Are DMT the most valuable physical substance to the human experience, or just hippy burnout nonsense?

Are DMT the most valuable physical substance to the human experience, or just hippy burnout nonsense?


i'd say psilocybin is better than dmt

dmt is like a dream - you have a slim chance of even remembering the experience

But if you do its mesmerizing. Its like a dream that lives on.

hippy burnout nonsense

Every 'psyconaught' ive ever met have been pretentious self-serving cunts, including myself asni went through that new age phase

At least they aren't serving others

The spice is vital to space travel.

It's just built up to be a lot of things that it's not by people who refuse to subject their ideas to an adult level of scrutiny. However, DMT, and all tryptamines, are pathological deconditioners and introspective catalysts that allow you to explore your inner landscapes vividly and take a hard look at how you emotionally operate and point at your hangups and delusions like they were cognitive geometry and say "there's what's wrong with me right there"

You put into them what you get out. You go in looking for confirmation bias about god and infinity, you'll come out babbling like a hippy. You go in ready to embrace the uncertainty we all have to face, you'll broaden your horizons emotionally and intellectually. That is all.

new age is the cancer. people that play it off as all amazing and say everyone has to try it, is a retard. Psychs arent for everyone. you can use them for fun aka raving or self growth aka exploring altered states of conciousness. or you can freak out

Can you tell us more about your experiences? I've been meditating and trying to investigate my conscisouness for a few months now. I'm considering trying shrooms soon, but I'm scared of how it might affect me during and post trip. I was depressed for a long time and I think I still am to, albeit functional.

The complexity of that realm is what really gets me. I don't believe it is a universe created by our minds but another dimension we get a glimpse of. Weirdest times of my life with that stuff

Well, as far as post trip, i'm no pharmacologist nor neurologist. I can give you the terrence mckenna shpeal about how tryptamines metabolize easily and that's why they don't last as long and don't leave a hangover or a withdrawl state, but I have no idea about schizotypal personalities and i've watched too many dumbass kids ruin their life to keep being the guy that says "oh yeah everyone should try drugs"

I don't know you man. Just be careful if you do it. And remember, it's all you. And it'll be over soon. Just don't fight it, you can't win. Surrender to it and you will be a broader, (I would like to say better) person for the experience.

Just don't listen to anyone who hasn't tried it, there is no substitute for a proper DMT breakthrough.

The latter. Now fuck off.

>are pathological deconditioners and introspective catalysts that allow you to explore your inner landscapes vividly and take a hard look at how you emotionally operate and point at your hangups and delusions like they were cognitive geometry and say "there's what's wrong with me right there"
Delusional hippy nonsense.

Have you ever tried psychedelics yourself?

mushrooms are surprisingly cool and helpful

helpful how?

it is not necessarily knowledge from uphigh like enlightenment or some stupid hippie shit, but a new perspective that sticks with you after the trip, for me anyways.

Have you ever tried hitting yourself in the head repeatedly? Have you ever tried joining a cult? Have you ever tried a lobotomy?

Yes. Yes. What is lobotomy?

Get informed.

Get informed yourself, moron. Past of the psychedelic experience is the illusion of profundity. You experience profundity without any profound results. No, DMT has never improved anyone's life, just tired then into moronic zombies all spouting the same delusions.

>t. never tried DMT

>experience is the illusion of profundity
Why is it an illusion of profundity rather than real profundity?

Is the Grand Canyon real profundity? Why? It's rocks

Posting this on Veeky Forums is just going to get you a lot of shitposts from NEETs that can't source shit, not to mention this is literally fedora: the board.

And yes you should try DMT, absolutely nothing compares to a breakthrough trip (except a breakthrough during an LSD peek)

>people have vivid, life changing experiences on psychedelics
>various hallucinogens and other mind alterants have been used as part of spiritual practices for millenia
>many respected intellectuals used psychedelics (see, for instance, Huxley's Doors of Perception)
>growing body of evidence indicates low does of psilocybin, ketamine, or LSD + therapy can help some people with traumatic events in their past and depression
>growing evidence that psilocybin can help with cluster headaches and some other neurological disorders

But nah dude psychadelics are just for dumb hippies its a drug no one could have a positive introspective experience and really change aspects of themselves because of it!

Sure some dumb hippies think you can see god or whatever but some people are always going to be fuck ups, and some will do psychadelics in the same way some will be alcoholics or heroin addicts or NEET Veeky Forums posters who criticize personal experiences while being too prideful to examine their own personal experience.

What an embarrassing thread. How do we deal with drugtards? Should they be offed to not take up jail space?

>several anons are saying that from personal experience and established evidence psychadelics might have a value in certain contexts
>maybe 2 guys saying that drugs r bad mk, probably while having a beer or taking an addy
>drugtards are the embarassment somehow

as much as you are an idiot it just makes me more upset at the idiots who can't control their life, who are too weak willed to use drugs appropriately, or too stupid to know what drugs are doing to them on a chemical level. they give responsible users a bad name.

Shrooms are shit compared to acid

I think if a user sees it as more than just an altered state of consciousness they risk thinking in dangerous or foolish ways that will only be bolstered by future psychedelic experiences. I am saying this partly from personal experience, partly from observing how other people talk about this class of drugs. DMT is no exception to that, although I respect that some people see or have seen it as a Sacrament. I'm convinced the usefulness of these drugs in tackling one's own life scales with the overall intelligence/skepticism/courage of the user.