Which one do I choose Veeky Forums? Probably doing Mathematics

Which one do I choose Veeky Forums? Probably doing Mathematics

I'd choose suicide desu

Not princeton because they deflate your grade which hurts.
Do Harvard imo, Yale is in New Haven which is terrible.

summarize your application for me pls

Harvard, Princeton has grade deflation and is harder, Harvard still has the best brand and has massive grade inflation. Yale isn't that good for science or math compared to the other two.

Congrats, fuckboi. I was waitlisted at all 3. Legacy to yale too.
I don't know anyone who is more skilled at math and science than me, but I guess that's just the way the world works.
Enjoy! Seriously, congratulations.
I'm going to uc berkeley or cornell, but damn i wish i were able to go to princeton.

do harvard, study hard, and take fucking math55
do well in that and you're set for life


Plus in terms of international reputation Harvard is best

>muh "I'm the best at xyz out of anyone I've ever met"

I'm at a top 10 Uni and you wouldn't believe how many freshman I've heard say that shit. Then they get kicked out for underperforming or just score average, and suddenly they don't talk shit anymore.

Everyone in highschool is retarded, being the smartest there doesn't mean shit

>still fails
>"but I guess that's just the way the world works"


To everyone else, thanks for the info, I'm leaning Harvard but I'm not taking this decision lightly .

Didn't that get made easier so it's "just" real and complex analysis crammed into a semester, followed by abstract algebra that gets more advanced than normal?

I don't get the Class of 2021 thingie. Someone care to explain?

I know everyone in high school is retarded, that's what I meant by "that's just the way the world works." I was saying that I was wrong about being one of the best and that in reality there were others that were better than me everywhere, and I was coming to terms with that... Why do you get so defensive and assume I'm being a crybaby?

Also, my dad never gave yale a penny, so I should have expected it. I'm not an amazing english student which may have killed me when it comes to yale. All A's, but in honors classes, not AP.

You're so mad about this. Lighten up. I'm completely gracious and understanding about the whole thing.

You know what op, on the note about me being waitlisted, mind sending a letter to the schools you decide not to go to saying "accept this kid from Veeky Forums instead"
I'll give you a blowjob if you do it.

>no APs
Never had a chance my man, don't feel too bad
Lots of kids who get into Yale without affirmative action or legacy status have had 15-20 APs


Assuming you're not fucking around, nobody here can help you here. It doesn't matter which school you pick, and you just need to go to the one with the culture you like most.

you are expected to graduate in 4 years

No, i had ap's, but almost all science and math. US history and music theory too. Just no english.
Yale wasnt a good fit anyway.
Of course i didnt have 15 aps, which is insane.
To do 20 you need like 4 or 5 in freshman year, what the fuck is that shit? They would put you in an asylum if you tried to do that at my high school.
Glad I maintained my sanity through high school. It's not like I'm aiming for a fucking nobel prize. I just want to learn math and have fun, and see where that takes me.

>To do 20 you need like 4 or 5 in freshman year, what the fuck is that shit? They would put you in an asylum if you tried to do that at my high school.

There are some easy ones you can do in freshman year, and then do 6-7 in your junior and senior year.

Fair, from your post it sounded like you were salty at OP and trying to deflect your inability to get into a Tier 1 school by some "that's the way of the world" argument

I'm assuming you aren't from the US. You graduate school in 4 years so since I'd enroll this year then my graduation year will be 2021
OP here, I only had 12 and I'm a fucking white male , but also very poor Just curious as to what people would say, this isn't my only source of information and I'm gonna visit the schools

Something to consider: Princeton places a heavy emphasis on basic (rather than applied) sciences relative to Harvard/Yale, e.g. no med school. Moreover, it's primary focus is undergraduate education and they are very, very nice to undergraduates. Can't speak about Harvard/Yale, so I won't.

Don't fret about grade deflation: if you're a serious student, it's about the resources available to you and the research available rather than the bare minimum (grades/classes/transcripts) you'll receive.

>implying there aren't plenty of anons studying at top tier school shitposting on here

Not sure about getting any useful advice out of it though

Princeton got rid of deflation policy cuz too many pussies like you complained about it

Didn't get into Stanford

Didn't apply

harvard, math 55a, that will determine whether or not you have what it takes

He is trying to go to grad school, I personally think that the grade deflation is alright because not everyone should get an A although you hurt yourself by going to a college that deflates if you intend to go to grad school assuming there is an equally good college you got into that doesn't deflate.

Not really. Graduate schools care a lot about research and letters too.

just kidding user gratz!

Clearly Harvard. Yale mathematics is brainlet-tier.

Between Harvard and Princeton, whichever gives you the best scholarships. Yale is sometimes highly ranked in math, but it might not get you to the best graduate program. I'm not kidding about the scholarship thing btw; I got into a top 10 grad school with zero debt from a state university and am extremely happy I made that decision. Also, congratulations on giving your parents bragging rights for years to come.

Noam Elkies is the shit, but 30+ hours per week on math ain't worth it. Just take math 25 and enjoy your life

You have rich parents.

the resources would be similar at both schools, worrying about grades less will give more time towards research and getting letters

Harvard will get you the most brownie points

Harvard if you want to be a Simpsons writer

Math is fucking gay


Cambridge Mass in particular and the greater Boston area in general wins hands down.

By comparison Princeton feels like the ex-burbs and New Haven is a ghetto.

Nowhere did I imply that you illiterate retard. None of us know OP or how he would fit in.

on what merit are they accepting people in graduate school before they've even had a year in uni?

t europe

Students at a University will at least be able to comment on the culture there, as well as research opportunities and academic matters if they are in the same field. That's definitely useful information

>immediate insult because of a critical comment

Your brainlet is showing friendo :^)

Also I forgot, you should definitely do Harvard because you can do classes at MIT