped foot near even the lightest R&D sectors of his field. He's not good at abstract or novel thought, he's just good at picking at things and trying to frame up an argument for why nothing can change in a way that isn't an incremental improvement of already existing implementations of a given concept.

Also, the window for hormesis with ionizing radiation exposure is dependent on a number of individual and environmental factors, and is relatively small. Any model you can create for spread of radioactive material is bound to have problems and aspects of the greater system it doesn't account for. For example, look at what strontium has done to older people who got it sucked into their bones during the ~30 years of heavy nuke testing? You really think it's a coincidence Von Neumann, Feynman, and many others who worked at Los Alamos all eventually succumbed to similar cancers? Nah. Minor differences, but same general deal.

thuderf00t is a knob.

the FDA "officially" never found any samples of food or fish contaminated with any radioactive material above their action levels (which are pretty damn low)

and just for reference, they did find actionable contamination in specimens they examined after chernobyl

The FDA is corrupt to the point of being absolutely worthless and untrustworthy on even the most basic matters. Same with the CDC. They're all compromised.

Yep, taking Lithium Orotate and Potassium Iodide.

How would we have maps this detailed of radiation over open ocean?

This guy is right, that's why I always trust some random website I found somewhere.

Cell phones fuck your shit up. That is truth.

Inb4 not constant calls

Cell towers and data constantly fill the air with microwaves.

But im a loser and i have nothing to live for so this is great news.

Good point

its seems like a very audacious observation, but i am willing to hear your arguments, please state them

>implying microwaves can penetrate through skin and bone

try harder

>and yet nothing is wrong
>internet piracy is at an all time high
>nothing is wrong
>nothing is wrong

In vitro biological mechanisms do not necessarily translate to in vivo phenomena. No epidemiological evidence supports an effect for low energy EM radiation from consumer sources affecting human health.

>putting mutagens into the place that makes most of our oxygen
it's a terrible idea todd

Everyone is all afraid of nuclear material in the ocean, which is funny since the ocean is the ideal place to dump nuclear waste.
Anything radioactive i by nature heavy, so it sinks to the bottom effecting only a few weird species which have no effect on any larger ecosystem.

Doesnt the sun give out several magnitudes more EM radiation per square meter than like all the wifi routers and cell phones in your house combined? I mean we are aware it causes skin cancer but i think a cell phone would be a drop in the bucket compared to taking a short walk at noon.

>pan is constantly rotated and video cuts in and out