You're inside a small grocery, deli, or meat shop

You're inside a small grocery, deli, or meat shop.

You see some jars of homemade mustard, relish, tomato sauce, whatever.

It's like $5 a jar but it's not something you can get in any of the big grocery store chains.

How likely are you to buy it?

No chance.
Botulism exists.

You're the reason kids nowadays need to go to hospital over a fucking cold.

Not for a cold, a GP can treat that.

I know the "just make your own!!" squad will arrive soon but wouldn't the point be to see how someone else does it?

No they can't. Cold is a virus with no cure. You can get medicine to remedy some of the symptoms at most supermarkets without clogging up health services anyway.

I would but it wouldn't ever happen where i live.

So many laws stopping anyone from producing food from home and then the whole thing about cost of shelf space and other red tape.

I have people with bees up my street, they sell raw honey which is awesome, my auntie makes Xmas pudding that hangs under her house all year and she can't keep up with demand.

Yeah I'd buy, worth it for relish and a decent jar i can reuse.

you realize you're a faggot and no one comes to Veeky Forums to listen to you bitch though, right?
>you're the reason there's no free speech left!
please just go to a bar if you want to bitch about stuff you're making up anyway

0%, food safety concerns

That's bullshit if you buy food from a grocery store at all, considering how often major food recalls happen.
>tomato sauce
All of these are high-acid foods to begin with. You guys are fucking pussies, god damn.

>acidic environment

Fucking idiot.

If there's a sample I could try maybe.

This, I'd ask for a sample and then break all the jars and run away shouting obscenities about sandniggers

no you wouldn't.

wow you really showed him

wow he really showed that storeowner

not very, it's been my experience that they're made from the cheapest and shittiest ingredients available. I'd love to pay $5 a jar for a decent tomato sauce, but they're made out of a regect case of canada's finest hybrids. The amish and mennonites are the worst, selling normals disgusting or even toxic foods isn't a sin and we're all going to hell anyways, so who cares.

The amish and mennonites don't use synthetic chemicals on their vegetables, numbnuts. They grow food the way it was done before big chemical bought off Congress.

nope, strictly on the fact that it looks like jarred vomit

They package some of that stuff and sell it around here, like poison wheat noodles.
They also put fucking equal and splenda in sandwich bags, tie them up and sell them. They're not marked up, it's just really fucking weird. The rest of their shit is really good like broccoli cheese soup powder, that I can't get or make otherwise.
Except the butter, which is terrible tasting.

So they're not forbidden from selling chemicals to people, and they don't sell us their vegetables at all, but some of their stuff is good.