We add new scientists to the picture. Right now atheism appears to be losing

We add new scientists to the picture. Right now atheism appears to be losing

A different quote by Feynman

Damn man reading "we cant define anything precisely'' was so so fucking cringey.He probably even have no idea about what define word,conception,operator works for.He has just have an emotional state about all of the word like everyone.Damn.Those scientist and philosophrs are really bad at making an interpretation of information.Atheism has a faith dominant approach.So it lost its consistency at the beginning.

Could someone translate this for me? I have no idea what it's about.

There is an interview where Niel Tyson pretty much says that he identifies as agnostic because he is afraid of people perceiving him as a stereotypical atheist. yet he still denies being atheist, it is fucking retarded.

>Veeky Forums still mad that philosophy has been useless for over 100 years

OP you're literally a retard okay?

None of the quotes on the left are justifying theism. And it's just cherry-picking a bunch of bad quotes to put on the right

Nice job posting a meme picture I guess?

Atheism does not have a "faith dominant" approach, what the fuck?

Atheism is the lack of faith, literally.

I am an agnostic atheist because I lack faith in a proposition for which I see no evidence

The idea of any of the Gods of any specific modern religions being real is impossible because reality contradicts all of their religious texts. All that's left is a nebulous conception of a God, not interested in our universe

And there is no evidence for one, so the only reasonable stance to take is that of being an agnostic atheist.

The point is that philosophy is not necessarily a waste of time. People have shaped their actions and world views through thoughts about morality, for instance. Moreover, not all branches of philosophy assert the existence of deities. Philosophy is not a waste of time and should not be so quickly dismissed as contrary to rational thinking.

As a side note, I think faith is useful in a basic sense and cannot be fully rejected. If you have 5 seconds to dodge left or right are you going to stand there and demand evidence that you are going to get hurt?

This has nothing to do with atheism

This bait thread.

>overwhelmingly vast majority of human knowledge of the sciences either created, maintained, protected, or spread by devout theistic monarchists/traditionalists
>atheist leftards believe they are the pinnacle of """science"""

lets just ignore the past several thousand years of OLD WHITE MEN who supported the KING/DICTATOR/ABSOLUTE LEADER and were RICH and OWNED LAND, all the real cool scientists are polyamorous genderfluid otherkin trans* POC who smoke weed and look at the stars, thats real science nigga, shiiet

That is just not true at all

It's only coincidental that many scientists of the past were religious, because everyone was religious back then or they were literally murdered, do you understand that?

Nobody is anymore. If geniuses of the far past had been born now, they wouldn't be either.

Old rich white men who owned land? Who gives a fuck about them, the majority of them inherited it in olden times. Upwards mobility was essentially nonexistent

You're a moron

And what the fuck does science have to do with those "polyamorous genderfluid otherkin" morons?

Nice straw man conservatard

Science is the study of God's Universe.

i bet you think the dark ages were a real thing too

Ornithology is not generally useful to the birds. But it is helpful to us.
Science is not useful to the universe, whomever it may belong to. But science is useful to us.

kys dawkinsfag

I'm really speechless, I mean, the bible is written by a guy, by a human. Why take it seriously? It's just a low-tier philosophical book that recycled some life philosophies that were popular at that time.

I can write too in this message that I'm God and that to go to Heaven after you die you must make your mom / gf suck my dick. Will you do it? If not, why not? It was written in this post. Screencap it. It's the word of God, trust me because I should be trusted.

I popped out of my mom's cunt, I was created ergo I had a mother, a creator.

The universe just HAD to be created too, right? I mean, that's what I extrapolate from the fact that I popped out of my mother's pussy. Because life forms on Earth are born from eggs / pussies / cellular division / etc then the universe, logically, has to be born from a cosmic pussy or from a cosmic dick, right? Right, guys? I know it has to, IT HAS TO, it can't be that it's not like this. Pussy guys. Maternity. Cosmic midwifes. Godly labor. Penis in a cosmic vagina. Cosmic semen, maaan.

When philosophers were physicists also philosophy was legit. Now, when some neckbeards circlejerk about first thpught that comes to their mind its natural noone gives a fuck. I support Einsteins quote tho, its like not cool if you are interested in other things than pure science as a scientist nowadays, you can become a great mathematician that way, but physics demands much more than just common analytical intelligence.

If I had a reason to believe that i had 5 seconds to dodge left or right, even as little evidence as a random stranger yelling at me to, I would. I know nothing about his credibility, nothing to base it or dismiss it on, but more importantly, I do not particularly value standing still for 5 seconds against a random chance of random degree of repercussion.

On a side note, If you suddenly had a stranger yell at you to move left, while a different stranger told you to get down, and 10 other strangers all waved and cried in a panic to do conflicting things, what would you do?

And everything to do with certain words that came out of certain atheists' mouths. Isn't it strange that they have such strong opinions on something they're not interested in?

I would move left.

Why not lie down?

I like the old Scientist's perspective about our perception of reality, but I think people are too absolutist in their way of thinking to grasp what they're saying, which in short is "stay skeptical." Not like they called for the abolition of modern Science.

Dawkins has a decent point, although he doesn't seem to like Philosophy, or he just can't help but be an asshole. I took his message to mean it's good to think about philosophical questions as long as you don't let it affect stuff like your emotional well-being and your day-to-day life.