ITT: Books so far up their own ass they are impossible to enjoy

ITT: Books so far up their own ass they are impossible to enjoy


I enjoyed that book so I guess you are mistaken

my man

It would be better if the geryon association was dropped though, too weak to add anything

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
The Recognitions
In Search of Lost Time
Don Quixote
The Man Without Qualities

no take that back

Anything by Nabokov


In fact I've thought of more books:

War & Peace
The Brothers Karamazov
Blood Meridian
Mason & Dixon
The Magic Mountain
Anything by Henry James
and to prove that not only males give into this shit, The Golden Notebook and To the Lighthouse

That was fucking great.

Anne Carson is amazing

This, basically.

op outed as a pseud

carson is the best canadian poet alive today and one of the best poets working in the english language alive today.

Fucking end yourself.

>triggered pedo detected

>I am a philosopher of sandwiches
>HURR they are gay but also monsters or something I dont know durr

End yourselves


Only valid one on the list is IJ, and even then it's (a little) debatable

>enjoying literature

>not enjoying literature

I don't really think it's much good but I don't see in what way it might be up its ass, would you explain

The Man Without Qualities? Really? I've been meaning to read it, read a few pages and it seemed interesting.

Don Quijote really doesn't belong with those.

Who are you quoting?


You have absolutely shit taste.
