Aside from his radical anti-egalitarianism and idea of will to power (which can be seen as an antithesis of wu wei)...

Aside from his radical anti-egalitarianism and idea of will to power (which can be seen as an antithesis of wu wei), Nietzsche is basically just rehashing Laozi. Especially his criticisms of morality as understood by plebs like Plato and Confucius.

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laozi sounds like the name of a wu tang member

decent shitpost 6/10

please actually read Nietzsche's books before posting dumb shit like this

I don't think Nietzsche ever read the Taoist literature.

t. managed to blind himself to the very obvious similarities between the two in their attitude towards life and understanding of morality which are basically the most important things for both of their philosophies.

i wouldnt be surprised if he was the man worked in a time that was known for its boom in perennial philosophy and knew like a bajillion languages and studied openly studied eastern philosophy.

The thing with Nietzsche is we know basically everything about him including what books he borrowed from the libraries for the most part, he also name drops basically every philosopher he reads so we don't really have much of a reason to believe he studied Laozi. Whenever he talks about China in the world of philosophy he's talking about Confucianism. His understandings of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam were also kind of warped due to reading lackluster translations.

There's a 99% chance he didn't read Stirner either yet he comes close to him on quite a few points (nowhere near plagiarism though, anyone who asserts that didn't understand either author).

i like the neetch and i like the tao but this is ridonkulous

>Aside from his radical anti-egalitarianism and idea of will to power

You mean all the best bits?

Nah man. That's giving him too much credit. The neetch is just rehashing what Pick Up Artists, like Mystery and Neil Strauss. Like Master Morality? That's being an alpha. And Slave Morality? Well, that's just being a beta, pal. Neetch was just trying to introduce people to the game. There's nothing you can learn from him you can't get from spending a little while on r/TheRedPill.

Sorry if I tore the band-aid of a little too rough, kid ;)

It's not a real name, it means like wise old dude.

Huh...I actually didnt know that.

I laughed at this post :)

I hate Nietzsche fanboys, but I've liked Thus Spake Zarathustra so far. What should I read after that?

BG&E and then Geneology of Morals and then Birth of tragedy and then the gay science and then ecce homo

Is that list derived from years published? Or is it some OCD thing, like when some guy uploaded a flowchart on what to read on certain days?

it's the 'just fuck my shit up' reading order. Read chronologically except bump Zarathustra to after BGE/GM

Any two wise enough men will have some simiarities, this is how your mind works, it's not about literature.

his best bit was anti-christianity

I just made it up on the spot. I think it does a decent job of connecting ideas and i put ecce homo last because it sort of sums everything up and is also batshit insanity which is the natural limit of neitszches philosophy when put into practice

Unlike our not-real names, which mean sensible shit like SUN-GOD.

>Birth of tragedy
actually don't read this

the good stuff is, in chron order:

dawn, human too human, gay science, beyond good and evil, geneology, ecce homo, twilight of idols, the anti-christ

don't read anything else except the essays

Which is the best translation of Nietzsches work?

I agree.

It's still amazingly relevant when you consider how much of Western morality (Human Rights/etc) is essentially a form of Secular Christianity.

>Laozi BTFO Cuckfucianism literally right out of the gate, within 100 years of Confucius's life
>2,500 years later it's still going strong

>Nietzsche BTFO Cuckstianity
>over 100 years later, still world's largest religion, informs the values of most secularists

why are people so stupid?


because the taoist critique of confucianism enriches confucianism and makes it even more lyrical, poetic, strange and sad. taoism is the esoteric component of confucianism; they are not two different things

>the neetch: see above
the neetch does what he does but only plebs think this is the final word. the fact is that greek *tragedy* espouses a radically different set of values than christianity does. you can't "OMG totally destroyed!!11" christianity by valorizing something that is alternative to it. you can only illuminate the concept of differences

only plebs think that slavish devotion to a master they presume is beating the shit out of some other thinker = genuine understanding. it's philosophy with a big foam finger at wrestlemania

philosophy is not about determining who and who is not a cuck. all this is to simply assume that the least uncucked is therefore the wisest. even nietzsche himself knew this was all ressentiment

carry on tho boys. that's a fine dead horse you've got there

>lyrical, poetic, strange

*least cucked

not that it matters, of course. any discussion which places cucking at the centre is for first-year tryhards who should not be allowed anywhere near a philosophy department for their own safety

if that face is intended to make me feel embarrassed i can tell you it is having precisely the opposite effect my nigga. there's no shame in being smirked at by degenerates

christianity and it's offshoots are not followed due to knowledge but to physiological degeneration

you can prove to a dog that barking is the worst possible action in a situation but it won't shut it up