Pizza Autism

What do you think should not be allowed to be put on pizza?

Szechuan sauce.

Pineapple. Pic related.


anything goes.

i work at a traditional style pizzeria and i dont give a fuck what the italians there think

Anyone who doesn't think pineapple belongs in pizza should be shot for having shit taste

other fast food

Fuck you I always put mayo on my pizza

Nothing. It's your pizza, I don't give a fuck what you put on it.

Sweetcorn. I honestly do think pineapple works, if it is sparsely distributed, and it needs to be combined with a smoked ham, or bacon.

Sweetcorn though - no. The kernels lose their moisture and become hard and flavourless.

This is the correct position

Other people's opinions.
On my pizzas, at least.

mashed potatoes.

A true autist will refuse anything but plain cheese

How about you're autistic if you don't have any peppers, only meat or real tomato sauce

Goat cheese, pineapple, minced garlic. You're welcome.

>What do you think should not be allowed to be put on pizza?
Should: toppings
Shouldn't: condiments

>How about you're autistic if you don't have any peppers, only meat or real tomato sauce
>tomato and pepper are meaningfully different
Who is acoustic now?

I legitimately have food autism. There are only 2 pizza options for me.

Double pepperoni or plain cheese. I once got into an argument with the manager of a pizza hut because I didn't think there was enough roni on my za when I was charged for double the roni. So yeah I screamed and cursed and told him he was a faggot and he called he cops because I refused to leave and I got charged with uttering threats and disturbing the peace. I can't help being an obese piece of shit. I'm short, useless, food is my only escape and joy because of how cruel society has been to me nearly my entire life.

I think Japanese pizza is more fucked up, to be honest.

Pineapple isn't for everyone but it's hardly the worst thing. Now when peas, corn and mayo on your pizza are a thing.

Hell, I'm a pepperoni guy by trade but I don't mind extra fixings. Artichokes ain't bad and sun-dried tomatoes are great in terms of taste and texture for anything. I'm crazy about roasted red peppers. Personally, not too crazy about onions 99% of the time. Caramelized ones are fine, though.

fresh meat

Definitely pineapple. It's disgusting.

feces, either human or animal.

america in a post

You can put whatever the fuck you want on your pizza. If you want nothing but star anise on your pizza, and you can get someone to make it for you, then enjoy being literally the only person on earth who wants star anise pizza, but enjoy the pizza too.

Pineapple is fine. No one has ever been, or ever will be, impressed by your anti-pineapple opinion. It's tiresome to hear endless complaints about the fact that other people, who are not you, are getting pineapple on their own pizzas. No one is going around talking about how pineapple pizza tastes like fresh-baked Jesus cum. No one is forcing you to eat it, and no one ever will. Like anchovies, no one will ever order pineapple pizza in a group where not everyone wants it, because there's always that insufferable asshole who can't shut the fuck up about how pineapple doesn't belong on their already "inauthentic" pie.

Pierogi pizza kicks ass, go fuck yourself.

I'm not sold on the mayo thing, but I could see getting peas and corn on a pizza. I'd rather go for other toppings, but what the hell? I could do it.


I will not eat pizza with mushrooms or bell peppers. Banana peppers are aight.

Seriously though, put whatever you want on your pizza. The only time I get triggered is when I'm splitting the bill and people want a shit pizza, and they end up eating like three slices and devouring my good pizza. Happens every fucking time.

the toppings matter less than what it looks like

the swedes, for example, must have shithouse food all around based off this one image

i don't like it on pizza but being shot for shit taste is excessive

No, no. You're wrong. This is the internet. There's always someone who will loudly voice their "opinion" about how x doesn't belong in y. Even if they don't have to eat it.

But honesty, I dgaf either. It's your food, do whatever you want to it.

Never had a pizza topping I haven't enjoyed yet.

Truffles, pizza is peasant need for luxury items on it. Overcomplication.

Both those things are fantastic on pizza. When those peppers roast and char a little the slight extra sweetness is divine against the tomato.

no don't try to compare this to well done steak

pizza is cheap shit and peasant food, it really doesn't matter what's on it
there's a finite amount of steak on this planet and it is relatively expensive, so when out in public, ordering a well done steak is like doing some borat-tier thing like taking a shit on the table or something


American "sausage"
That disgusting meat dust shit, no idea what its call but its basically ground beef garbage you get on a meat lovers pizza
Rocket. Any salad leaves of any kind actually
Asparagus, broccoli or any other green vegetables
barbecue sauce

>no greens
Fuck yourself, spinach is godly on pizza with ricotta

I too don't like rockets on my pizza

im in Maine.

Crazy fuckers up here will put Muscles, Clams and Lobsters on specialty pizzas. Fucking crazy.

Christ, what a waste of good seafood.

that is pretty fucking good actually

Peppers might be alright on a restaurant pizza but they render delivery/takeout pizza completely inedible for me. Mushrooms I just don't like in general.


If you're making your own pizza you can put whatever the fuck you want on it.

Shit taste is a result of inferior genetics. Need to keep the gene pool clean.