Impossible puzzle

Anyone can solve?


These puzzles with no info given at all are pretty boring imo. Literally just stupid guesswork. I won't bother myself.


Ask the question correctly and I will solve it for you

The question is the pic, no have more questions, just clue with another pic in portuguese

The info is the pic


Then post the other pic hueboy

the hint is "in fact, every color has six
letters. Did you get this message?"

It is something related to hexadecimal code I guess. And if you look closely you will see two orange dots in positions that makes it look like a clock

How did you come up with hex? Genuinely curious.
If you start with 4998, there is a pattern of +6, -12, +24, -48 etc until you reach 9096. If the dots are supposed to be the hands of a clock, it seems it would be 9:50

What I can tell you is that the orange 'star' seems to be redundant. It adds no information. The orange dots on the 10 o'clock arm and the one inside the 9 to 10 segment seem to be the starting point or the question. The numbers themselves could be one number or a group of 4 numbers or 2 groups of 2 numbers. The second number is 0 or 9 in 9 out of 12 cases. This seems like too much to be a coincidence. The first number is 4 or 5 in nine out or 12 cases. The last number is a series 2684 repeating 4 times. The hieroglyphs repeat in the sequence 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,7,5,6

Laying down the obvious every number is even, and every number is either bigger or smaller than the two next to it on the circle.
Plus four numbers are in the form 5000 + 2^n, where n equals 2, 4, 6 and 8

starting from 30 degrees
5000 - 2^1
5000 + 2^2
5000 - 2^3
5000 +2^4 etc


You don't need both - and +, it's just 5000 + (-2)^n

>You don't need both - and +, it's just 5000 + (-2)^n

I'm gonna crazy

Something to do with pyramids?


Can you not double post the same thread, idiot?


Delete your other thread then, bellend.

(OP) it's me, the another is somebody else, not me ¬¬

Maybe we're supposed to make this a cube. Every edge being a number.

A cube?


Too hard for you brainlet?

I guess yes

It is the doubling of the cube

Left side of pictures is a cube seen from above with a corner in the middle.

Right side of pictures is a cube drawn (draw the same cube - the front face)

>Use the middle to draw both cubes in double the size

The clue say anything about pyramids

One dor open this

Nothing more?

HOw you came to these last image?

>some obscure and edgy reference to some derivative bullshit Hermes Trsimecuckstus text, coupled with pseud stuff like Fibonacci sequence

with one dor, The star is a clock, the orange dots are the pointers and the number 1 in the clock starts at 4998, because there is the beginning of the equation 5000 + (- 2) ^ n, so the clock ticks 20:45 opening the door with this value

stop spamming this garbage, its not science or math

It's math, the draw is from a math site.


> Impossible puzzle
> Anyone can solve?



Now all we need is this puzzle on that Kurisu pic with the "you should be able to solve this"


I think this is a real pluzze

I would solve it if someone could explain to me what we're fucking supposed to solve.