Numerous scientific studies have shown that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives and base their view on...

Numerous scientific studies have shown that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives and base their view on objective reality rather than instinctual emotion. For example conservatives follow the base instinct of kin selection, where they give preference to those who are most genetically similar to them (which gives rise to racism and xenophobia). Liberals are more intellectually enlightened and realize that race and ethnicity are social constructs, and that we're all part of the same human species and that we should all share equally with each other and not give preference to those more genetically similar to us:

Even though past studies show that women are more liberal than men, and blacks are more liberal than whites, the effect of childhood intelligence on adult political ideology is twice as large as the effect of either sex or race. So it appears that, as the Hypothesis predicts, more intelligent individuals are more likely to espouse the value of liberalism than less intelligent individuals, possibly because liberalism is evolutionarily novel and conservatism is evolutionarily familiar.

Other urls found in this thread:

>social constructs

You were wrong 100 years ago, you are wrong today. Stop pushing postmodernism.


We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology

Lliberals would be more flexible and reliant on data, proof, and analytic reasoning, and conservatives are more inflexible (prefer stability), emotion-driven, and connect themselves intimately with their ideas, making those beliefs a crucial part of their identity (we see this in more high-empathy-expressing individuals). This fits in with the whole “family values” platform of the conservative party, and also why we see more religious folks that identify as conservatives, and more skeptics, agnostics, and atheists that are liberal.

Conservatives would be less likely to assign value primarily using the scientific method. Remember, their thinking style leads primarily with emotion.

>realize that race and ethnicity are social constructs, and that we're all part of the same human species
Race realism is incontrovertible and this kind of blank slate egalitarianism is the lysenkoism of the day that will unravel sooner than later.

Postmodernism is the last resort of those too dumb to get into science programs. It is made of pure spite and the burning desire of failures to destroy the science that rejected them.

This emotional and non-intellectual way of thinking is especially prominent in conservative males, who tend to be higher testosterone and less concerned about the welfare of others:

Men who are strong are more likely to take a right-wing stance, while weaker men support the welfare state, researchers claim.

Their study discovered a link between a man’s upper-body strength and their political views. Scientists from Aarhus University in Denmark collected data on bicep size, socio-economic status and support for economic redistribution from hundreds in America, Argentina and Denmark.

The science confirms it: Liberals are smarter and intellectually more equipped to make the correct voting decision, that's why we hate Trump. And that's why reality has a liberal bias

You don't sound smart to me. Keep patting yourself on the back, it won't change the fact that you'll never amount to anything remarkable.

And they complain why no one takes psychology seriously.

>Numerous scientific studies have shown that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives
Have you thought about the causes?
It seems pretty obvious to me that the lower classes (the people who suffer from liberal policies) are mostly conservative.
This obviously relates to education too.

But hammering in any causation between liberalism and intelligence is outright retarded and shows a lack off understanding about the world.
Political views can change intelligence is more or less constant.

It should be pretty obvious that liberalism and conservatism arise from the circumstances a person finds himself in.
(This is something you have to deny so that your conclusion makes sense.)

But from this it immediately follows that the lower, less intelligent and educated classes benefit from a different policies then the higher classes.

This in result means that they tend to vote for different parties.

I think this is much simpler and a lot less loaded explanation for the same phenomenon.

The Nazi government had one of the highest IQs, the Germans have the highest IQs in Europe.

Your statements are simply bullshit.

>implying you will

>It seems pretty obvious to me that the lower classes (the people who suffer from liberal policies) are mostly conservative.
But that's wrong.

The lower classes are the people who benefit from liberal policies.

The people who suffer from liberal policies are the upper classes, who face higher taxation and more restrictions on their business enterprises and investments.

It is quite irrational that the lower classes, who tend to suffer from conservative policies, tend to be more conservative, while the upper classes, who are the only ones who benefit from conservative policies such as business subsidies and the greatest beneficiaries of tax cuts, tend to be more liberal. But politics is inherently irrational, it's about manipulation of the people, not some search for truth.

>The lower classes are the people who benefit from liberal policies.
What happened in America some months ago?
Do you remember the states who magically went red?

Your arguments don't align with reality. Just like the rest you wrote.

Just have a look at the graphs for income and republican votes in the last election.

But that claim is true. The states that vote Republican also take in the most money from the federal government, whereas Democratic states net pay money into the federal government. The Republican states are moochers. This is trivially google-able.

>This obviously relates to education too.

Yes liberals educate the plebs because liberals feel morality good about educating the pleb and once the pleb is educated by liberals most of the plebs pay lip serving to liberal ideas (even though most people do not mind break the liberal laws about taxes or driving). And of course, with liberals, a lack of commitment to liberal ideals stems form a a lack of exposition to liberals ideals in young age [liberals love to claim that any unpleasant situation stems for childhood] which stems from a lack of money dedicated to tell kids about liberal ideals, which appear to liberals as a justification for the liberal taxes and liberal management of their society for more than 200 years.

What does that have to do with anything?
If all you are agreeing with me because it implies Republican states are poorer then Democrat states.

Which obviously leads to the conclusion that people in these states things voting Republican will benefit them.

Yes, poor Republicans think that voting Republican will help them, but they're wrong, and they hurt themselves with their own votes.

Agreement then?

>Agreement then?
Not completely.

I think what you are saying is more generally true and affects liberals exactly the same.

Not on matters of voting against their own interests w.r.t. government welfare and handouts.

People in those states think voting Republican will benefit them.

But that's not actually because Republican policies will benefit them. Because politics is very little about who will benefit from what policies, and very much about who panders to whom.

Republicans pander to the sensibilities of the (white) lower class. Xenophobia, fear of America losing its power, federally mandating religious values. Most voters have little to no understanding of economics and are not capable of rationally determining which policies will benefit them without being told. So they go with what sounds the best, which often means supporting conservative politicians who will work directly against their interests.

Similarly, more educated people tend to vote liberal not because they will personally benefit, but because they agree more with what liberal politicians are saying. They will support liberal politicians on the basis of egalitarianism, racial inclusion and a generally more humanitarian platform, regardless of the fact that they will very likely see their wealth redistributed to less wealthy individuals by those same liberal politicians.

There is a reason political science is not a real science.

libertarians are smarter and more rational than both


that would be true if welfare was a means to improving your life, but it's essentially modern day slavery. you get some scraps thrown your way and in turn your vote is secured.

You are completely invested in one of the most corporate parties that ever existed, not that the Republicans aren't as bad but you are voting in exactly the same way against your values and interests.

You are a stupid ideologue don't bother replying.

is that way. Please let the door hit you on the way out.

I'll take the corporate party over the party of hate, fear, lies, xenophobia, racism, sexism, and theocracy any day of the week. Easiest decision that I ever make.


are you...dare I say it...are you a leaf?

The hell is a "leaf"?

Real intellectuals realize the best governmental system is a mixture of multiple schools of political thought, not just one.

Social liberalism and fiscal conservatism, imo, is best (as in, does the least harm). At one time this is what "liberalism" was, but it seems now liberal means socialist.

nice rebuttal, you retarded redditor.

Doesn't matter what you chose because I'd wager that your an idiotic undergrad nobody that doesn't even pay taxes.

>bourgeois politics

I don't need to rebut anything so obviously wrong concerning economic and political structures, and something so completely lacking in moral empathy and basic human decency.

Obtaining food and shelter from the government, so that you don't freeze or starve, is slavery.

I understand your position, but your position is heartless, and based on outright lies concerning why poor people are poor, and why hungry people are hungry.

>Doesn't matter what you chose because I'd wager that your an idiotic undergrad nobody that doesn't even pay taxes.

I am 32, graduated near top of my class in STEM from one of America's top university, U of M, and I make 6 figures. Please try again. Remember, liberals tend to be smarter, better educated, and richer than conservative scum like yourself.

didn't even read lol

post your paystub queer. welfare check doesn't count.

>party of hate, fear, lies, xenophobia, racism, sexism, and theocracy any day
So much for "liberals argue based on facts".

You are so deeply indoctrinated that you don't see that the side you actively support is abusing you.

>near top of my class in STEM
didn't know you could major in "STEM"

>one of America's top university, U of M

And you are trip fagging on a brainlet board of a national socialist anime website.

Theocracy? Come on. That's an easy slam dunk. Look at the party that is trying to plaster "god" everywhere. Look at the party that is trying to get creationism into schools. Look at the party at the center of "10 commandments at courthouses" debacles.

Racism is also quite easy and obvious.

For hate, xenophobia, racism, and theocracy, most of Trump's entire campaign was a promise to white Christians that he'll get rid of those dirty Mexicans, Muslims, and other immigrants, and the white Christians voted him. They voted for someone that is hard to distinguish from Hitler during his early years. Every single person who did so is a horrible human being, and deserves nothing except my scorn and disdain.

Fear is also at the heart of the Republican party, from their "tough on crime" nonsense in spite of crime rates continuing to plummet because of the ban on leaded gasoline, and Trump's fiction regarding the danger of immigrants when immigrants commit less crime per capital than citizens. Etc.

Lies should also be an obvious one.


The current president is an atheist or atleast not very religious.

I don't see it.
Name one racist policy.

>white Christians that he'll get rid of those dirty Mexicans, Muslims, and other immigrants,

So what?
That paragraph didn't make any sense.

Aka. every political party ever

>The current president is an atheist or atleast not very religious.
Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

>I don't see it.
>Name one racist policy.
Nation-wide Republican plans to disenfranchise black voters through gerrymandering and bullshit voter ID laws. Trump's twice-failed Muslim immigration ban. Fucking many Republican state capital buildings still fly the Confederate flag.

>Nation-wide Republican plans to disenfranchise black voters through gerrymandering and bullshit voter ID laws.

You libturds really ought to stop coddling us black folks as if we are dumb baboons incapable of attaining ID. Getting a valid ID is actually a huge priority for black people in the hood. At least the ones that actually pay taxes. Believe me.

>implying your black
Yea. I'm highly dubious.

It's also well known that Republican states have closed DMVs in minority areas and changed DMV policies so that getting a voter ID card requires multiple visits over multiple days. When you're too poor to have a car, and the closest DMV is like 2 hours away, and it costs hundreds of dollars to get the requisite paperwork and pay the fees, etc., then yea, it's pretty difficult.

MASTER troll
5 dimensional

I don't understand this whole trump is hitler thing. Hitler was an ideologue, trump is a joke. Sure there are similarities, but trump isn't like hitler. I do believe that fascism will get worse, however, I doubt that it will get significantly more worse than it already is. There's too many hardheaded libs around for it to last forever.

so blacks are too dumb to use voter ID? I see the democratic party has gone back to its roots.

>bait threads getting huge amounts of attention as always

i'm 156 iq and libertarian
debate me faggot
also i unironically support donald trump who actually is your president :^)

If India in its...well India tier levels of destitution can find a way to issue voter IDs for its voting populace so can the US. The Democrats frame it as inherently racist and unworkable and that's a load of bullshit.

The democratic party has always been the party of keeping blacks on the voter-plantation.

Trump and pals have publicly discussed in positive terms a national registry for Muslims and the possibility of Muslim concentration camps by talking about the concentration camps for the Japanese in America in WW2.

The states that vote republican tend to have high "minority" populations which are disproportionately impoverished and reliant on state support.

>We libs are rational in our ideology rather than guided by base emotion
>Are you heartless? Let me proceed to use nothing but pathetic appeals in my reply.

>We libs are rational in our ideology rather than guided by base emotion
I never said anything that silly and wrong.

You are right and your reasoning in this entire thread is good.


Suddenly IQ starts to matter, isn't this weird? I thought it was racist pseudoscience? What do those studies say about libertarians btw?

We are autistic. I wonder how much of Veeky Forums is libertarian.

Guarantee you will never, ever get a """""""""""""""""""""""""scientist""""""""""""""""""""""""" to admit this

>boo hoo trumps gonna be mean to the muzzies

He's saving the country from itself. You'd have to be insane not to support locking these people up. They make up like 1 % of the population and are responsible for a super disproportionate amount of terrorism.

How in the fuck can anyone in their right mind not see that it's obviously an issue?

are you trolling
are you making trump supporter look even more stupid than they are on purpose, or are they legimately this stupid

>padding a single journal source with new sites


He's completely right, though.

Uh oh looks like someone had low general intelligence in childhood.

>numerous studies by liberals who worship false science show that liberals who worship false science are smarter than conservatives who don't worship false science
really whips the brain yoke

Liberalism as the implicit ideology of the ruling elite is a very recent phenomenon, it has nothing to do with intelligence in the sense of being a derivative. The past scientific and business elite even within living memory espoused views that would cause outrage today. There's a reason Rudi Dutschke called it "the long march through the institutions".

>Trump's entire campaign was a promise to white Christians that he'll get rid of those dirty Mexicans, Muslims, and other immigrants, and the white Christians voted him.

Would love a source of this. From what I could recall, the most he ever promised was to deport all illegal immigrants and reform immigration.

>They voted for someone that is hard to distinguish from Hitler during his early years.

If you mean politically, they have similarities but are easily distinguishable. You are either ill-informed or speaking hyperbole.

>Every single person who did so is a horrible human being, and deserves nothing except my scorn and disdain.

wew lad

>crime rates continuing to plummet because of the ban on leaded gasoline

I really hope you are aware there are at least 10,000+ variables that go into calculating crime rates. Significant contributing factors to the decrease include the legalization of abortion and criminal justice reform.

>Trump's fiction regarding the danger of immigrants when immigrants commit less crime per capita (sic) than citizens.

This requires some unpacking. For illegal immigrants the issue is that they shouldn't be in the country to commit any crimes in the first place. That is a national security concern.

European countries such as Sweden and Germany provide plenty examples of the potential dangers of unreformed immigration and asylum policies. A complete discussion here is beyond the scope of this post.

Threads like this belong on /pol/ unless you want to reference and discuss a particular paper or study on this topic. Polite report.

>I really hope you are aware there are at least 10,000+ variables that go into calculating crime rates. Significant contributing factors to the decrease include the legalization of abortion and criminal justice reform.
Not really, no. The biggest single factor is the banning of leaded gasoline. It has the best evidence in favor of it.

>correlation is not causation except when it suits le zany liberal memes
jogs my noggin lad

Correlation does show causation when you can account for possible confounding variables, and with a state-by-state and country-by-country and even city district-by-district correlation that survives in every observed case, yea, it's pretty good evidence, far better than anything else we have for the rise and fall in violent crime rates.

In particular, a controlled experiment in a lab is nothing more than just showing correlation plus removing possible confounding variables. That's how you show causation.

>far better than anything else we have for the rise and fall in violent crime rates
when you pretend race isn't real, yes :^)

And how does that explain an up then down in crime? Did black populations rise and fall? Lol. It's not incarceration rates either. Leaded gasoline does explain that.

Linking to actual papers and studies and discussing their results would be more productive than google search results.

Like this:

A handful of hundreds of papers of one of the thousands of variables that significantly contribute to crime statistics. You clearly don't know what you're talking about and a "debate" with you would be inappropriate. Once again, I would urge you to research these topics yourself. I won't reply further.

>objective reality rather than instinctual emotion
Amygdala development is derived through experience, particularly adverse outcomes. Liberals have underdeveloped amygdalas, associated with novelty seeking, docility, promiscuity, higher time preference, increased envy, lowered investment in child rearing, lowered in-group preference or empathy, and less complex social lives. Liberalism is literally caused by brain dysfunction.

Liberals also have only one moral dimension: fairness. They literally cannot conceive of the many moral dimensions conservatives hold, e.g. authority, loyalty, liberty, care, fairness, sanctity. While this is not a proof, common sense says if I can understand your world view but you can't understand mine, then my world view is in some sense superior.

Conservatives also give more to charity.

No, I do know what I'm talking about. Abortion access wish it had the statistical evidence that lead gasoline has. Dittos for your "criminal justice reform", whatever that means. Linking to a bunch of hooey papers doesn't change that lack of concrete evidence.

> nobody in this thread saw the reddit post this is based on


For example, abortion doesn't have the cross country statistical correlation that lead-gasoline has. It doesn't have the state by state correlation. It doesn't have the city district-by-district correlation.

>Did black populations rise and fall?
They have actually, yes. The proportional growth of black populations has been on a decline ever since 1960.

>For example, abortion doesn't have the cross country statistical correlation that lead-gasoline has. It doesn't have the state by state correlation. It doesn't have the city district-by-district correlation.

And how does that explain the relative drop of violent crime of big cities vs rural areas? Before, cities used to have much higher violent crime rates than rural areas. Nowadays, it's about the same. The answer is again leaded gasoline concentrations would be higher in cities.

I'm not sure why you're responding to my post with woo-woo about gasoline.

>yeah well, your dumb!

nice 1

I'm responding with the truth.

What I've heard says otherwise.

I was responding to a post about the US in specific.


I see, although I'm uncertain that your statement is truth for just that region as well.

The black population is still growing in the US, but the relative or proportional growth per year is close to a historical low.

>studies show that liberals are more intelligent
>uses this to infer that intelligent people tend to be liberal

hmmmmmm.... really activates your neural pathways....

Things always get obfuscated when you mix politics with science. Politically minded people will see things with a bias and only support science when it's convenient for their political causes. The right's big denial is climate change. The left's denial is that not all people are equal.

Climate scientists have no one to blame but themselves for attaching the cause to trendy leftist crap, though.

>The left's denial is that not all people are equal.

Pretty hipster there. Got any evidence for that which excludes cultural factors? I thought not.

>Climate scientists have no one to blame but themselves for attaching the cause to trendy leftist crap, though.


>literally all niggers vote for gibs and liberalism
>libturks are asked about history and can't self-criticize themselves
>libturks political rallies were celebrities and music
>libturks don't even know what they are voting for
Is your post bait?

>people are different
>climate change is real
>manmade climate change

>cultural factors

>"race isn't real, muh culture"
>from what is culture derived?
>"uh uh uhhh muh culture muh poverty"

People in the near future will see you nutcases the same way we see humour theorists.

>manmade climate change
Isotopic concentrations of the CO2 in the air show that burning fossil fuels by humans is the primary cause for increasing CO2 concentrations, and the physics of heat-trapping of CO2 in the air has been known and quantified for over 100 years. This shit isn't rocket science.

So, I take that as a no. You don't have any evidence.

Germany is like, the most liberal country in Europe lmao

>your DNA determines your culture
>muh muh uh uh
lmao keep deluding yourself zlumpfie